Sharing My Thoughts   On Religion, Evolution, & The Origin Of Existence -- Without The God Factor

Sharing My Thoughts On Religion, Evolution, & The Origin Of Existence -- Without The God Factor

A Story by Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham

A Philosophical article of opinionate speculative conjecture ...


Sharing My Thoughts On Religion, Evolution, 

& The Origin Of Existence

 -- Without The God Factor

Written By Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham

Copyright © 2021 Marvin Thomas Cox

DBA: Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham

All Rights Reserved

This article of opinionated speculative conjecture

is dedicated in reverent gratitude to my esteemed friend,

Andre Emmanuel Ben-davi ben-Yehu

( ),

as detailed further within the footnote below. -- Flynn de Graham1

"Every time I read or hear the phrase, "Organized religion," the next thing I think of is, "Criminal Organization/Organized Crime." 

Poets have created all that relates to visions, Angels, Muses, Purgatory, Hell, Paradise, Fairy of the East, Fairy of the  West; and all the Spiritual Commanders. (GODS). The word "GOD" is an acronym from the German, Nurse, Latin words: "Grüss, Odin, Tiu, Teus, Deus." First it came out as "GOTT" in German with the use of "Tiu" and "Teus"; and in English as "Got", and then "God",  meaning, "Salute to Deus." From of The Holy Roman Empire, HRE, 862 -- 1806. 

The lazy mind that depends on Spiritual/Intellectual  "Caregiver".: "Priest, Rabi, Pastor, Preacher."

A -- The socializer with a "Lazy mind". 
B -- The smart dreamer -- fly by night.                        
C -- The corrupt and intellectual innocent
D -- The innocent blind/honest
E -- The Master Salesman.
F -- The Innocent reader.

G -- The Actor and Pretender.

The actor and pretender will be for lifetime active, like the Bishop; bishop of any place or political status.

No free thinker will ever recite the Lord's Prayer, for that is the key to the door of the castle of corruption.

A free thinker is one that acts self directed, and learns through resourceful thoughts; that questions everything, and knows the words she/he conveys. --Andre Emmanuel Bendavi ben-YEHU2

The above quoted lines represent a friend and mentor's simplified Free Thinker's guide as a basic outline and easily understandable formula for detecting lies of mental enslavement, and that, expressly, for those in sincerity's hot pursuit of truth revealed and lies exposed, in seeking to assume rightful positions as a Free Thinking human beings. Firstly, this outline's formula details the identity of the culprits, originators, and organized perpetrators of lies sewn and woven into the very fabric of our society as a consumer belief system -- blindly trusted and accepted as truth that is but a spoof. In the business world such a practice as this is legally termed as false advertising. Secondly, this outline's formula details the basic characters to be found at play of participation in the operational maintenance of perpetuating said spoof. And thirdly, this outline's formula details how to identify when an individual has become, or is, a Free Thinker. This simple outline's formula has, thus, served as the inspiration's stimulus of muse for the following lines of my moment of thinking out loud in airing my thoughts on religion, evolution, Organized Religion's God, and the origin of Existence -- without the God factor ...

I. Thinking out loud -- airing my thoughts on Organized Religion:

Organized Religion, and all it entails as that primal form of governance, is easily discernible in its identical equivalency to Organized Crime, wherein Organized Religion is simply decorated in the beauteous garb of pious innocence of righteous holiness wrapped within a dark blanket's veil that is a perfect euphemism's alias' (aka: modus operandi) enabled means of criminal operation's benign appearance that is but a front allowing crook's crooked business to proceed in protected, unhindered, unfettered, and undetected freedom (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) of insidiously nefarious premeditation's willful means of disguising, concealing, and obfuscating its true operational nature of deceptively malicious intent of the brutal act of virtually date raping the minds of all Mankind in the incredulously obscene name (cause) of serving, guiding and protecting, informing and warning, inspiring and desiring only the lowly position of undeserving servants of God devoted to a humble existence as Man's one reliable, dependable, and unswerving friend -- and all in flagrant feint of a grifter1 spun farce as feign of undeserving servants serving themselves well in heaping's portions as, craftily-cleverly-witty, diametrically opposed inversions of whitewash's false advertisement's, packaged and sold, pure and unadulterated, Misguiding & Mind Blinding Deceit's Deception Fed To Men As Fool's Fodder on sale now (quantities are limited to all the Bullshit2 you can stomach) for a nominal fee of unquestioning allegiance's control over your mind's clarity of reality as per that which we intend, twist, and bend as accurately perceived and ever so blindly believed in transformation's rendering of evil's wicked appearance as good, abomination's appearance as holiness, and mental slavery's appearance as Freedom's attainment of, “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”

