Chaotic Romance

Chaotic Romance

A Poem by Althelia Marie Caine

I wrote this poem for a couple at chaos wars.

Each time we walked by each other,
On those Chaos days,
Glancing as we passed,
A shy smile curving our lips,
Each day bringing us closer,
Our friendship,
Growing steadily,
Shy hugs to start,
Gradually embracing more,
A soft kiss to the cheek,
A slight grasp of the hands,
Each day passed by,
Letting go of ourselves,
A passionate kiss to the lips,
On a blood riddled field,
Wrapped together in soft mousse skin cloak,
Embracing secretly during the nights,
A whisper in my ear,
A blush rushing my skin,
A secret promise to be kept, 
On the blood stained shores,
Of Chaos Wars. 

© 2013 Althelia Marie Caine

Author's Note

Althelia Marie Caine
Please let me know what you think :)

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I like it (: your choice of words were nice

Posted 8 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on August 1, 2013
Last Updated on August 1, 2013
Tags: romance, forbidden, love, embrace


Althelia Marie Caine
Althelia Marie Caine

Bend, OR

My name is Layla. I have of love of writing and literature but to be perfectly honest? I'm not very good with words and I have a hard time putting them together to form poetry or a story. And I'm okay.. more..
