Under the Skin

Under the Skin

A Poem by MissRed

Just when you think you are so alike, you find you are so different...


time isn't on our side

the clock runs and we still sleep

doomed we are, you and i

lost in the fast pace, our mental legs crippled


it's rough out there

i can't relax when i think the day will go on without me

you stand in one place patiently

i jog from foot to foot

i break out in hives and you almost laugh


our friends get under my skin

the never work, never worry

what is so wrong with them

i think they should be more like us

and baby aren't we the same


but you just call me crazy

playing with my hair , making me tired

but you do it anyway

with bad intentions

and i feel your negative vibes


i shake it off and back it comes

let's get lost for just once, you say

you want me to what? i think

i have too much to do and too little time

why aren't you understanding?

© 2008 MissRed

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nice little glance in the key hole here.

I like the personal, yet general feeling in this piece.
each relationship is unique, but there are major qualities that we can all relate to and identify with.

bit of a slice of life. which often are some of my favorite reads.
none of that fancy crap that people that want to be hailed as "Poets" get bogged down with.
spoken like an actual conversation, or even a little mental eavesdropping.

i hate it when writers use words that they would never normally say in their daily lives, just to seem more intelligent or artsy then they really are.

keepin' it real.
with an actual vocabulary.

i respect that.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


I like how you got under my skin with this piece...painting a little slice of real life. And yeah, I feel that sometimes too. I work my fingers to the bone damn near, morning to night, and I know people that barely even know what "a job" is and they have nicer cars, and better clothes. Yeah, and I wonder, what am I doing wrong? I don't have a lot of vices, no good addictions! haha

And, then I flip the coin, see the other side...Life is too short to be caught up in 'mental drama', so just chill, relax, take it as it comes, and know that tomorrow, the sun will come up, the moon will go down, and somebody somewhere will die and someone else will be born. Life will go on and so will we.

Great write!
I thought you might enjoy this...

Posted 15 Years Ago

nice little glance in the key hole here.

I like the personal, yet general feeling in this piece.
each relationship is unique, but there are major qualities that we can all relate to and identify with.

bit of a slice of life. which often are some of my favorite reads.
none of that fancy crap that people that want to be hailed as "Poets" get bogged down with.
spoken like an actual conversation, or even a little mental eavesdropping.

i hate it when writers use words that they would never normally say in their daily lives, just to seem more intelligent or artsy then they really are.

keepin' it real.
with an actual vocabulary.

i respect that.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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2 Reviews
Added on July 3, 2008




I'm simple and complicated at the same time. I'm 38, a mom, a wife, a teacher, a daughter, and a sister. Those are the most defining details about me. I'm Texan and was raised on a cattle ranch, but I.. more..

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A Poem by MissRed