II. Thinking out loud: Airing my thoughts on Evolution:

I have arrived at the, personal, conclusion that I am a bit of a conundrum's oddity, due to the fact that I openly oppose Organized Religion, yet, I do not support Evolution as currently presented to the world. There are a number of religion's disciples who do support Evolution, so why on earth don't I -- and, exactly, why? Here is my honest answer to such an intelligently valid question: I do not support Evolution's total lack of a shred's iota of discovered and presented as verifiable concrete evidence, to date. Could such a process have played a part in the development of life upon this planet, or perhaps, as pertaining to life to be as yet discovered elsewhere in the Universe? Most certainly as such is a viable possibility, which simply remains to be proven as per Science's use of Evolution as a believable means of explaining the origin of Man in most logically sensible opposition to the lying a*s Misguiding & Mind Blinding Deceit's Deception Fed To Men As Fool's Fodder that IS Organized Religion as a most honorably sought after goal of good intention's desires of setting Man free mentally as well as psychically -- hindered only by over-zealousness' self imposed blindness (in reality, a form of Science based Blind Faith) and grasping for straws in the face of (to date) no known and concretely as attained verified and substantiated evidence to be presented to the world of Humanity, that has not soon thereafter found itself discredited and proven as a false find's well intentioned hope of transforming Darwin's Theory of Evolution into a hereafter and forevermore, never again to be refuted, established Scientific fact of our reality of existence within all of Existence.

Therefore, I avidly support Science in its failed attempts (regarding Evolution), which have blindly come to be accepted and taught as Scientific fact -- sadly an example in like manner of grasping for nonexistent straws as is also exhibited via Organized Religion's spell over the mind's of men who have come to deny the putrefied stench's facts of death's undeniable result in immediately thereafter triggering the process known as the decomposition of the human body in favor of a wishful thinking's fairy-tale belief in Jesus having risen from the dead as indisputable evidence that we too shall do the same, in illogically and adamantly refusing to consider the harsh reality that such a risen Jesus is not around and not to be found as an ominously lingering question mark overshadowing that which men, taken mind captive, have come to believe and conclude as truth and Blind Faith fact (Blind Faith3: belief without true understanding, perception, or discrimination.”). Yet, I am more than willing to accept and embrace true evidence in support of Evolution when, and if, it should ever come to light of fact that can never be extinguished.

However, it is quite possible that the problem faced by Science may well be accredited to an interesting theory presented by Immanuel Velikovsky's work within his books, Worlds In Collision, Ages In Chaos, Earth In Upheaval, whereby Velikovsky offers persuasive evidence which suggests that the history of our planet is far from that which Science has concluded. And, if so, the catastrophes of the past, in bringing about unimaginably literal upheavals of the Earth's crust, could well serve as that culprit denying Science the smoking gun evidence's presentation of a Missing Link discovery which shall not suffer the fate of later finding itself refuted and discredited.

Fact is, in my researched and studied opinion, if humanity evolved from ape to Man, there should not exist only one Missing Link as that proverbial needle in a haystack of Man's origin to be uncovered within Earth's history, but, instead, there should be (logic dictates there must be) many hundreds, perhaps thousands, of fossilized or skeletal remains of such evidence in undiscovered existence as plurality's extinct brotherhood of Missing Links, and if such devastating catastrophes (as per Velikovsky;s work) actually took place it would make the case for Evolution (on planet Earth) much more difficult to prove due to the probable scattering, burying at vast unknown depths, and destruction of sought after evidence. Thus Evolution remains a popular theory, not an established fact, that remains to be proven. Albeit, for the record in sharing my candid opinion, Evolution has a far greater chance of succeeding in being factually proven one day with the discovery's presentation of cold hard, concrete, evidence, than any of the Misguiding & Mind Blinding Deceit's Deception Fed To Men As Fool's Fodder of Organized Religion's blowing of smoke up the a*s of all Humanity that shall sooner witness the contraction, destruction, and re-expansion of our entire Universe before ever it should be that logic of sound reasoning's discernment stoops to that moronic level of concluding worthless Bullshite (defecation's dung) as valued treasure's truth.

III. Thinking our loud: Airing my thoughts on Organized Religion's God versus my point of view:

I often find myself beset in accusations of attack by, both, those of the Religious, and the Atheist point of view. As I shared above, I am a bit of a conundrum's oddity clarified here in that I openly oppose Organized Religion, but am not an Atheist, though I do not believe in the God of Organized Religion, in that respect of believing or adhering to that Misguiding & Mind Blinding Deceit's Deception Fed To Men As Fool's Fodder, in reference to which I must adequately address and adamantly state: God does not exist. Yet, I am not an Atheist as per the accept norm of that which an Atheist is considered to be and believe. As a result, there are those of the Atheist mindset who find themselves concerned over the fact that I remain an Intelligent Design Free Thinking Creationist due to the assumed as implied religious connotations of such a statement of belief in mistakenly reading into my words errant indications that I, somehow, am attempting to engage in trickery of conversating in religious circles of rhetoric in returning to a conclusion of the existence of God, as per the characterization and personification presented as faked forgeries' fabrications of Organized Religion -- a damn wrong conclusion, no offense intended. For the record: I am not speaking in attempted circles of leading back to religion's God as any line of rhetoric. I do not believe in God, or the existence of God in any semblance's similarity of religion's concept to be misconstrued as that which is commonly promoted as fool's fodder of teachings believed regarding God as the lying a*s Misguiding & Mind Blinding Deceit's Deception Fed To Men As Fool's Fodder taught by Organized Religion. Conundrum I am, and oddity I be, as you shall see as we move further along in my moment revealed as thinking out loud.

