Yes, I Understand

Yes, I Understand

A Poem by Kimberly "Melody" Carney

This poem is dedicated to all who understand the sting of cancer. Each father, daughter, mother and son whos' hourglass did fall. My heart goes out to the parents.



The big move


This vessel of mine is so frail.

Unturned hourglass sand.

I try to hide my burdens deep,

when my family lends a hand.



I lived this life with all I am.

It was a life quite grand!

I gave each moment all of me,

my flesh it now demands.



I am not sad of letting go.

All life a short expected span.

I pray for strength for all,

may they see the master plan.



It’s what’s beyond the silver veil,

this soul it must be manned.

It’s time for me to say goodbye,

I hope you understand.



I know you’ll cry without a doubt.

Once more please take my hand.

Together we’ll accept this fate.

Separately we’ll now stand.



This cancer took a part of you,

as I slipped from your hand.

That part of you is with me now.

And yes, I understand







© 2012 Kimberly "Melody" Carney

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Author's Note

Kimberly "Melody" Carney
My hope for this write is that I kindle a=understanding anew. From our first breath we take...we are not promised tomorrow...only promised that on day we will take our last. Live like that day may be today. Take the time you've been too busy to give to do what you; promised, meant to do, been waiting to do, just want to do...right now may be what you are remembered for.
So many have said this is such a terrible disease...I agree, yet one more deadly runs through the veins slowly destroying us all...selfishness. It finds its way in and like cancer slowly kills any life we had with family, friends, relationships, parenting, marriage, work, who we once were. The saddest part there is a cure for it…in selfishness we ignore it. Now that my friend is a terrible disease!

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Featured Review

This is very sad. You are about to make me cry again. I have 3 children and I could never imagine losing any of them. I lost my grandmother to lung cancer and that was extremely rough, I could imagine how I would react to my own child, I don't want to either, and pray I never have to. This poem is amazing, and very heartfelt. You are an amazing poet, I always enjoy reading your work. This poem is one of my favorites, even though its quite the tear jerker. As always 100/100

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


When one feels the pains, his surrounding turns dark, unstable nature is witnessed at every path. Understanding pain is more painful than the real one. Very good poem with proper rhythm and message. Thanks!

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Very deep and moving. Nicely done!

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Great devoted poem soul sis, and love, and help needs to be shared. Wow, I'm so grateful you wrote this. I've lost many people around me on this desease. And it brings me tears reading this again, however, I love your positivism as always. So moving. So true. Amazing job! A lot of people shall feel comfort with your words.
Thank you.

Elisa Laura

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Kimberly "Melody" Carney

11 Years Ago

You are so kind my friend.

11 Years Ago

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A beautiful tribute, well done.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Thank you for this (:

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Wow, this was so beautifully written!
My Mother-in-law has been battling pancreatic cancer for well over a year now. This past week-end, she took a turn for the worse. Her bodily functions are beginnig to shut down, and they've said they can't do much more than make her comfortable. This has devastated our entire family, and my wife can barely quit crying.
Cancer is such a cruel disease. My only hope is that God, in His infinite wisdom, allows mankind to someday find a cure for this terrible stealer of life.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Kimberly "Melody" Carney

11 Years Ago

I hope peace and understanding for your family, as both are needed for true acceptance and healing. .. read more
I live for these children...
thanks for the beautiful poem

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Kimberly "Melody" Carney

11 Years Ago

I love how you said, "I live for these children."
Many say I would die for you, that is so eas.. read more
as someone who has seen his family ravaged by cancer and who also is facing the same fate, i feel this very profoundly and think you have touched upon this in truly human and special terms. thank you for sharing this beautiful piece with the world.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Kimberly "Melody" Carney

11 Years Ago

From the moment we take our first breath on this earth in this life, we begin to die. What we do wit.. read more
I have never lost someone close to me to cancer so I can't even imagine... but this poem gives me a little insight. Very well penned. Lovely words Melody.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

How selfish we all have been with our time here. Tomorrow may never come! The biggest cancer that kills a person faster than any of these is self-absorbed thought. Take time once a month to help someone worse off than you. If you have cancer, illnesses, depression, a broken heart or home...Find a children’s hospital, take a day to look into their eyes...make them laugh and as you leave to walk out the doors...leave with a new view of what really matters. This life is a puzzle, we are but a piece. Humbled clarity is truly the mother of wisdom.
Thank you for taking the time to read this;)

Posted 11 Years Ago

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64 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on July 16, 2012
Last Updated on August 23, 2012
Tags: Cancer, confusion, shame, pain, healing, Love, health, ageing, grace, life, abuse, poetry, wisdom, knowlage, nature, understanding, family, purity, soul, unity, equality


Kimberly "Melody" Carney
Kimberly "Melody" Carney

Denver, CO

To really truly believe in your dreams and make them come true… you must not first believe in yourself, but be prepared to prove your doubts and fears wrong. To know giving up is not an easy .. more..


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