Levity, Tragedy, and Good Friends

Levity, Tragedy, and Good Friends

A Poem by Davidgeodemers


Tragedy of the unavoidable variety is truly best to be laughed away
Like a shield, good levity deflects away the worst parts of our reality
Like a treasure chest, good friendship exists to keep the better parts close to the heart

So from many we can become one and together illuminate even our darkest realities
To bravely and boldly, even in the face of terror and calamity, find new possibilities

The tragedy of the tragedy is that it never ceases to infect your reality
The blessing of the good friendship is that it never ceases to infect your reality

© 2018 Davidgeodemers

Author's Note


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Good friendships are a boon indeed and....levity the treatment to get off from the melancholy...Am never blessed with such good friends...but must be a more than pleasant feeling while being with them!
If they can take a stand for us by being a backbone at every disaster no wonder how many such inauspicious they can decline...
And the true fact I got to know they're never harmful to any reality relating to our past, present or upcoming future...as they're good friends believing in togetherness!
It was pleasure for me to read this.....any critiques or constructives are welcomed from me....thank you...☺

Posted 5 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


5 Years Ago

I'm glad it was a pleasure to read. Good friends are a boon indeed. Hope you're doing well today.

5 Years Ago



The fellow laughing with me is my friend, the others, well not so much.

Posted 5 Years Ago

This is mind blowing love it, love it I really do what more can I say.
(as i said not good with reviews) but wanted you to know i enjoyed this very much

Posted 5 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


5 Years Ago

Thanks Julie... you don't need to say anything profound, I'm just glad you liked it.
Julie McCarthy (juliespenhere)

5 Years Ago

great cool thanks
Having friends is an amazing part of life. And having them there to lean on when you are going through things is even more amazing. Everyone handles things differently, and has their own coping mechanism when things get bad. I'm glad you have people to lean on when those times come, or at least I hope you do.

Posted 5 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


5 Years Ago

Friends make the time pass in more bearable way. I feel bad not just for those who have no friends .. read more
"So from many we can become one and together illuminate even our darkest realities
To bravely and boldly, even in the face of terror and calamity, find new possibilities"

Wonderful thoughts David :)

Posted 5 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


5 Years Ago

Oh my...I never knew we were so closely identified, David. I can't say I'm sorry though...I quite li.. read more
Anand Sehgal

5 Years Ago

I mean It should have been David.... Btw, Divya is also a brilliant writer in her own right. :) Che.. read more

5 Years Ago

I figured you did, no worries. Thanks for your comment. I'm glad you enjoyed.
There is sound logic in what you said here. One can chose to laugh and be happy when there is no choice. Again, even that needs discipline and perhaps is relative to people. Like me, I take jolts badly and an inordinately long time to recover from them and they don't make me a better person. As for good friendships, it takes work to find and hold on to them but if it works out then indeed it makes for an awesome reality.

On the whole, this is quite an uplifting poem and I liked the rhyming pattern.

Posted 5 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


5 Years Ago

I loved reading that...You are a much nicer bear than it seems from the picture :)

5 Years Ago

It's a panther. I like felines more than any other animal. If I had to choose a species that wasn't.. read more

5 Years Ago

Yeah...cats have it all. Glamour and a go f**** yourself attitude. They're stars.
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Thing is s**t happens, but if isn't of our causing, is out of our control there is no point in dragging the weight of its fall out around with us. Life is far to short to be worrying about what might happen if....
As for friendship, the older I get the more I value my true friends, and 56 years into my journey to the grave I have but a handful. These people I might not see for months but on meeting them it's as though we only spoke yesterday.
Touch wood, never faced financial hardship or any major dramas so don't really know how many of my many " friends" are of the fair weather variety, quite a few I'd imagine.

Posted 5 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Great title, had me interested, and I'm glad cause this was a great piece. There is something about your writing, that I read something new into everytime. I'm sorry to be so late with the reviews (life gets in the way of my writing). Great piece.

Posted 5 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


5 Years Ago

The title the best part.

And never be sorry, I'm always glad when you have the time.. read more
This is a different type of writing from you. This is the first thing that I have read of yours of which connected to me on an emotional level. You believe it best to deal with unavoidable tragedy in a light hearted way, it takes the edge off a horrible reality. Maybe you were writing about others in general, maybe you were actually writing on a personal level? Having good friends who understand what that unavoidable tragedy is, has to have some impact on a positive level and help to make life more bearable. Without friends life would be very lonely.


Posted 5 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


5 Years Ago

I try and vary my poetry from time to time... I can emo when I feel it. It's mostly a personal thin.. read more
Chris Shaw

5 Years Ago

I have some knowledge of mental health disorders because of friends and family, not in any way a pro.. read more

5 Years Ago

I'm really glad to hear that.
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Good friendships are a boon indeed and....levity the treatment to get off from the melancholy...Am never blessed with such good friends...but must be a more than pleasant feeling while being with them!
If they can take a stand for us by being a backbone at every disaster no wonder how many such inauspicious they can decline...
And the true fact I got to know they're never harmful to any reality relating to our past, present or upcoming future...as they're good friends believing in togetherness!
It was pleasure for me to read this.....any critiques or constructives are welcomed from me....thank you...☺

Posted 5 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


5 Years Ago

I'm glad it was a pleasure to read. Good friends are a boon indeed. Hope you're doing well today.

5 Years Ago


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10 Reviews
Added on June 28, 2018
Last Updated on June 29, 2018



Johnsburg, IL

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A Poem by Davidgeodemers

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