IV. Thinking out loud: Airing my thoughts on the origin of Existence without the God factor:

I tend to believe, in theory only, that some thing some one, some it, some how created our Universe of existence that I shall, hence, refer to as It. I do not believe that we shall ever discover the source of It, whether It has an identity or is an entity, nor do I believe that It shall ever reveal itself as It to Man, thus, we shall never know it as It, nor fellowship with it as It in any sense of such It laden words. Whatever It is and It is not, It simply does what It does, or has done, and shall continue to do so -- in purest non-meddling noninterference's essence of a distantly aloof existence wherein It is, or has wisely chosen to be, oblivious to Man's existence and manner of thinking we must discover It, and know It -- in some personal, face to face fashion.

How did Existence come to exist as the very Existence we see, know, and seek to understand and explore? I have no inkling's iota of a clue and will not dare claim that I do. However, I would like to share the following exploratory lines as food for thought's contemplation of understanding, exactly, why I tend to conclude that some thing, or some It -- a theoretical proposal as to Existence's origin of seeking logical answers other than Organized Religion's fabrication of God -- served as (for lack of better words) that Singularity's ignition point of absolutely nothing exploding into everything we witness before us as Existence:

Some how, some place, some where, at some point in time of prior to the existence of time as time present, past, and future as time before there was time -- a previously nonexistent essentially formulated essence of something some how issued forth from nothing without some thing, some one, some how, to serve as that extant catalyst reactant propellant initiating nothing's emanation and origin's essentially formulated essence of bursting forth upon the scene of, heretofore, nothing inexplicably become existentially something rendered from nothing that became that first reference point of nothing become something's existence transformed spontaneously and instantaneously into existentially existing as that existence within all Existence that was, at that point in time of time also coming into existential existence of time as a passing witness to, the only nothing become something in existence as that only Existence in existence that, for that brief moment in time, was existence and all Existence coexisting as that one and the same nothing become something that was, again inexplicably, some how destined to become every thing which we see before us today.

The illustration's imagery presented above stands as logical reasoning leanings as to why I reside within that realm of which I have, personally, coined as a controversial contrivance of determining to live and exist mentally free in considering myself a conundrum's oddity as an Intelligent Design Free Thinking Creationist who does affirmatively conclude that some It (not God) brought Existence into existence's being of existence as Existence via Intelligent Design of such an It (not God) that, inexplicably to Man, incorporated, both, express purpose, and utter chaos.

If my thoughts are unacceptable, there is another conclusion to be considered: Perhaps the Universe of all existence within all Existence has simply managed the mystically magical feat of pulling itself from the Magician's Hat of its own arse (now this line of reasoning stinks to high heaven of alluding to God), Existence itself existing as the author of its own existence as Existence? Perhaps. But, I find such a conclusion illogical and lacking in arrival at sound reasoning, at least where Man;s concept of logic borne reason is concerned. I must honestly say, I don't know about It, or if my theoretically proposed It even makes use of logic, or whether Existence is at all logical in existing as Existence. Two things I do know? Man does not need a nonexistent God to explain his origin upon planet Earth, or that of Existence itself. Man, also, has no end to formulating questions in seeking answers to questions that, forever, shall bear the fruit of producing answers, and I believe that we can safely presume there shall be no foreseeable future's end to Man's mind production line of questions posed in unanswerable lack of knowledge of anything to be considered as It ...

In speaking of questions of Existence wherein Man constantly ponders It (as a play on words of It as It explored and not ignored), why, exactly, does Man believe that he must find and know It? Why is the matter of It of such importance to Man? In my theoretically proposed opinion the answer is, in all probability, something like this:

Man desperately seeks It for one express reason alone: To know It in order to justify our ego-maniacal narcissistic assumption of our self proclaimed all importance of significance of existence in relation to all of existence within all Existence surrounding us as obvious testimony of our TOTAL INSIGNIFICANCE to anything except that of being true to ourselves, alone, and that by means of humanitarian demonstration of putting an end to all the cry baby whining about our problems on this planet and simply stepping up to the plate of meaningfully manning-up in a determined effort to do what we can for each other as members of The Human Race who seek to continue our existence for as long as we possibly can. For, that day of certitude of inescapable inevitability shall most assuredly arrive in our all of everything coming to that final act upon the stage of our existence rendered as a return to oblivion's end -- with no heaven above us, nor hell below us, in extinction's impartial equanimity for all Mankind.

