Chapter 2

Chapter 2

A Chapter by Chris

They both woke up late the next morning and as they walked out to the common room there were a lot of clothes there and they were told to change since their normal ones would raise so much questions. The doctor that was looking at Kat’s foot told her. -They told us to rest today and we will continue tomorrow. It seemed that they needed to do something today here. So lucky you.” Kat grinned and as soon as the doctor looked the other way she snuck out of the room and once again used her lance as a crutch to help her walk. As she got up to the stairs she breathed in a deep breath and then walked slowly down. She had planned to walk around a little to get a better view of the city but her foot wouldn’t have it so she simply limped up to the stable. Inside she realised that there were less horses there and she felt a little panic before she found the one she had been riding. -You are a headstrong one and a bit all over the place but I did like you. I would be sad if you were gone pretty one.”

She stroked the horse as she spoke and didn’t look around. -What are you doing here Kat? Trying to run away?” She turned around with an irritated grin. -Of course not Tim. I know you are well aware that I can’t run anywhere right now.” He smirked and she glanced at his side where an older man was standing who looked furiously at her. -Tim?” He pressed out and Tim laughed. -Oh come on now uncle, don’t be so stiff. It is fine.” He snorted and shook his head. -You are a Lord and should be addressed as such. As it is for me girl. I’m Lord Halfast. That is how you should address me.” She sighed with a twitch of her shoulders. -As you wish m’lord.” -Don’t be so sloppy in your pronunciation girl. It makes you sound like a commoner.” She sighed a deeper one and shook her head. -Yes my Lord. But to be fair. I have no title so I am a commoner.” He snorted. -But you have training. You can’t fool these eyes. Not only your riding but also the way you walk. You have been trained.” She grinned. -And wasn’t that a big waste of time. My father sent me on some classes. I only went on them since I thought that he magically would like me because of them. Stupid of course but kids keep their illusions for far too long really.” -Oh bu hu, my daddy didn’t like me. Well poor you then.” Kat pulled out her tongue to Tim who smirked and Lord Halfast lifted his hands in to the air. -On no. Not another one like this. I see that is why you are talking to her. Because she is like you. That still don’t take away the fact of your title boy. Don’t let anyone else talk to you so casually. As for you. Get over here.” She grinned and grabbed the lance and he stared at her as she limped up to them. -Are you injured? Why are you walking around then? And why oh, why are you wearing trousers? Aren’t you a woman?”

She grinned. -I just hurt my foot a little. It will be fine and I needed to do something. Can’t stand to be in the room all day like this. As to the trousers. I can’t ride that long in side saddle. Well I guess I can. Have never tried to do it that long thou. Just a little as part of my lessons to practise balance really. And I can’t fight in a dress really so it is easier with trousers.” -Fight? You don’t need to fight. You are a woman!” Kat suddenly grew in her anger and Lord Halfast looked worried all of a sudden. -And why not? If anyone attacks me I have just as much right to defend myself and anyone I would care about as any man. Or do you think I don’t have any rights?” He shook his head. -You are a woman. There is no need..” -Oh come on uncle. She is like that. And we need strong arms to defend us until we get there so why don’t we stop right now and just talk about this when we are there instead?” His uncle shook his head and then twitched his shoulders. -Alright. But for now woman. Here.” He held out his arm to her and she looked at it before she limped past him. -I don’t need your help. I can take care of myself.” Tim snorted as they had gotten to the stairs and simply lifted her up and carried her up no matter how much she protested. Then he dropped her down outside the room and she hit him a little on his arm. -What the f**k are you doing! I didn’t ask for you to help me!” He snorted and ruffled her hair again. -Nope. But I will help you anyway idiot.” Then he left and she grinded her teeth as she opened the door. The next morning they were woken up and led back down where wagons were waiting and most were placed on them but Kat as quickly as she could got up on her horse with a lot of quiet swear words before anyone would say anything and the stable hand handed her lance to her as she moved her horse to the wagon were the Sergeant was. -Ey, Searge. Should I scout again today?” He nodded at first then he looked at the red dressed man who came up to them. -On a horse today again? Well you are almost the only one that can ride him. We couldn’t even sell that one so you will have to work it off woman. You can patrol with my men.” He simply pointed behind him towards Tim and Kat sighed. -Do I really have to patrol with anyone? I’m fine on my own.” The man raised his eyebrow and looked a little insulted. -First of all. You say your Majesty to me, secondly. Yes you have to.”

