It's been a Year

It's been a Year

A Poem by JustJordan. x3

It's been a year since I've seen my 2010 summer love, and I'm seeing him again this weekend.


It’s been a whole year

Since your lips kissed mine

And we said good bye


It’s been a whole year

Since you held my hand

And walked through the moonlight


I promise you I never forgot you

Or the memories we mad

Or the fact that you made that promise

To come back some day


It’s been a whole year and its over now
the wait is done

And I can see your face


I will tell you true that I’m still in love with you

And that I wanna make this last this time.

© 2011 JustJordan. x3

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you forgot the e on made, but i like it, great job

Posted 12 Years Ago

I can definitely relate! I'm going to reunite with my '10 summer love, as well...hoping for a better outcome this time around.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on May 23, 2011
Last Updated on May 23, 2011


JustJordan. x3
JustJordan. x3


I'm your everyday, 17 year old teenage girl. My names Jordan. I'm completely in love. more..
