My Que? [Mark callab] And April on the awesome artwork

My Que? [Mark callab] And April on the awesome artwork

A Poem by micky

I didn't realize you were waiting for a Que     

I didn't even know this is where it all falls apart

You could of told me...  


Now I'm so lost I'm not really sure what to do

Took a step back realizing I don't know where to start

It's like my world came falling down on the count of three



Remembering to when we first met

we should have tried to fix what was torn

We could have tried to hold what was inside



Was there truly nothing left?

the shock of waking alone to mourn

when and why did we start to hide?



Now an empty pillow laying

Coldness where before my hands felt love

Where once there were smiles from days past


These memories playing.. teasing.. pain

Photographs.. of happiness now push to shove

Questions if things in life.... ever.. truly.. last


So thank you for all the memories and scars

 Thanks for the life lessons and regrets

 Thanks for all you took and gave


 Now I can reach for the stars

 I've forgiven but won’t forget

 designing a new road to pave


 I suppose there is nothing else to do

  But push to go on

 Get past my pain


 A life I must start anew

 I guess this is my Que to be strong

 As long as I learn and never let history repeat again

© 2014 micky

Author's Note

It was such a grate honor working with Mark!) I would also like to thank April for the amazing picture she work hard on for Mark and I, Thanks you guys. It was really awesome working with April and Mark;}

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I will have to take a detour here mainly because of the strange way that this is presented. Que in spanish meaning what right? Hence searching for the question? That question that when posed will lead to the answer and if that is so.... But then if this is the angle then why the spanish? Well on a wing and a prayer you seem to have lost yourself or so the writing would seem to indicate and arrived at a moment of realazation. As silence brings about a new day a new oportunity the undeniable reality that a new question to continue is neede but which one? In theory things never repeat so I guess you mean you wouldn't want to make the same mistake twice. Yeah well good luck with that. I have learnt not to even say that or put it into writing as it leads ot the next "cage" and then the next and then the next, by now you get the idea but let's stop and consider this. What about no more questions? No more demands? What would happen then I wonder.

Micky I'm assuming this is the direction but without letting people know is difficult also is collaboration so I guess I have to acknowledge Mark as well and April for her creative input indeed.


Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


9 Years Ago

It's Cue I already corrected the mistake :)
Rene Salinas

9 Years Ago

Micky it is in the title and then repeated twice through the writing plus the word collaboration. Bu.. read more

9 Years Ago

Sorry Rene.. this collab has been difficult for Micky as i have been inconsistent on the site with p.. read more


Outstanding job. Two talented poets create a good journey with good words and thoughts. Thank you for the excellent poetry.

Posted 9 Years Ago

Amazing work!!!!
this was great self realization poem.........
we must learn from my that when history takes a full circle......we can change it!
loved it!!!

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


9 Years Ago

Thank you so much I really enjoyed working with Mark and April:)
Pushkar Prabhat

9 Years Ago

you are welcome............. :) :)
I will have to take a detour here mainly because of the strange way that this is presented. Que in spanish meaning what right? Hence searching for the question? That question that when posed will lead to the answer and if that is so.... But then if this is the angle then why the spanish? Well on a wing and a prayer you seem to have lost yourself or so the writing would seem to indicate and arrived at a moment of realazation. As silence brings about a new day a new oportunity the undeniable reality that a new question to continue is neede but which one? In theory things never repeat so I guess you mean you wouldn't want to make the same mistake twice. Yeah well good luck with that. I have learnt not to even say that or put it into writing as it leads ot the next "cage" and then the next and then the next, by now you get the idea but let's stop and consider this. What about no more questions? No more demands? What would happen then I wonder.

Micky I'm assuming this is the direction but without letting people know is difficult also is collaboration so I guess I have to acknowledge Mark as well and April for her creative input indeed.


Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


9 Years Ago

It's Cue I already corrected the mistake :)
Rene Salinas

9 Years Ago

Micky it is in the title and then repeated twice through the writing plus the word collaboration. Bu.. read more

9 Years Ago

Sorry Rene.. this collab has been difficult for Micky as i have been inconsistent on the site with p.. read more
The pleasure was all mine Micky, I love the way you write, your rhyme and flow is something I wish to do as well as you (you were very patient with me;) and of course a big thank you to April for the Art work :)

I love how it all came together :)

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


9 Years Ago

It was so fun writing with you Mark I really loved every minute and even though April didn't want he.. read more

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4 Reviews
Added on November 20, 2014
Last Updated on November 21, 2014
Tags: Micky ... Mark callab



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