When politely speaking of It as a theoretically possible Creative Source in logical reasoning of how our Universe of existence came to be, in that moment of our speaking, in that second of our reasoning in calm application of intelligence to page, who might it be that Man, whipped and pommeled by the tenets of Organized Religion, actually envisions our theoretical It as being? The answer is blatantly obvious: God must be It in a damned to hell game of (you're It I'm It) tag, wherein Man is God, because God is Man, and that is the sum of all that Man gives a s**t about in having nothing more to say about It. For Man will have no more of It. The existence of our theoretically proposed It leaves no room for Man to be God, or God to be Man, so, in having no more of It, that's the end of It.

So, what exactly is our complaint? What drives Man to think that he must seek to know all in coming to know It as that ultimate all? Could it be that, our existence on this planet is of absolutely no consequence of significance to all of Existence? Could it be that Man was an after thought of It having a simple creator's brain fart. Could it be that, Man is a fluke, a freak, an accident and not an intentional creation of It in any forethought of creative design's purpose, whatsoever, as a viable theoretical possibility of contemplative probability? In all reality of our existence, what damn difference does it make at the end of any given day in the lives of Humanity on planet Earth? We exist, we are alive and well on this planet, so what, exactly, is Man's problem with It? Does It owe us something, other than that which we already possess in living our lives, and possess in intelligent capability of creating for the benefit of helping ourselves? Fact is, Man has a chip on his shoulder, a grudge to settle with It, whom he chooses to address by a fake forgery's name, a cheap imitation of my theoretically proposed source of our existence I choose to term as It: An Extant Catalyst Reactant Ultimate Source Point Of Origin Of All Existence. Rest assured, I shall clarify my thoughts on this point in further detail below.

Here we are in those promised details of below, and so ask yourself: What is It? Who is It? It is nothing like Man. It has no personality, no charisma, no persona such a does Man? And that is why Organized Religion invented God as a fabrication's express mirror's image of Man. That is why God is Man, and Man is God -- totally true and, yet, factually denied. Why is it that God is Man, and Man is God? It's part of the plan to rule ignorant Man as Sheeple-People4 Cattle who believe themselves to be free men. Worship of God is worship of Man, so wherein lies the unspoken as taboo? Are they not one and the same? Yes! They are! So what is that underlying factor which eludes us still, until this very moment in time of grasping and understanding?

Deception is all about deceit, deceiving victims into believing they are the victims of other than those who are actually victimizing them in misplaced trust of face to face: Therefore, Man blindly and most errantly assumes that our attainment to consciousness of awareness dictates to us some rank of significance to all of Existence, due to the we fact that we exist and are aware that we shall cease to exist, in time. We have questions and assume we are due answers. We die and want to know why. We believe we are, somehow, special and in reinforcing our ego driven belief, we worship the only true God there is in the Universe of existence within all of Existence: Our own mortality within the seemingly perpetual ever looping Cycle of Life & Death that is an inextricably inexplicable part of the existence of the vastness of the Universe in its entirety. And all because we know we exist, and we assume that other living creations in existence (definitely not speaking of spiritualism or religion), microbes, plants, animals, planets, stars, galaxies, nebulae (perhaps even Black Holes), etc., are mindlessly, unintelligently, unaware of their own existence, and will cease existing in total unawareness of having ever existed, and therein Man seeks a God, because he is pissed off about the fact that he is to die, and seeks something, as in some one, to blame, for his impending death, and for the curse of his consciousness of awareness of this, inescapably, impending reality Man has a chip on his shoulder, and bone to pick with the reality of his own existence as unalterably non-perpetual for individual human beings, as well as for Man as that species of The Human Race that, in time of eventuality (whether in terms of thousands, millions, or billions of years to come) shall inevitably face extinction by means of his own hand in one war too may, starvation upon a world depleted of life sustaining resources, a mother of all plagues Pandemic, obliteration as that result of a large Asteroid or Meteor striking the Earth, or simply that of our sun, either cooling to that point beyond life sustainability or expansion's death throes that turn our planet into a burned out cinder -- for the reality of that very Cycle of Life & Death (holding recycling sway of authority over all things in existence within the Universe) dictates that nothing in existence within all of Existence continues to exist in any sense of that great expanse of the Universe existing in continued existence of what Man deems and believes as an eternity's forever -- as in nothing's zero, zilch of nada exists in any true sense of FOREVER.

