

A Poem by micky

"Breath" I remind myself again repetitively

"BLINK",stand up straight 
I walk past the never ending see
of people judging me,"hate"

The first stage?
Then came my rage
Then a tsunami
Of depression
A mix of emotionally retarded,these feeling witch i cant lessen
Often finding myself at a loss,often lost
Two narrow roads with to many bridges
Bridges I cant keep crossing,since I can't take back those I crossed 

"Shhh" i often find myself telling my mind
The worst part "knowing you'll never out run your head"
I pray for a piece ill never find
I use to pray with empty words,never meant a word i said

What i would do to take back those prayers now
Ill replace them with meaningful words,i swear
If only i knew how

If only you stayed there
Never floated out the door
If only i appreciated you
But "no" i always want more

Now there nothing left to do

I reflect all the time
The memories we had
I wish i could turn back the hands of time

Maybe my story's supposed to end bad

© 2015 micky

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One needs take many breaths...deep ones...for life is a nightmare at times...but not all the time...i have learned that the only opinion i need hold is that which i know to be own opinion and love and sense of merit in my SELF...being centred...for me..means KNOWING that i am human...that i make mistakes...that im not Robinson Crusoe in doing efforts are positive and constructive...real...contributory...sharing..creative and anyone who chooses to judge must first look to the reason WHY they judge and then start looking in the mirror instead of deflecting their own senses of failure onto others...i see no failure in failure when one fails trying to succeed and one one first fail..perhaps several times to find and value the success the have earned. Let the judges talk to the elbow because the hand dont wanna know :) those who would seek to undermine and not encourage growth have their own problems and i leave them to i take another step forward...up.. and away from such unconstructive souls...such emotions as expressed in this write are natural for your stage in life...self reliance...self love...and KNOWING that you seek enlightenment in such creative an outlet is of paramount importance. For me...unless opinions and criticisms are constructive...they can simply shut the door...and quietly ;) on their way out ha ha ah there will always be a multitude to hate and judge but hey...there will always be a one and only you Mickey. Appreciated the read. Ty for the contribution and opportunity to view.

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


9 Years Ago

Thank you so much Alan for the amazing review,inspiration,kind words and of course a the e.. read more
alan peter kelly

9 Years Ago

Youre welcome :) and ooh looky looky i got a featured review!!! Gives two thumbs up and pats himself.. read more

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Yes, Ma'am these would make great spoke word pieces you should probably share them somewhere. Hmmm I wonder. You have a lot to say now is the time to start sharing!

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


9 Years Ago

thank you sooo much...i would love to share it with the world
There are no endings only beginnings micky Better things in life await you

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thank you Andrew for the kind words
One needs take many breaths...deep ones...for life is a nightmare at times...but not all the time...i have learned that the only opinion i need hold is that which i know to be own opinion and love and sense of merit in my SELF...being centred...for me..means KNOWING that i am human...that i make mistakes...that im not Robinson Crusoe in doing efforts are positive and constructive...real...contributory...sharing..creative and anyone who chooses to judge must first look to the reason WHY they judge and then start looking in the mirror instead of deflecting their own senses of failure onto others...i see no failure in failure when one fails trying to succeed and one one first fail..perhaps several times to find and value the success the have earned. Let the judges talk to the elbow because the hand dont wanna know :) those who would seek to undermine and not encourage growth have their own problems and i leave them to i take another step forward...up.. and away from such unconstructive souls...such emotions as expressed in this write are natural for your stage in life...self reliance...self love...and KNOWING that you seek enlightenment in such creative an outlet is of paramount importance. For me...unless opinions and criticisms are constructive...they can simply shut the door...and quietly ;) on their way out ha ha ah there will always be a multitude to hate and judge but hey...there will always be a one and only you Mickey. Appreciated the read. Ty for the contribution and opportunity to view.

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


9 Years Ago

Thank you so much Alan for the amazing review,inspiration,kind words and of course a the e.. read more
alan peter kelly

9 Years Ago

Youre welcome :) and ooh looky looky i got a featured review!!! Gives two thumbs up and pats himself.. read more
I really feel you on this one, brought me to tears. I enjoy reading poems that I relate to. I'm not a flower and butterfly type of person. I want to feel that we can be strong together

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


9 Years Ago

thank you so much i am thrilled to bits about what you have said....thank you so much
very dark Micky, you bleed internally and tell us your deepest depressions, its a heartfelt writing of great feeling but we hope for a better end to come your way, brilliant writing :)

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


9 Years Ago

Thank you Richard for the afraid i gave up on hope along time ago but thanks anyway
What an awesome piece my friend! Good work on this poem I really enjoyed it :)

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


9 Years Ago

Thank you Aaron i really appreciate your kind words
firstly......Micky so good to see you after a loooong lime........but this sad and painful tale of hopelessness worries me.......i hope you are okay and well......i wish you peace and happiness.....

this was very well written......
apart from the worry......i enjoyed the writing......
god bless you!!!

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Pushkar Prabhat

9 Years Ago

well what's done is done........the important thing is that you are back and it is good to have you .. read more

9 Years Ago

thank you :)
Pushkar Prabhat

9 Years Ago

most welcome!!!! :) :)

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7 Reviews
Added on April 5, 2015
Last Updated on April 5, 2015



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