the outsiders

the outsiders

A Poem by brenda

Breaking down wall with my anger

My tears swell before my eyes

And you just stand there grinning glaring

Well I will tell you are wrong

You see how I write you se how many people are amazed at what can I do!!

Do you see it?! Or you are blind as well because you sure are deaf to your conscience

Your heart is cold, you don’t see!

You are blind! You have no conscience and your heart it’s just that large iceberg that made the titanic go down

I don’t want to put myself low and write poem of how I cry of how I am sad

But to tell you this

I can tell truth in words, writers are like this

Who you are to say I am not a good writer?!

And who you think you are to appear so grand before me while you can not say it to my face!

From the walls lining the corridor my eyes are like tape I only see

I don’t take part of it and you come and make me feel worse instead of just helping me out

The anger that seeps through me now is not worth it because guess what

I have more strength than you can imagine

Unlike you I don’t claim attention I get it

Cause that is being called different, unique!

Everyone’s perfect but in their own way

No one will be the same person well we may share likes

But no one is the same and if you want to prove that everyone has to be alike go and created your own boring world!

Cause a world without people being different can never achieve anything .


© 2011 brenda

Author's Note

you know people are just messed up and i just realized i love being a writer because guess what we see the world differently:) also dedicated to gothicgirl17 :)

My Review

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A wonderful poem you have written for your friend and I can see by her comment that it is much appreciated.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

AWESOME POEM! it just says everything we're going through :) Excellent, you are talented :) Thank you for writing a beautiful poem!! =]

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Another great write:) Full of emotion and sense. Well done:)

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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3 Reviews
Added on June 4, 2011
Last Updated on June 4, 2011



boredom city:p!!!, FL

Music Playlist at love to plaster my feelings on paper.:) i am 15 years old and i love to write:D i seriously cant live withouth music and as you have noticed i love smiley faces!.. more..


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