In moving along a bit further in sharing my thoughts of thinking out loud, if I do not believe in the God of Organized Religion or that such a God actually created all of Creation that we do witness as existing within all of Existence, then, there remains that matter of detail of attempting to offer a theoretical explanation as to how all of Existence came to exist in undeniable reality, of regardless of how it got here, our Universe does exist, just as we exist within it, residing upon that planet Man calls Earth. Therefore, allow me to set forth my pondered thinking on this topic as food for contemplative thought: I do not believe (as an Intelligent Design Free Thinking Creationist), as do some Atheists (in words alluded to but often left unspoken) that the Universe, simply, just happened, has always been here without a beginning to suggest an author of its origin of existence -- an empty handed position of thought which (from my personal opinion's perspective) flies in the face of that very field of Science that so many Atheists (no offense intended towards Atheists) lean upon, and trust in, as Man's escape hatch from that mental prison of Religion (& I would agree wholeheartedly in that respect's aspect in regards Religion), while it is, historically, the Scientific fields of Astronomy, Cosmology, Mathematics, and Physics which have served as the Muse to inspire the formulation of The Big Bang Theory5; a theory which has since rendered the once commonly accepted theory of a Static Universe6 obsolete and discarded as errantly flawed.

The Big Bang Theory: A more than simply viable theory, which suggests (as evidenced & proven within that realistic range of closing the gap of any theory becoming a Scientific fact) that we exist within an expanding Universe that began its existence of expansion in spontaneity of an unfathomably explosive emanation of a Singularity's single pinpoint of light, which would clearly indicate that our Universe of existence did/does, in fact, possess an origin's beginning, with this established reality begging appropriately pertinent questions. For example: Where did that Singularity's pinpoint of light emanate forth from, in also spawning even more curiously logical questions of how and why, by what or by whom, and, most importantly: What might there lie or exist upon that other side (a point that should be of interest to both Scientists & Theologians) of that wherever and however of that most primal of primality-origin's source Singularity's pinpoint of light, indeed, did emanate forth in origin's-from of some where's somehow of wow's stupified and speechless awe's exclamation of, “Holy f*****g s**t, Batman!,” in bursting upon the very scene of this side of our reality in explosively concussive power of setting the metaphorical wheels of our Universe into that turning of its initial moment's beginning of existence as all Existence, which we do irrefutably witness with our own eyes and four other senses to this very day in posing our pondering questions of how we came to be here -- with why a question of Intelligently-Stupid's7 total and sheer inconsequential significance, likened to beating a dead horse, and that well beyond the point of having already beaten a damn fine horse to death that, now, you can no longer ride, nor sell, trade, or barter.

What might there lie or exist upon that other side of the Universe's theoretical origin, which Science defines as a Singularity (PLEASE DO NOTE: ABSOLUTELY NO RELIGOUS CONOTATION'S INTENDED WHATSOEVER): an alternate Universe of endless alternate Universes, an alternate dimension of endless dimensions, a Creator of all that is and will ever be that sure as hell does not refer to itself as God, and which I choose to term as a theoretically proposed It? The answer is simply this: We shall never know, and that not in insinuation that we are not intended to know, or somehow, someway, denied access of ever knowing, but that of Man never accomplishing (in all likelihood of realistic plausibility) that secured attainment of actually possessing the ability to fathom or intelligently comprehend such details of preexistence indescribably beyond any reality of Man's reach of ever attaining to -- any time soon, and I tend to believe never of forever due to the fact that Man's I.Q. does not reign (in truest sense of the lack of any proven significance of Man's existence in relation to this Universe of existence) as the recognized standard, par excellence, of Intelligence in all of Existence of the known and, as yet, unknown expanse of the Universe at large.

Hence, I find that I cannot agree with the, (as detailed above) viewpoint of many Atheists -- although we do agree on so many logical points, especially those concerning that mind prison of Religion -- who would seek to proclaim the factual reality of a Universe simply having always without benefit of a beginning from nothing to something, or at least that Singularity's pinpoint of light readied for emanation and inexplicably triggered into a resultant Creation witnessed as our Universe, lest we find ourselves proclaiming the insanity's insinuation of acclamation that, some way or some how, the Universe of existence within all Existence has miraculously pulled itself from the proverbial Magician's Hat of its own arse -- which is a most implausible of all possible logically assessed impossibilities.

Yet, in however of druthers means of gathering my thoughts together in honest assessment of that which I have researched, studied, contemplated, meditated, and conclusive arrival's position of that which I do think in presentation of my own personal viewpoint's perspective of attained belief, perhaps you will do me the honor of hearing out my further shared thoughts of thinking out loud set to pen of page as per: I do believe there is/was (I prefer extant over that of nonextant) a Creative/Creation's Source (IN PURPOSED REPETITON FOR HAMMERED EFFECT OF PLEASE DO NOTE: ABSOLUTELY NO RELIGOUS CONOTATION'S ARE INTENDED WHATSOEVER) that has/does served/serves as an Extant Catalyst Reactant Ultimate Source Point Of Origin Of All Existence, which I choose, for the sake of offending no one, to coin and refer to as that It, which Man has never met, never known, never conversed, with, and shall never meet, fathom, nor comprehend, in summing up Organized Religion in honest assessment's revelation of that which it truly, factually, and historically has proven itself to be throughout ages upon ages of millennial's times past ( with time often accused of existing only as a concept of Man's invention of contrivance) become that of today's present, as a presently and assuredly, ominously looming presence which threatens the plight's outcome of Man's future of existence as men who have not been reduced to that state of existence in having become Human Sheeple People Cattle, and nothing more: Misguiding & Mind Blinding Deceit's Deception Fed To Men As Fool's Fodder …

