A Poem by Mark

Once, while attempting to persuade a former lover of what she needed to do to become un-stuck, this fable-like image popped to mind...

I found a pack of Magic Seeds,
Hidden 'neath a sheaf of reeds

I picked those reeds up, and I flung 'em,
Then picked those seeds up, and I brung 'em!

Seeking, then, a patch, a plot
Where magic Seeds could grow a lot,

I came unto your heart and knocked�
But, Alas!, the door was locked!

I cried, "I have some Magic Seeds
Which fulfill your deepest needs!"

Then at the peep, an eye appeared--
I saw at once, 'twas sore afeared!

"If", I pled, "A Cup of Joy
Is what you seek, then I'm your Boy!"

Then clapped the Trap!, but I quailed not
(For Seeds of Magic I have got!)

Then inch by inch so shyly ope'd
The barricade, as if you hoped

To ascertain the Truth, (or not!)
Of what it was I said I'd brought

I gently sought for fingers fair
(So long since they had felt the air!)

Then placed within a quivering palm
A single silver Seed; no qualm

Had I, that you'd not know
What you must do, where it must go!

You timidly one button free'd
But, trembling, glanced at me in need

Of guidance, so I gently free'd
Your fingers, and removed the Seed,

And placed it just within the cleft
Between your right breast, and your left

And covering it with your own hand,
I hoped you soon might understand:

The Magic lies NOT in the Seed,
But in your willingness to need!

Then did that Seed commence its toil
Of changing hard clay into Soil

Nourished by your heart's own beat,
Watered oft with your tears sweet,

A tendril sought, and shortly found
A purchase for to wind around,

To skyward pull a Twig, a Leaf--
WAIT! What's that on your Face? BELIEF?

Belief that what I've said is true?
Believe the claims I've made to you?

At last, you've wonderfully discerned,
That to a Bush your Twig has turned!

And perched atop that Bush now grows
A Bud; you lift it lightly to your nose,

And then, with bated breath, breathe deep
Its aroma, in your heart to keep

To ponder upon when you sleep,
To wonder at, when thinking deep!

Discovered, then, in Soil new-made
(Where once your Soul was sore afraid!)

Blooms now the Fruit of hidden Joy
Which for too long, no Sun enjoyed!

But now, because you plucked a Seed,
Thus acknowledging your need,

Because YOU finally ope'd the Door,
Your self-imprisonment is o'er!

Awake, my Love, from Torment's chain,
And walk to me, to Life again!

April 13, 2004

© 2009 Mark

Author's Note

First, apologies to my many friends for not responding to their gracious reviews. For some reason, notification of same did not appear on my homepage.
Second, a word of explanation. This piece began as a humorous work, hence the goofy, nonstandard phrasing in the early couplets. The "I" that I invisioned was something of an aimless clodhopper, a Jack-in-the-Beanstalk type (he had magic seeds too, you'll recall!) But as the poem developed, and he began to realize the depth of his responsibility, the greatness of his potential reward, his mien sobered somewhat, along with his language. So, you see, although the poem has a distinct tonal change, it is called-for, and quite necessary to derive the fullest depth of meaning from his quest.

My Review

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A beautiful poetic garden planted from the offering of a seed of love. To have lived closed away, heart kept locked and refusal of allowing the soft offered touch of love from one that is willing to give. Open the eyes just a smidge and see the small simple offering and accept this tiny seed. Once it is planted withing the heart and soul, it will bring forth life to the loving nature that has been buried in the hard cracked soil that had laid barren to life for so long. The seed blossoms, bearing all the fragrant feelings (feelings do have scents) to the once lost sensation of soft intimate touch and the joys that love brings, free from the darkness, that within which they had lay hidden, until the soil was once more brought to be fertile by the caring touch of a loving gardner and bearer of the seed.

Posted 14 Years Ago

4 of 4 people found this review constructive.


this is magnificent! superbly executed, fantastic message. it has all the elements that make for an array of emotions...exceptional writing...

Posted 12 Years Ago

love it. it does have a similar theme, although slightly more lighthearted about it than Tangle, but yes a bit similar indeed!

Posted 12 Years Ago

This is an incredible write. Reads like an adult-riddle. The lessons held within are just so charming and true. You did a great job with this, really love it..I echo Lizannes remarks, she said it all..

Posted 14 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Very nice poem ...you are a good writer ...
Greetings Jola

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I found myself smiling and frowning in near procession with this one! You have a terrific sense of humour and use vocabulary in parts that cling to it, ' flung 'em' , 'brung 'em' , 'I'm your Boy'.

Then, Mark, you switch direction and turn to the traditional - which is what had me frowning now and again, 'A tendril sought, and shortly found ~ A purchase for to wind around, ' ~ ' Awake, my Love, from Torment's chain, And walk to me, to Life again!

I think you might have written in one style or another, not both; my choice would be the traditional.

The theme is romantic, delightful, near intriguing and I think, no, I know, that whoever received the original thought could well have been pursuaded!

Posted 14 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Uber romantic. What woman does not want to be the subject of such charming, nay magical, attention
at least once in her life? Long live romance! And romantics! A plague on those who say love is for fools.

Posted 14 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

An interesting concept, Mark. You bring love to life as a force of nature, the seeds of growth needing to be planted before any blossoming may take place. The second couplet is unfortunate in that it tends to trivialise the rest, as it's out of keeping with the overall sense of the piece. But if I overlook that, an enjoyable read.

Posted 14 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

M tricky seeds do have a way of growin' in M special places, don't they? Watch where and what you sow, for M seeds just may change the lives of everyone involved.

I liked the progression in this poem, the wittiness of the words, the way it told the story. I also liked the story itself... I don't think anyone has ever taken the time to win me over in the way you describe. I've never felt so secure that the seed will take root. Maybe next time.

I, too, have always likened relationships to living things that must be cultivated, and tended with utmost care, given the space and sun and nurturing required for growth. I really identified with this poem. Thanks for sharing!

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Dear Mark,

Marvelous. Extraodinary. Just loved this. Clever words, great poetry, wonderful message. You can here your great joy in story-telling coming right through the piece. Doesn't get too much better than that. Congratulations on a very fine poem, indeed!

Best regards,


Posted 14 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Mark, this is so profoundly moving and you create such a vivid, living feel to the account. This just jumped out at me: "The Magic lies NOT in the Seed, But in your willingness to need!" You created here a poem that is both humorous at times, as well as deeply inspiring... THANK YOU!

Posted 14 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

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25 Reviews
Added on August 22, 2009
Last Updated on October 15, 2009



Las Vegas, NV

Writing, for me, has always been the friend who brought out the best in me, and who would never argue with me, except when necessary to point out my many obvious inconsistancies. Writing and.. more..

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