Embrace Of Death

Embrace Of Death

A Poem by Angel_Rose1979

A quick poem about Death, and the pain, and relief that he brings to people around the world.

Silently he glides across the land,
Wearing a cloak as black as coal,
And a hood to cover his skeletal face,
When he comes, he drains all the light,
And in each hand,
He carries a soul,
A soul he stole, and left not a trace,
All in the dead of the night.

He will come to us all in the end,
And bring for you the Embrace of Death,
He will try to treat you as an old friend,
But will get so close, you can almost taste his sour breath.

It's no use to try and hide,
After all,
You can't run from fate,
Though many have tried,
If I do recall,
Because Death is never late.

We all have a listed time,
He is never a moment too late or too soon,
So as your clock begins to chime,
Don't panic and think its too soon,
After all, Death is always on time.

With his skeletal hands wrapped tightly around your throat, he begins to choke,
He tricked you, by pretending to be your friend,
But now as he wraps his thin arms around you with such grace,
You try to give a shout,
But you are slowly drowning in his long black cloak,
You begin to see your end,
You suddenly realize you are in Death's Embrace,
But now its too late, and with that, your lights go out.

And now another job is done,
There has been another end in the dead of the night,
And he has another destination among thousands, complete,
Another poor soul has tasted his awful breath,
And yet another person has felt his cold Embrace,
And once again he has won,
Now he must repeat,
And thus the story of Death,
And his cruel Embrace.

© 2017 Angel_Rose1979

Author's Note

I like to picture Death, as more of a skeletal-like figure, such as the Grim Reaper. If that explains the discription of Death in my poem.

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The grim reaper.
The first verse was really cool, it kind of reminded me of Jeepers Creeoers 2m when the Creeper runs alongside the bus. But putting the Creeper to one side , you painted great dark imagery nonetheless.
Your play on words throughout the piece was perfect for what you are writing about. I love the it of 'he tricked you- - those 3 words right there sent shivers down my spind. The rest of the piece was outstanding in the way in which you conveyed the fear factor from your words into the heart of the reader. I love dark writing, always have, always will.

Carry on creating these pieces and I will carrry on reading.


Posted 7 Years Ago

Great. Felt like a classic fable

Posted 7 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on February 28, 2017
Last Updated on February 28, 2017



Cedar City, UT

I'm 15, so naturally sometimes my grammar sucks, sorry bout that, but I mostly just write macabre and creepy poetry, sometimes based on mental health, just wanted to be able to put it out there more..