As mentioned in parenthesis above, there are some who say that time is a concept of Man's invention of contrivance, and as such may be true in theoretical respect of the reality of -- as far as we currently know -- Man as the only creature of Existence that definitively keeps track of time in keeping time, wasting time, and depending upon time for this and that, in having created sundials, hour glasses, and clocks that go tick-tock Yet, if time exists (totally independently beyond Man's thinking that he has contrived time as a conceived conceptual chess piece which he may one day control) in progressing forward from a given point of beginning, regardless of what that point might be, as time's beginning as now past in becoming the present, to immediately become the future transforming itself spontaneously into the present become the past, and all in relation to the existence of The Universe and Mankind within it�" then there is no such thing as a FOREVER'S ETERNITY, because when the existence of our Universe ends, time shall also end, no matter how much time has passed in eons upon eons of trillions and trillions of billions and billions of years gone by, that end of the Universe, and therefore time, itself, shall arrive at a point of time ceasing to exist in that state nonexistence before time began -- and if still alive and complaining at that time of time's end, so shall we as Man.

Albeit, for those who wish to believe that time is a concept solely of Man's invention, then, in all fairness of impartial discussion, how do we explain the consumption of hydrogen as fuel by stars as transpiring in timelessness of who really knows the answer in honesty's reply of what does Man know of time -- other than pissing it off? Wherein, within attempts of denial's return of arrival rotating in circular motion's notion of circumventing an undeniably unavoidable reality of Man's best wishes for platters and dishes of life's existence in behest of Man's wishes that never end, it becomes all too obvious that my theoretically proposed Creative Source as It, and our Universe as well, may well exist outside the beyond of Man's comprehension of, thought to be established, boundaries of time, time past, present, and future, and as simply no time at all as time as no time does not exist but within the mind of Man -- with no forever's afterlife of eternity, no after-death of hope's rewards or fear's punishments to falsely teach, promote or imply in fleecing Humanity of its sanity of sound reasoning, its dignity of unfettered knowledge of who and what we are and are not, its freedom of existing in true liberty's savoring of life as it is (and for what it is: S**t happens!), without Organized Religion's Man fabricated (orchestrated as manipulative means of power and control) mind instilling fear of undue of consequences, until that day when we do no longer exist, and that in Bullshit-less bliss of men as Man no longer led astray by that Misguiding & Mind Blinding Deceit's Deception Fed To Men As Fool's Fodder. For in ponderance of time's birth as time progressing from moment to moment as the present become the past that was a moment ago the future in repetitive cycles of seemingly endless (but nothing is truly endless) transformation of the present into the past and the future into the present spontaneously becoming the past in that moment of the future spontaneously becoming the present, now spontaneously relegated as the past -- the irrefutable result is one and the same, no matter the logic's means of reasoning of arriving at that same end of any day's attempts to understand and comprehend, fathom in seeking to bend those rules which can never be fooled, forcing the hand of Man's date with that fate of extinction's nonexistence: If time came to exist in that moment of our Universe springing into existence as Existence, or came to exist via the imagination of Man as an invented concept all his every own ulterior motive, all remains for naught, as both sides of the same coin of reality that dictates there is (& I repeat for hammered effect) no FOREVER'S ETERNITY, because when the existence of our Universe ends, time shall also end, no matter how much time has passed in eons upon eons of trillions and trillions of billions and billions of years gone by, that end of the Universe, and therefore time, itself, shall arrive at a point of time ceasing to exist in that state nonexistence before time began -- and if still alive and complaining at that time of time's end, so shall we as Man, who thought to conceive of contriving time as a concept's creation of Man's mind and hands.


Whether the end for Man shall come by his own self-destructive hand -- or that of our sun consuming all life upon this planet in arriving at the eventuality's unalterable end of its own life as a star -- shall make no difference of any significance to the Universe at large, but for that shame of life suicidally snuffing out its own light of existence, while the candle of its existence continues to hold forth the promise of burning brightly for eons to come -- as stars do not wage wars capable of eradicating every vestige of their own existence. However, in the long run's reality -- of that Cycle of Life & Death which observably and irrefutably operates as dictator's orchestration of all fates, even that of the Universe, itself -- all things that exist (as in every single thing that exists) eventually cease existing as per their prior state of recognized and established form of existence within all of Existence (NOT alluding to spirituality or any religion's afterlife). For herein lies the reality's crux of the matter regarding things which do exist as that which could easily be termed as living things in their own right of existing existence, such as life on planet Earth, the Earth itself, and even the lives of planets, stars, galaxies, nebulae, and, perhaps inversely, Black Holes: Could it be that our concept of what is Life, what is alive, what is a living thing or creature is in need of a serious accuracy's update which demands a scrutinous reexamination, rethinking, and redefining from a fresh outlook of open minded perspective?

