Small Difference's

Small Difference's

A Poem by Davidgeo


in the narcissism of small difference's
is the reality of our inclinations

all that is truly different in person
is all that is waiting to be the same


but after we finish hating it all
but before we find ourselves in it all 

. . . will we destroy it all?
then, before the end. . .

© 2019 Davidgeo

Author's Note


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Hmm. Not sure what to say about this one. I admit, I'm not exactly sure what you're attempting to convey here. At first glance, it looks like word salad, but I know it has a deeper meaning. Ordinarily, I can glean meanings from stuff quite easily, but you've stumped me with this one. Good job. :)

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


4 Years Ago

Knowing everything would probably mean value would lose all value; I will never stop believing that .. read more
Mr. D

4 Years Ago

Maybe. I guess there's no point in worrying about it, right?

4 Years Ago

There's no point in worrying about having no point. It's already a false argument (the question cre.. read more


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Thanks for the read request on this poem. At first read I was confused, but something about it made me want to read on, and by the end, I wanted to reread it, so I did; like five times. The poem is chewy and keeps me coming back for more. It demands to be read out loud with a rhythm. I love the line breaks and the punctuation (except the unnecessary apostrophe; get rid of it). I especially love the the stanzas between the first and last; they are fun to read and to interpret. The speaker of this poem was relatable, and some of my chronic anxiety feels validated by these words. Good poem

Posted 3 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


3 Years Ago

Thanks. I value you reviews more than most.

Sorry about the apostrophe. One day I'l.. read more

3 Years Ago

(i meant your... my bad. I really didn't do that on purpose, I got two broken fingers right now an.. read more
Short but excellently written

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

After reading this... Your right! It does make sense. Well... the fact that knowing it all, would infact, lose it's value, however, there could be a stage where we use that knowledge to destroy the world before it ever comes to an end. That's what I could get from the poem and I agree with that 100%. Hope that's what you wanted to convey on the whole. I'm not that good yet :p. All in all, a really well written read. Loved it!

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Hello, this is Silente... You left me dozens upon dozens of the same reviews when I had to leave for a year, mate... Saying if I came back you would not block me, and you would own up to, and have a public conversation...

You have rescinded on that. Which is fine, but now you attempt to go against your own word...? You block me, make multiple profiles... I get it, you are angry... I am not going to argue the validation, since I was a f*****g c**t to you...

But at least give me a chance to apologize, eh?

Because I DO apologize
I also ask for your forgiveness...

Not for defending people, I mean I can not ever say sorry for that... But in HOW I did it, and how f*****g ridiculous of a level I sunk...
Totally not me, and is probably a reflection of how I was taking things in my personal life at the time...
No... IT WAS a reflection...
No excuse on my part

I would like to offer peace, however if you feel you still need to lash out at, or attack me...
That is your prerogative, and you are probably owed a bit of steam... I hope at some point you un-block me and I am able to further make amends, or read and enjoy your insights in writing without having to make another account in order to do so...

Again, all up to you. You do not owe me or anyone a thing...

You do you

I am not going to bother you or push the subject
You are free to do w/e you would like to me, mate

Good to see you are alive and still kicking

P.S... She knows all my writing, a moot point to talk about more of it with her : /

Perhaps keep your reviews within the same bounds you deem others to stay within when it comes to courtesy in critique...?

If you wanna attack me, I am right here...
No need to involve others hard-work right?
You CAN, I mean, and i am sure will continue to do so...
I am an open target...!
Pretttty hard to misss...
I guess a target begging is not as fun as a target moving...

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Hmm. Not sure what to say about this one. I admit, I'm not exactly sure what you're attempting to convey here. At first glance, it looks like word salad, but I know it has a deeper meaning. Ordinarily, I can glean meanings from stuff quite easily, but you've stumped me with this one. Good job. :)

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


4 Years Ago

Knowing everything would probably mean value would lose all value; I will never stop believing that .. read more
Mr. D

4 Years Ago

Maybe. I guess there's no point in worrying about it, right?

4 Years Ago

There's no point in worrying about having no point. It's already a false argument (the question cre.. read more

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5 Reviews
Added on July 5, 2019
Last Updated on July 5, 2019



Johnsburg, IL

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