The Lost and Forgotten

The Lost and Forgotten

A Poem by Lilmissfit

In a time of rage and fury

Vengful flames consuming, demolishing

Every thought of reason


In a time of hate and betrayal

Smothering every ray of sunshine

Within its reach


In a time of sadness and pain

Unrelenting torture, agony

Left no part of my soul untouched


In a time of sorrow and grief

Only death was left to follow

Always lost and forgotten


With tears streaming from my lifeless eyes

With rain dripping softly from my pale, cold body

With only one thought in my mind


I look up into the dark gray clouds and flashing lightning

I listen to the storm echoing the agony that is all my own

I think to myself


This is my life...


© 2012 Lilmissfit

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A great read...relatable emotions and feelings. Thanks for sharing!

Posted 9 Years Ago

Isn't that the truth? Your descriptions of depression and being powerless are perfect.

Posted 11 Years Ago

This is incredibly intense, and I can comprehend the sorrow behind your words. It's a very emotional and well written poem. Kudos to you

Posted 12 Years Ago

I like it. I think there is more light in you than you think and you bury it in your poems. Don't get me wrong I adore your writing, as well you know, I just think thatif you brought that side of you into your writing you would be even better. :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

I love your writing. You are so
gifted . You have the talent and
ability to compete on a larger stage.
Thank you for another great write.
---- John

Posted 12 Years Ago

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5 Reviews
Added on March 23, 2012
Last Updated on March 23, 2012



Wapheton, ND

Im me. Im the kinda person that wont pretend to be somethin im not. I like to have fun, laugh, be happy, make my friends and family happy, I make misstakes I wish I could take back. I stand up for wha.. more..


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