Then he simply rode away from her and she shook her head. -First my Lord and now your Majesty. What kind of people are we traveling with?” -You wouldn’t think the King would be guarded by normal guards only? Of course he travels with Lords as well you know.” She grinned at Tim who signalled to her to ride next to him. -How should I know? I am a stranger here. Our King only travels with guards. I guess. I haven’t seen him up close really so I wouldn’t know.” He twitched his shoulders and they began to canter. As they rode he managed to squeeze out of her more about where she had come from and he replied with telling her stories about the land she was in. It was all old tails so she grinned a little. -Tim, this is all nice if I am studying your history. But I would prefer a bit more recent events.” He laughed. -Curious? Well you are in Haland and we are really close to the border of Olond. It is our Northern neighbour. We are at peace with each other even if there at times come in raiding parties from there that is called Gloscals. You met them. Or well I guess your foot met them.” She grinned. -I see. And where are we going?” -The royal castle. It is the best place for you all now.” She shook her head. -The best place for us is back home really. How do we get back there?” He snorted. -How should I know that? I’m no oracle.” She giggled a little at the thought and shook her head again. -I guess not. It would have been fun to see you in a turban really.” He grunted. -It would probably itch my head.” That was enough for her and she started to laugh loudly. He looked at her and shook his head. -You should relax more. Your constant pissed expression destroys your face and make you look grumpy. You look better relaxed.” -Like I care how I look. I have given up a long time ago about that.” He raised his eyebrow. -You have really terrible self-image.” Then he twitched his shoulders. -Well it doesn’t matter really. Come now. Time to work.” A few days later she could finally walk without having to lean on the lance but didn’t stop bringing it with her and as Tim asked her she smiled.

-Well I can’t use a sword but anyone can use a stick and I would like to have some way of defending myself.” He nodded and thought about it a little before he handed her his sword. She grabbed it and the tip almost sunk to the ground before she grinned and lifted it again and he smirked. -A bit too heavy for you. It is alright. Then it will be good practise.” He started to tell her how to do some easy strikes and she listened and tried to do what he said but it was hard for her to even move the sword and Tim laughed and corrected her grip. -Maybe you should stick to your stick.” She grinned and tried again and this time it went better. -No one is a professional directly. I just need to train.” She looked at him a little pleading. -Will you help me?” He grinned. -I shouldn’t really but…” He looked around then twitched his shoulders. -We are already teaching a little to some of the others in your group so I don’t see why one more would change that.” So every time they stopped for lunch she and he walked off a little to practise and as soon as he heard about it Lord Halfast followed with them and sat down watching them with a deep dislike written all over his face even if he never said anything. She found herself having fun with Tim and he brought her to talk to some of his other friends and as she was laughing at something they were saying the King walked up to them. -Tim, how long do you think it would take to get home with all of these wagons really? How much delayed are we?” Tim started to count on his fingers and one other of his friends George smirked at Kat. -If all could ride like you Kat, then we could get home faster.” She grinned. -Poor George. Missing your bed to much?” He leaned in and smiled charmingly at her. -Only if you are in the bed too.” She looked confused a little before she snorted and shook her head. -No way. I have heard from the others, you snore like hell.” He blinked a little before he started to laugh with the rest and the King looked at her with a raised eyebrow. �" Kathrine. You shouldn’t speak like that. It will only encourage them.” She twitched her shoulders. -Thanks for the concern your Majesty but I will speak as I always have. Both he and I know there is nothing in it anyway.” George smiled and petted her shoulder and the King raised his eyebrow and then sighed. -As you wish. By the way what is your family name?” Tim smiled. -She is Land your Majesty. Kathrine Land.” He nodded and looked at her. -And in trousers. Women where you come from seems to be so severe against your own sex.”