In fact, Science openly and admittedly speaks in direct reference to the Lifespan8 of stars and planets, etc.; things which could not possess a Lifespan unless they also possess a life, and if a life, then also a form of existence as being alive; things which we tend to not recognize as living things or creatures of what is religiously considered as Creation, or simply a living part of existence within all of Existence.

Therefore (as theoretical speculation's food for thought) I would propose that Science has already begun that much needed redefining of what is Life in simply suggesting that Science's stated admission (as per the Lifespan evidential footnote provided below the conclusion of this article) stands as a definitive designation signifying that: Any observable form of existence that exhibits a combination of elements which result in an observably ongoing metabolic process -- of fuel converted to energy exchange (organic or nonorganic) that shall arrive at an eventuality's end of its present state of existence within a given span of elapsed time (or elapsed fuel consumption's depletion -- should be considered as a candidate for careful examination as a possible, yet divergent, form of life previously unrecognized by Man as representing Life in existence within the Universe around us. Bear in mind, the above proposal is theoretical only. One could easily view such a proposal as speculation's conjecture of mere poppycock, and perhaps it is. Yet, it also serves to represent an open minded exploration in search of truth which we do not currently possess knowledge of in our total lack of even an iota's inkling of grasping a shred of understanding's explanation as to, exactly how, and why, the Cycle of Life & Death exists as an undeniably inescapable process of recycling which does not discriminate betwixt Man and Stars, etc., and that in full view of the following, inexplicable, reality:

Everything within our Universe of existence is expressly and observably designed upon inexplicably incomprehensible, chemically formulated, mathematical equations which exactly dictate precisely correct proportions of specific elements comprising a given formula's completion as a whole with specific elements of that whole directed in calculation to unite in proper sequence of catalyst reactant events which shall, therein, commence consumption of the same or other specifically allotted elemental combinations of the whole as fuel generated and spent in producing energy which spontaneously gives life's essence of existence to the whole, whether that whole be a star, a planet, or human kind -- as individual creations within all Creation, we are each intelligently It designed in exactness' precision (unfathomably to the human mind) of each creation's unique blueprint, and that in mathematically defined chemical formula's results of fuel converted to energy burners as living, breathing (a breathing living being as per the correctly rendered meaning of the biblical word soul9), human beings until that moment in which the fuel, or the means of replenishing fuel, runs out, depletes itself, and for us is, simply, kaput, in dying's death.

Whatever It is, It has never asked me for worship, nor obedience. I respect that courtesy of a Maker's respect towards its own creation designed to be free and unhindered in becoming all that it can be in utilization of that which it has been given without further obligation of anything from such an extant It owed in any sense of obligation to Its own creation(s). I like the concept of It. I respect the concept of It. If Man is wise he will choose to never f**k with It or pretend the pretense of a nonexistent God, never ever, again, as It is best left alone as It unmet and always unknown -- leaving matters of lying a*s Misguiding & Mind Blinding Deceit's Deception Fed To Men As Fool's Fodder to the logic of sound reasoning's discernment of Free Thinking men, to them alone in noninterference's unmeddling manner of It has better things to do than mess with messed up Man messing in his own intellectual drawers of always wanting more; always wanting to know more; always wanting to have more; always wanting to do more; in having already messed up all that he has in having very little to nothing worth consideration's thought of any concept of more that could be sought, attained to or bought, and that any way, any place, any time, and most assuredly, any more -- as herein is the conclusion's sum all of all my words spoken in that of thinking out loud in sharing of my thoughts, above, on Religion and Man, as who is an Intelligent Design Free Thinking Creationist, quite, willing to embrace the theoretical concept of an It as a possible answer to Creation's origin which includes that of Man, while never accepting and always rejecting Organized Religion's variations of that which they promote to men as God, in totally lying a*s Misguiding & Mind Blinding Deceit's Deception Fed To Men As Fool's Fodder as nothing more than the late and great, Free Thinking, George Carlin's wisdom inspired assessment of Religion as Bullshit!

Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham

(Written September 24th, 2021)

© 2023 Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham

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Author's Note

Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham
1 This article of highly opinionated speculative conjecture is dedicated in reverent gratitude to my esteemed friend, Andre Emmanuel Ben-davi ben-Yehu, a respected Poet wielding his quill as a holy sword devoted to severing truth from lies, as a true and unwavering friend of Humanity, as well as

a Free Thinker seeking only that reward of inspiring sleeping minds to full alertness of awakened neurons firing in cognizant, quiet, contemplative cerebral meditation of discernment's attainment of knowledge revealed as truth tested, tried, and proven pure and untainted, rather than commonly accepted, decoratively tasty, lies cleverly disguised as trustworthy knowledge to be embraced as representing unquestionable wisdom of all important truths.

2 Andre Emmanuel Bendavi ben-YEHU Disclaimer: The contents and shared thoughts of belief contained within this article are those of the author's alone, and are not necessarily in agreement with my, personal, position on such topics.

