Is that all?

Is that all?

A Poem by JustJordan. x3

I don't really know. I have some built up pain that I need tog et out because of an ex.


Why the long face?

Are you that distraught?

That forgotten

Cause I still remember you

I still think about you every night

Is that okay with you?

Or are you afraid of me

Afraid of the memories that we shared

And the times that we spent together

Cause I didn’t know I did that to you

And I’m sorry if I did

But you broke me

Broke you down to bite size pieces

And walked away like I never matter

When we both know I did

You blame this on me

But I didn’t do anything

We all know you did

You didn’t want me

I wasn’t good enough

But that’s over now

Cause I’m over you and you aren’t hurting me now

Your hurting yourself

© 2011 JustJordan. x3

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i like it, great job

Posted 12 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on May 23, 2011
Last Updated on May 23, 2011


JustJordan. x3
JustJordan. x3


I'm your everyday, 17 year old teenage girl. My names Jordan. I'm completely in love. more..
