Chapter One

Chapter One

A Chapter by Michelle Saldana


October 1923


Within the intricate web of London's narrow alleys and closely nestled structures, the cool, damp breath of dawn lingered. Cobblestone streets, gleaming softly from a recent rain, held the soft echoes of awakening footsteps, as the city began to stir from its slumber.


Deep within this ambiance, in one particular dwelling, an unmade bed claimed its space, standing as a testament to the night that had passed. Its sheets were tangled and disheveled, cradling two individuals who lay apart, each immersed in their own private dreams.


As dawn's embrace seeped through the curtains, Liam began to emerge from the depths of slumber, drawn back to reality by the rhythmic ticking of a clock nearby. The weight of sleep pulled at him, making the room feel both familiar and foreign. Shifting within the bed, he rubbed his eyes, trying to dispel the foggy remnants of sleep and the lingering disorientation. 


Then, like a distant whisper breaking through the haze, a memory surged to the forefront of his mind. He had gone drinking the night before, a decision that now seemed to be making its presence known in the pounding of his head.


Fragments of recollection began to take shape: he had ended up at Evelyn Miller's place �" a familiar face from his youth, once a close friend. But now, as his eyes scanned the room, taking in the subtle signs of intimacy, a realization gripped him: their once pure connection was now muddled by the implications of a single passionate night.


The soft ticking that had once been a gentle background noise suddenly grew louder and more insistent, jolting Liam from his reverie. With a groggy motion, he reached towards the sound on the bedside table, his fingers coming into contact with the cool metal of his pocket watch. 


As his deep blue eyes locked onto the watch's face, a rush of dread swept over him. Memories of his morning responsibilities flooded his mind, and a quick glance at the ticking hands brought forth an unsettling realization �" he was notably behind schedule.


Liam cursed under his breath, rising swiftly from the bed, careful not to disturb Evelyn's slumber. He dressed in a hurry, stealing a glance at his reflection and noticing the tousled state of his chestnut locks. He quickly ran his fingers through his hair, attempting to restore a semblance of order.


As Liam made his final preparations to leave, his gaze settled briefly upon Evelyn, who lay enveloped in a peaceful sleep. It had never been his intention to seek solace in transient encounters, least of all with someone he had once regarded as a close friend. Nevertheless, the undeniable recurrence of such moments had woven itself into the fabric of his life. 


Liam recognized the questionable nature of his actions, fully aware that Evelyn might take offense. Yet, with the swirling rumors surrounding her newfound role as a barmaid and the assumptions that accompanied it, he couldn't predict her reaction. He no longer knew Evelyn the way he used to. So, in a bid to preempt any potential misunderstandings about his intentions, he opted to leave some money on the nightstand. He hoped this gesture would convey his gratitude for the night they had shared while subtly indicating that he had no intentions of pursuing anything more serious.


With a sense of detachment, Liam hastily adjusted his cap and quietly slipped out of the room. However, as he left, an unwelcome and unexpected pang of reluctance tugged at his chest. A lingering question arose in his mind: Would he ever cross paths with Evelyn again? He quickly pushed the thought aside, determined to steel himself against any sentimental longing. With a resolute shake of his head, he left the night's memories behind and redirected his attention to the pressing duties that awaited him that morning.

© 2023 Michelle Saldana

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Wow! Leaving money with a one-night stand? I'd personally feel like a w***e, lol. I agree with Gary, I hope he regrets that move. But were things different in another time and place? Would she jump to the same conclusion I did? I can't wait to find out. I feel very immersed in Liam's experience of things, and wonder very hard what will come of this fleeting night together. You've got me hooked.

Posted 8 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Michelle Saldana

8 Months Ago

Thank you so much for reading and sharing your thoughts! I'd love to spill some character thoughts, .. read more

7 Months Ago

Amazing job !


Really atmospheric and descriptive. Do we jump to conclusions about his actions especially leaving the money? Bit of a mystery as he seems the thoughtful type...Makes you want to know more about Evelyn and her circumstances.

Posted 8 Months Ago

Looking for next chapter.

Posted 8 Months Ago

Michelle Saldana

8 Months Ago

Thank you! I will be adding a second chapter very soon. :)
I read the opening paragraph and thought "What a great opening!" Continuing on, I then saw that all your words were of equal quality. Very good writing. I'd say.
I put myself in Liam's situation and realized how awkward and strange it was. I thought he should just tippy-toe away, say nothing about it later, and act like nothing had happened. When he left the money, I cringed and said, "No-no-no! Don't do that!"
Here are a couple of my suggestions, but they are small things that you may certainly ignore.
I think you could omit these words, since his condition is already pretty well established."- a telltale sign of the previous night's escapades."
And here, you express a thought that was previously detailed--"couldn't escape the notion that the bond they had once shared would forever be tainted by their recent encounter."

Posted 8 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Michelle Saldana

8 Months Ago

Thank you so much! I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to read and provide your insights. I'l.. read more
Wow! Leaving money with a one-night stand? I'd personally feel like a w***e, lol. I agree with Gary, I hope he regrets that move. But were things different in another time and place? Would she jump to the same conclusion I did? I can't wait to find out. I feel very immersed in Liam's experience of things, and wonder very hard what will come of this fleeting night together. You've got me hooked.

Posted 8 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Michelle Saldana

8 Months Ago

Thank you so much for reading and sharing your thoughts! I'd love to spill some character thoughts, .. read more

7 Months Ago

Amazing job !
I enjoyed this. It held my attention from beginning to end. I especially liked the way you describe things. You painted a very clear image in mind. Describing things are the weakest part of my writing, so I am a bit jealous.
Leaving money on the nightstand after a one-night stand with a friend? Yikes! I hope Liam regrets that decision in future chapters.
Good luck and I look forward to reading more from you.

Posted 8 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Michelle Saldana

8 Months Ago

Thank you so much for your review and your kind words! :) I truly appreciate it.

Als.. read more

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5 Reviews
Added on September 3, 2023
Last Updated on September 6, 2023
Tags: Historical Fiction, 1920s, London Setting, Romance, Friendship, Regret


Michelle Saldana
Michelle Saldana

I am Michelle Saldaña, aged 29, born on November 10th, 1993. From a young age, I developed a deep love for reading, which eventually led me to embark on my own writing journey. I have been bles.. more..
