Soul Mates

Soul Mates

A Story by literarygirl37

A young girl has trouble answering one of her mother's questions after she has come out.


                Well, how do you know? Why would you do this? How could you choose this? Have you ever even seen a man? How can you know if you’ve never been with a man? Why do you love this girl?

                Alyssa had expected her mother’s questions. She had walked into her childhood home with her head held high, ready to answer any questions that came her way. After her mother’s initial questions and tears, she had asked something that had Alyssa stumped for a minute. Why do you love this girl? Paige. Her beautiful Paige. But why did she love Paige?

                Was it the way her golden hair glittered in the sun? Or the way her piercing blue eyes could see right through your fear? Or maybe the way her eyes crinkled when she laughed?

                Perhaps it was the way she spread on her makeup every morning; so different from Alyssa’s own routine. The way she laid her clothes out every night, always careful to avoid getting wrinkles. The way she lined up her shoes in the closet, making it easy to walk in and choose the perfect pair.

                Those things were all superficial, though. They made Paige attractive, but it was other things that made Alyssa love her. The way her face lit up when her five-year-old nephew visited. The way she woke up at the crack of dawn every morning to help kids whose shoes she had once been in, even if it meant she had to take the dreaded early morning shift. The fact that she was a goddess in bed only helped matters.

                Yes, there were a variety of reasons Alyssa loved Paige. Yet, when her mother asked, there was only one response that fit.

                “Because she’s my soul mate, Mom. The same as you and dad.”

© 2010 literarygirl37

Author's Note

I appreciate any and all comments.

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I thought that it was really good - not what I was expecting at first and very sweet

Posted 13 Years Ago

I love it. You're a really good writer, keep it up! :D

Posted 14 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on July 14, 2010
Last Updated on July 14, 2010



Ellettsville , IN

Hi, I'm Megan. I'm 14 years old and writing is my life. I got my start writing fanfiction, but now I mostly work on my own stuff. (Although I still enjoy visiting from time to time!) I .. more..

Angie Angie

A Story by literarygirl37