The Game You Play

The Game You Play

A Poem by MoE

You brought this on yourself,
you started all of this. 
I didn't want to play your little game
but i was afraid if I didn't I would lose you.
for three long years now I only wanted to be with you,
but as soon as you thought I was hooked, the game began.
I would always want to go see you and you would always showed up. 
We flirted & not really much else.
I was lost in your eyes and a prisoner to your smile.
Little did I know that the harder I fell the more you would back away and make my heart break.
I know Its not all your fault, I participated.
While You jumped from girl to girl not even realizing how much you were hurting me,
I did a little jumping of my own, but I got hurt a lot more than you could ever hurt me.
From that point I just couldn't handle the game anymore. 
I shut down, pushing people away like they meant nothing
but the people I pushed away are the ones that I wanted near.
I tried not to allow people close to me so i wouldn't get hurt, when I was the one hurting myself.
I stopped dating, I stopped my friends to get too close,
 I stopped anyone from knowing what was going on with me...
and I stopped you from knowing how much I cared
 because I was afraid you would hurt me like the other one did.
I think I hurt you too and i'm sorry, I didn't mean too.
Well, The game is coming to the end as you and her grow together and we fall apart. 
You found someone great and I hope she makes you happy.
I hope you made the right choice, because I'm done with it all.
While I was waiting for you to break up with her, I found someone else that made his feelings clear.
You never even tried to. 
By the time you finish reading this, I will be in a good relationship that I've been wanting for a long time.
If you still want me you will just going to have to fight otherwise Im not even going to bother.
I'm not the same girl anymore that fell for your little game.
Yes, the feelings will always be there, but I'm not going to be a slave to them any longer.
Im a woman now and its time too put childish games away and grow up.
"Fight for what you want, make it known to the world and never give up."
That was my motto, but there does come a time where things come to an end.
Like us, and the game you play.

© 2012 MoE

Author's Note

its to someone who I thought was the one but now realized was just playing with my emotions.

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Added on August 17, 2012
Last Updated on August 17, 2012



Vallejo, CA

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