Hushh Little Baby

Hushh Little Baby

A Poem by Lilmissfit

Little by little

Reality slowly faded away

I walked hesitantly down a familiar path

A lingering memory of my childhood


What once was dead,

What once was forgotten

Gradually came to life with each step I took


Step by step

The loud creeks and groans under my feet slowly died away

Only the voices wispering gently to me

Broke the errie  silence


Up and up

No trace of dust in sight,

Wood that was once rotting away,

Grew strong and vribrent once more


The voices grew louder and louder as I neared the top

Then there was silence, thick enough to choke on

My instincts told me to go back

That I didnt want to remember

what was behind the door


Gently, softly

A sweet, loving, sad voice

wispered my name

Encouring me to turn the knob


As I walked in the light of day,

That poored in from the stain glass windows,

Bathed my skin with mocking warmth

That could not touch the chilling sadness 

That had settled deep within my soul


Swaying, Swinging

I Iooked up at the rope that hung from the rafters

I remembered

The light slowly faded away

As if it had been only waiting

For me to say goodbye


The dust settled in as if it had never left

The wooden walls around me grew dull,

Rotted, lifeless

As I grew up..









© 2012 Lilmissfit

Author's Note

Please ignore the spelling errors. Im not exactly finished with this poem yet and Im still touching it up a bit, but this is what ive got so far. Hope you readers like it :)

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Powerful stuff, like a powerful song.

Posted 11 Years Ago

reads to my mind like a ghost revisiting a place of significance, or at least a person forgotten, not existing truly in one place or another. a sad sweet song.

Posted 12 Years Ago

This was errie and nostalgic and half way to the bright beauty of the bitter last room - death.

This had so much beauty, that I nearly drowned in stained glass and a lifetime of pain that felt progressive.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on April 5, 2012
Last Updated on April 11, 2012



Wapheton, ND

Im me. Im the kinda person that wont pretend to be somethin im not. I like to have fun, laugh, be happy, make my friends and family happy, I make misstakes I wish I could take back. I stand up for wha.. more..


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