 She looked confused. -I don’t understand your Majesty. What do you mean?” He twitched his shoulders. -You are always having your orange hair up as a man and you and two of the other women are always wearing trousers. They even have short hair. Do you not even like to be women and try to imitate men?” She shook her head slowly. -No. We are all much more than just women and men. We are all individuals. We choose to look the way we want, not how society dictates that we should look. That is all.” He blinked at her and smiled. -Talking like a scholar. I didn’t expect that.” She grinned. -No your Majesty. I’m talking like me. I can’t help how it come out.” He laughed with the others and Tim ruffled her hair. -Everything is an attack on your person isn’t it Kitty Kat.” She gave him a furious look. -If I’m around you then yes. I’m not that kind of Kat!” He laughed and shook his head. -Really? Are you sure?” She gave him a light push and he smirked at her. They were all good people and Kat liked to talk to them. She even brought Sophie with her and after a few tries to involve her the small woman started to talk to the calmer ones of Tim friends. The King was one of them and after a while it was impossible to talk to either of them as they shut everyone out of their conversations and kept walking around alone. But always with guards and Kat wondered if it wasn’t annoying to never get any privacy as she looked at them with a smile. -Watching your set up?” She smiled at Tim. -It wasn’t supposed to be but they do look nice together.” Tim’s uncle snorted. -She is a commoner. Nothing will come out of that.” Kat twitched her shoulders. -Well… Not completely. Her father is apparently a Lord. But yea, they were low on money apparently. Those things happen sadly.” Lord Halfast looked a little more interested. -I see. Well that is a bit better at least. But still. He has responsibilities.”

 Kat sighed. -Must be hard living a life where you can’t marry the one you love or like.” Tim gave her a side hug. -A bit. But then on the other hand, not everyone has to live like that.” His uncle gave him a slap on his arm that he had placed over Kat’s shoulders which made him drop it and grin with a shake of his head. -But you do! Well of course it is better if you like the girl chosen for you but that is not why you get married!” Tim rubbed the spot he had been slapped at and looked angry at him. -But you did! You married the woman you loved instead of the woman your father had chosen!” His uncle grinned. -And didn’t I get a lot of troubles because of that. Well I was the younger brother anyway. Your father knew his responsibilities. He married your mother and they were…. Fine.” Tim shook his head. -They hated each other. In a way it was better when mother died since father could be with women he wanted for a change after that.” His uncle shook his head. -Yes but unlike you he has always kept it discreet! Not flaunt around every conquest like you do! That is why I am here! To make sure it ends!” Tim blushed badly and glanced at Kat who giggled. �" Flaunt around. Poor girls. Don’t you know Tim. You should never kiss and tell. And now you have a baby sitter. I guess you deserve that then. I am all for following your heart but don’t brag about it. That is not nice to the other party. Just keep it for yourself. After all, what happens in the bed is only between the two of them. A nice distraction from all the stress in life I guess.” His uncle looked like his eyes would fall out of their sockets but Tim chuckled. -Distraction. You must have some bad lovers really. You are truly free minded.” She twitched her shoulders and his uncle finally found his voice again. -You… You sinful woman! To go to bed with men without being married!” She snorted. -I didn’t say I wasn’t married. But I guess being in two different worlds like this is the height of separation.” Tim looked sad. -I’m sorry Kat. Do you miss him?” She shook her head. -No. Not really. He and I…  Well when we got married I thought I loved him. But… No I don’t think so. I don’t think I even like him anymore. Marriage is good at killing the mood sort of I guess.” Tim’s uncle shook his head and petted her shoulder. -I see. I apologize for my behaviour. No, If you marry the right person it doesn’t become like that. I hope we can do everything we can so that you can be reunited with your husband then.” Tim looked angry. -She don’t want to. Didn’t you listen? She doesn’t love him.” She nodded. -No. I have to get my s**t together and if I ever get back the first thing I will do is take out a divorce.” The men both looked confused at her. -What is a divorce?”

