Death~ Bhuyanshi Talukdar

Death~ Bhuyanshi Talukdar

A Poem by Bhuyanshi Talukdar

A taste of salt upon the lips,
Tears mingling with the sea,

a fleeting sigh of drifting
cotton candy bus.

a leaf carried by the hush
of fate's sudden whisper,

Immortals offers a Jar of
primroses to the mortals,

Slowly, gliding from a prisoner
to a heavenly bird with handcuffs.

a bamboo like structure
lowering their tails,

Souls are set to sail
crossing tunnels.

And, the timeless spectacle
of reincarnation takes its opening bow.

© 2024 Bhuyanshi Talukdar

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Although I don't believe in life after death, you present a beautiful spiritual piece recalling mortals and immortals..."fates sudden whisper", the call to death...and then how the immortals react to this..."souls are set to sail" to a timeless place where immortality begins.... your words are very descriptive as well as you imagination....
Warmly, B

Posted 3 Months Ago

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1 Review
Added on April 7, 2024
Last Updated on April 7, 2024