Across A broken Table

Across A broken Table

A Poem by Althelia Marie Caine

random Poem I came up with.

Across the way you sit,

A lonely look in deep brown eyes,
Hair blowing softly around your face,
You look off into the distance,
Watching you,
My heart aches wildly,
Waiting for you to speak the words I dread to hear,
Waiting on pins and needles,
Thinking back on all the times we once had,
The laughs,
The smiles,
The tears,
The screaming,
One after another flashed through my mind,
You finally turn to look at me with dead eyes.
A stretching, painful silence that drives me insane,
Uttering words that would ultimately destroy me.
Shattering of my heart,
Holding back the tears threatening to spill,
A broken smile and an understanding,
Touching your hand one last time,
Turning away to leave,

© 2013 Althelia Marie Caine

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Featured Review

From "Let me forget you" in 2011 to "Across a broken table" in 2013 - your writing has not changed even a little and i admire that. You staying true to your style and it just really feels original.

Again - great write on this piece and love the story line. Keep up the great work.

:) :) :) :) :) ...

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Althelia Marie Caine

10 Years Ago

Thank you very much :) I enjoy writing my poetry

10 Years Ago



From "Let me forget you" in 2011 to "Across a broken table" in 2013 - your writing has not changed even a little and i admire that. You staying true to your style and it just really feels original.

Again - great write on this piece and love the story line. Keep up the great work.

:) :) :) :) :) ...

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Althelia Marie Caine

10 Years Ago

Thank you very much :) I enjoy writing my poetry

10 Years Ago


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1 Review
Added on May 14, 2013
Last Updated on May 14, 2013


Althelia Marie Caine
Althelia Marie Caine

Bend, OR

My name is Layla. I have of love of writing and literature but to be perfectly honest? I'm not very good with words and I have a hard time putting them together to form poetry or a story. And I'm okay.. more..