She smiled at Tim. -A separation, by law sort of. You sign a few papers and then you aren’t married anymore.” Tim looked surprised and his uncle tried to grasp the situation. -That is… Ungodly!” She smiled and shook her head. -That is how our society work. If you make a mistake. Correct it. You don’t have to live with it for the rest of your life.” Tim smiled. -Sounds nice. Over here thou you would have to. There are no divorces so marriage is for life. But since your marriage isn’t approved by the priest or the King form this world and if there are no documents I would say you aren’t married here.” She laughed a little. -Sounds nice to me. Alright Then I am Kathrine Thompson again.” Tim grabbed her hand theatrically and bowed over it. -Please to meet you Kathrine Thompson.” She giggled at him and his uncle sighed. -I hate to admit it but in a way he is right. Which makes you unmarried. I should talk to the King about this.” She raised her eyebrow as he rushed off and then looked at Tim who twitched his shoulders. -Father say he became a little bit strange after he lost his wife. So just ignore him. I know I do.” She giggled a little and shook her head. -You really shouldn’t ignore him. Maybe not taking anything he say seriously. But never ignore.” He smirked and ruffled her hair again. -As you wish miss Thompson.” She pulled out her tongue at him as they walked to the side to start their sword training. The Royal City that surrounded the castle was bigger than Kat could have imagined in a world like she was in. “They have no machines or anything. How can they make a city like that with just the power of their hands? It is insane.” She saw the others stare at the city as well as they got closer and it took them forever to travel through it to get to the Castle. And once they had passed the huge gates there were a labyrinth of passages to get through until they could get off and hand her horse to the stable hands.

Then she looked up at the big castle and shivered a little. “It looks so cold and unfriendly.” She followed the others through the doors and then halfway through the King stopped and talked to Sophie a while and Tim nodded to Kat. -We will separate for now. I have things to do sadly so I guess I will see you around?” She smiled and nodded as he left then she followed the rest of her group to some rooms that had been set aside for them and she got to chare a room with Sophie who settled there pretty well. As to Kat she felt restless. She didn’t like to have nothing to do and for a couple of days she simply walked around the castle and learned how to find her way in there on her own. The others in her group seemed to have mini tasks and the King kept seeing Sophie when he had the time but Kat became forgotten. She had nothing to do and no one to talk to except from Sophie who was in a happy cloud and kept talking about the King all the time and Kat was happy for her friend but found it a bit tiresome after a while. Her walks took her further and further down and then she found her way to the castles craft yard. There were leather workers candle makers and bakers. The smell got all mixed up and it gave it a bit of a strange sensation but it wasn’t too unpleasant. The biggest part of there was taken up by the smithy and Kat got drawn to it as she watched the blacksmith try to shoe a horse that was worried and kept moving around and the blacksmith was close to getting hit a couple of times so without thinking she grabbed at twitch and twitched the horses lip as it settled the blacksmith simply glanced at her before he continued with what he was doing. As he finished he nodded to her and she let the horse go who celebrated that with rubbing its lip against Kat who smiled and petted it. The blacksmith didn’t say anything but simply pointed at that horse and a stable before he pointed at another horse and Kat switched the horses as he started to work on the new horse. This one was calm so he started to point at different tools and she got them for him and as he used them he started to describe it to her and she listened greedily. It was all so fascinating and as soon as he finished shooing the horses he showed her to the smithy and told her how to keep the fire going. He kept showing her and giving her work and she simply followed and did what he said.

His calm voice was still strong enough to be heard over the sound of the smithy and she never had to ask twice since he was so good at explaining so she got it directly. The time passed fast and as it started to get darker she looked up towards the castle and the blacksmith nodded. -Be here tomorrow in the morning. I’m Master to you but my name is Hank Steelhand.” She smiled. -What a perfect name for a blacksmith. I’m Kathrine Thompson Master.” He nodded and walked in to the living part of the smithy and she walked back to her room. Sophie wasn’t there and when she asked the others they said that she had gotten a finer room. -Fitting of a Lady apparently. While the rest of us rot here.” Searge grinned and twitched his shoulders before he started to tell her that they hadn’t found out anything about how to get back home and she nodded without saying anything before she walked back to her room. “Oh, Yes. Home. I forgot about that. I had so much fun to day I completely forgot. But… I don’t know. I’m not sure I want to go home really. I mean what is there to go home to? I like the smithy. Well I don’t have to think about that now. I am exhausted.” She washed up and got to bed since she had already eaten in the smithy.

© 2017 Chris

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Added on July 1, 2017
Last Updated on July 1, 2017



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