Tie her with justice~ Bhuyanshi Talukdar

Tie her with justice~ Bhuyanshi Talukdar

A Poem by Bhuyanshi Talukdar

Tie her with justice,
let justice reigns with scales.
She ties the knot tight,
with threads of righteous might.

She's the white moonlight,
who walks with pristine over the eden.
She's escorted by the van of white lotuses.
The passenger behind her seat is,
an Green tea b***h sipping deceit
from Clandestine cups.
And, the driver seems to be
the black Lotus with a facade license.
The next stoppage leads to
virgin mary b***h's home,
where she's draped with robes
waiting outside the line.

Silvery veil of honor and pride
brings balance in every case.
So, let her banner with steady hands
on fairness cream and righteous stream.

© 2024 Bhuyanshi Talukdar

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There should be a balance of justice...right VS wrong... you show us a myriad of imbalances in this poem..
the only justice is within the the scales is "The white moonlight"as she steps into "the van of white lotuses"
Complex and I'm sure there is more to this than I can relate to.... well written
Warmly, B

Posted 2 Months Ago

A case of imbalance in justice veiled beneath religious symbolism where right prevails over injustice. Great symbolism.

Posted 3 Months Ago

Bhuyanshi Talukdar

3 Months Ago

Thank you for sharing your insights!
Powerful work. Poignant.

Posted 3 Months Ago

Bhuyanshi Talukdar

3 Months Ago

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!

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3 Reviews
Added on April 12, 2024
Last Updated on April 12, 2024