3 Grifter: From the word Grift — Grift: Money made dishonestly, as in a swindle. A swindle or confidence game.

4 Bullshit — See: Religion is Bullshit: George Carlin:

5 Blind Faith — belief without true understanding, perception, or discrimination.

6 Sheeple-People — A word and term I find myself favoring in my attempt to communicate the all too factual reality that people tend to allow themselves — even seem to want — to be led, watered, and fed, much like sheep, trusting others with decisions and truths regarding their lives, their futures, their welfare, and their safety, rather then shouldering up such responsibilities themselves as individuals, in finding and enjoying the comfort of numbers. The word sheeple was first coined by actress and Wall Street Journal writer, Barbara Anderson, in 1984.

7 The Big Bang Theory — What Is the Big Bang? The Short Answer: The big bang is how astronomers explain the way the universe began. It is the idea that the universe began as just a single point, then expanded and stretched to grow as large as it is right now—and it is still stretching!

What's This Big Bang All About? In 1927, an astronomer named Georges Lemaître had a big idea. He said that a very long time ago, the universe started as just a single point. He said the universe stretched and expanded to get as big as it is now, and that it could keep on stretching
What an Idea!
The universe is a very big place, and it’s been around for a very long time. Thinking about how it all started is hard to imagine.

Some More Information: Just two years later, an astronomer named Edwin Hubble noticed that other galaxies were moving away from us. And that’s not all. The farthest galaxies were moving faster than the ones close to us. This meant that the universe was still expanding, just like Lemaître thought. If things were moving apart, it meant that long ago, everything had been close together. Everything we can see in our universe today—stars, planets, comets, asteroids—they weren't there at the beginning. Where did they come from?
A Tiny, Hot Beginning: When the universe began, it was just hot, tiny particles mixed with light and energy. It was nothing like what we see now. As everything expanded and took up more space, it cooled down. The tiny particles grouped together. They formed atoms. Then those atoms grouped together. Over lots of time, atoms came together to form stars and galaxies. The first stars created bigger atoms and groups of atoms. That led to more stars being born. At the same time, galaxies were crashing and grouping together. As new stars were being born and dying, then things like asteroids, comets, planets, and black holes formed!
A Super Long Time: How long did all of this take? Well, we now know that the universe is 13,800,000,000 years old—that’s 13.8 billion. That is a very long time.
What's in a Name? That’s pretty much how the universe began. Because it got so big and led to such great things, some people call it the "Big Bang." But maybe a better name would be the "Everywhere Stretch." What do you think?
8 Theory of a Static Universe — The static universe model is the obsolete theory, held during the 19th and early 20th centuries, that the universe is static, neither expanding nor contracting. It is now known that the universe is expanding, due to the Big Bang creation. There is scientific controversy over when the big bang creation occurred, whether it was billions of years ago or much more recent, but there is strong evidence that the universe had a beginning and the static universe theory is false.[1][2][3]

The static universe model was disproven in 1916, with the publication of Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity, which proved that the universe is inherently unstable, and must therefore either be expanding or contracting. The discovery of the redshift proved that the universe is expanding, and must have had a beginning. Despite all of this proof, there are still atheists who cling to the obsolete static universe model, because the big bang implies divine creation.

9 Intelligently-Stupid — a terminology of my own coining, creation, and contrivance.

10 Lifespan of stars — Science.Nasa.Gov: Stars: "… Despite their diminutive nature, red dwarfs are by far the most numerous stars in the Universe and have lifespans of tens of billions of years … Hypergiants emit hundreds of thousands of times more energy than the Sun, but have lifetimes of only a few million years … In general, the larger a star, the shorter its life, although all but the most massive stars live for billions of years ...”

11 The Biblical Meaning & Origin Of The Word Soul —

Immortality of the Soul: “The concept of an immaterial soul separate from and surviving the body is common today but according to modern scholars, it was not found in ancient Hebrew beliefs.[1] The word nephesh never means an immortal soul[29] or an incorporeal part of the human being[30] that can survive death of the body as the spirit of dead,”

James D. Tabor: What The Bible Says About Death, Afterlife, and the Future — "The ancient Hebrews had no idea of an immortal soul living a full and vital life beyond death, nor of any resurrection or return from death. Human beings, like the beasts of the field, are made of "dust of the earth," and at death they return to that dust (Gen. 2:7; 3:19). The Hebrew word nephesh, traditionally translated "living soul" but more properly understood as "living creature," is the same word used for all breathing creatures and refers to nothing immortal.”


The origins of the doctrine of the “immortality of the soul”—
Soul Definition & Meaning — Bible Dictionary Dictionaries - Baker's Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology - Soul

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Added on June 21, 2022
Last Updated on March 20, 2023
Tags: Philosophy, Organized-Religion, Evolution, God, Existence, Life, Humanity, Mankind, The-Human-Race


Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham
Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham

Smalltown, TX

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