She died

She died

A Poem by micayla3

She walked these halls everyday

Sat in our classrooms everyday

Ate lunch with us everyday

I was her friend

She was invisable to you

You ignored her

You made fun of her

And for what being different

But then she died

and left me with you people

Those few weeks none of you noticed

When I cried you didnt ask what was wrong

Then as they announced over the speakers

"There has been a terriable accident"

As they said her name and how she died

You looked twords me trying to be sympathetic

Why was it that you came to her funneral

Did you feel bad for not treating her better

Do you think if you came her you would feel better about youself

You cant take it back

None of you

My friend

Anna Bell Ross

Killed herself

Because of you

© 2010 micayla3

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I'm also very sorry for your loss. This was a very sad poem. good writing though!

Posted 13 Years Ago

omg, this is beautiful, a great honor to your friend.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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This is such a sad poem and I'm so sorry for your loss. You write so beautifully and your short lines really bring out your emotion in the poem.

Posted 14 Years Ago

This is probably one of the most painful subjects anyone could ever write upon - and you did well. Normally, with this sort of writing, I would have suggested punctuation to accentuate the accusatory questions and overall pain. But here I feel as if suited better without; it was dead, very dead. Almost emotionless accusations. But I could simultaneously feel the pain that was behind it.
*here (not her, in the seventh to last line)
The line //And for what being different// I would separate the two thoughts. Maybe with a dash, colon, or something of that sort.
Overall, good job. Thank you for addressing such a tender, difficult issue.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on February 14, 2010
Last Updated on February 14, 2010



leavenworth, KS

Just waiting for that moment that changes my life forever more..
