Look at us Now.....

Look at us Now.....

A Poem by shanara renee

It’s amazing how YOU used to mean everything to me and how we told each other how much we LOVED each other and now look at us…… we can barely look at each other in the eyes and for some reason all the love i THOUGHT i had for you has disappeared.. wow people change yes i admit :/ but I’VE MATURED ENOUGH TO FORGIVE YOU…BUT AM NOT STUPID ENOUGH TO TAKE YOU BACK.

© 2012 shanara renee

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Thank you and when I write Free style I don't worry about grammar or errors.

Posted 12 Years Ago

I completely understand...It's okay, I look back on ALL of my writing, which I actually have a total of 138 pieces total, and they are all freakin' hilarious. All were written because I was angry. But anger seems to be my spark that lights my fire.
You do have some grammar so I took off ten points from the rating, but if you fixed up the grammar I would give it a 100

Posted 12 Years Ago

I was very ANGRY when I wrote this but now I look back all I can do is laugh
and Thank you

Posted 12 Years Ago

Hah! In a way that's funny. I can relate a little too. I'm weird so if that wasn't meant to be funny sorry but it just kinda is to me

Posted 12 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on June 15, 2012
Last Updated on June 15, 2012


shanara renee
shanara renee

lynwood, CA

"If who I am is what I have And what I have is Who I am..... Then Who am I" more..
