Future Of Humanity 2024 & Yon-Ward

Future Of Humanity 2024 & Yon-Ward

A Poem by Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham

Simple thoughts of a simple man who does recognize things going on in in our nation, in this world, which do not have the best interests of Man's Humanity at heart.


Future Of Humanity 2024 & Yon-ward:

Fascism, Frankenstein-Mutated, Update-Upgraded,

As A Worldwide Infectious, Gone-Viral, Strain:

Corporate Capture Of Government: “Corporatocracy

Written By Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham

Copyright © 2024 Marvin Thomas Cox

DBA: Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham

All Rights Reserved

Allow me to begin this brief article, of opinionated speculative conjecture, in sharing what I do believe to be words of wisdom taken in excerpt from author Ronald W. Hull's story, Verge of Destiny:

"After World War II, the sky, and the stars, were the limit.  We reached for the Moon and got there.  A monumental feat we can't repeat.  Oh yes, there was the Cold War where two sides of the world with differing ideologies teetered on the brink of letting loose the genie again.  But there was fear of the Devil on both sides.  Neither one wanted to open that bottle and let that that genie out--that thermonuclear war that would have easily annihilated all life in the name of self-defense.  What defense is that, when by merely wiping out your enemy, you wipe out yourself?

Fortunately, that didn't happen--yet.  Something more insidious did.  Corporations changed the world.  Gradually, bit-by-bit, they took over country after country as they sought to make their products and sell them to an ever larger, international, marketplace."

Author's Preliminary Note: The views and thoughts which I shall share below, may not necessarily be those of author Ronald W. Hull.

Allow me to introduce you to a fictional character, whom I shall dub as Mr. Dick Tater. Next, I would present a hypothetical theory, one which would such suggest that Mr. Dick Tater is an often sight-unseen sensation, an ominous force at work within the entirety of our world today. Mr. Dick Tater, possesses an insatiable appetite, manifests himself in innocence of popular names such as Amazon and Walmart, as well as other names seldom mentioned or even known, and is expressly driven by an addictive fetish for ever increasing profits. The plain and simple of telling it like it is? Mr. Dick Tater seeks not conquest of city, state, kingdom or nation, but domination of the world.

As an American, it is my personal viewpoint that World World II's gallant expedition waged against the evils of Fascism was subtly that of solely removing the given name Dick from the all consuming Mr. Tater which, without said first name Dick, would surely bring about a near magical cloaking transformation, wherein Average Jane-N-Joe folks like you and I could now sleep better at night believing the world had been set free from all the evil, Fascist, Mr. Dick Tater's.

Thus, with the deletion's removal of Mr. Tater's first name -- Dick -- reality becomes less personal, because there is no longer a clearly visible villainous authoritarian-totalitarian figure-head for the masses to focus their enraged mind's eye upon as the cause-n-source of all their miserable lives of suffering in daily struggle of eking out impoverished existences, due to lack of Bills of Rights and lack of Freedoms held in hand of Liberty, but never without lack of those life enslaving, ever escalating, (no hope of mercy's respite in sight) consumer prices for essentials of food, shelter, transportation, taxes upon taxes (income, property, sales) and insurance's paid protection of home, health, life, and auto.

The masses, nations, even governments such as our own, would, hence, be blinded to the reality that they were being bought, owned, and controlled by insidiously nefarious, and most cancerous, Corporate-Entities which -- in orchestrated incremental stages of eventuality -- fully intend to possess, hold, and wield the true reigns of political, economic, and military power and influence--world wide, in every land and every nation, especially these United States of America. 

To reiterate Ronald W. Hull's words of wisdom:

Fortunately, that didn't happen--yet.  Something more insidious did.  Corporations changed the world.  Gradually, bit-by-bit, they took over country after country as they sought to make their products and sell them to an ever larger, international, marketplace."

Little did men-as-Man know or realize that their business venture creation-invention of the “Corporation” was to one day become a physical and monetary form of a manmade virus, which I (humorously) choose to self-coin as, “The Dick-less Tater Virus.” And what is it that viruses do in order to survive, sight unseen, and continue to infect their hosts -- soon to become their next victims -- wherein they also reproduce?  They mutate & adapt, more often than not, becoming even more powerful and dangerous strains of said virus than ever before -- Corporations mutating into Corporatism to cancerously metastasize into Corporationalism that reeks of no end in sight's tip of the iceberg of, there's something lurking in the shadows, something even more ominously sinister, hidden within the clamor's DIS-Information of our daily lives, but what ever could it be?

Hence, I theoretically suggest, the Fascism of World War II was never destroyed. The “Dick” was emasculated ceremonially from the “Tater:” The manmade Dick-less Tater Virus, originally known in naive innocence as the “Corporation,” has, in fact of reality, mutated and adapted, and thus become an all encompassing, all engulfing, and all consuming strain of predatory businessmen-made travesty that gives truest credence to the modern day term gone “viral.”

The “Corporation”, which I refer to as The Dick-less Tater Virus, exists today as a literal plague of pandemic portions set loose upon all the world by Man himself. It is a virus which operates via “The Right of Might,” favors the filthy rich, profits from War and bloodshed's carnage of innocents, and feeds upon the life's blood of the masses, in leeching Average Jane-N-Joe Humanity for all they are worth in endless wringing of their pocketbooks for more and more profits in order to soothe an appetite that shall never know that contentment of being sated.

The Dick-less Tater Virus also represents an eerie resemblance to a (i.e.: metaphorical analogy) Dark Ages specter upon the darkening horizon: The specter of Feudalism (a system of Lords and Serfs) man-resurrected as modern day -- Dick-less Tater Virus -- (Soft?) Fascism, a misleading facade for that which is, in all too surreal reality, Corporationalism. For, the fact is, all that is missing in America, today, is the Dick to set atop the Tater to then become Mr. Dick Tater before the world, once again. Bear in mind: Mr. Dick Tater is always popular with those who profit from his reign, no matter the land or nation.

It's Katy bar the door with no holds barred, if as such as I theoretically suggest should take place here in our America, come the 2024 Presidential Election. From all appearances the stage is set, and as such could actually become a nightmare's reality. Perhaps it won't, or perhaps it will, regardless of which Candidate becomes President -- and I do literally mean, regardless. Yet, truth is, appearances are often deceiving, intentionally created as a diversionary tactics used to draw attention away from a threat far greater than that of a Mr. Dick Tater reigning over our America, as terrifying as the very thought of such an outcome truly is and would be.

And yet, there is that illusive something -- something more -- which continues to gnaw at the back of our minds, but we just can't seem to put a finger on it, wrap our heads around it. What is it? What ever could it be? Well, could it be that we are so sensitized-terrified of a literal Mr. Dick Tater taking over our America that we cannot see the Forrest of Reality for all of the many Corporately owned leafy trees?

Consider this: Our Dickless Tater Virus may not simply be just a beheaded Mr. Dick Tater, any longer, as we have assumed that he/it was and so would be today: Corporations mutating into Corporatism to cancerously metastasize into Corporationalism that reeks of no end in sight's tip of the iceberg of there's something more lurking in the shadows, something ominously sinister, hidden within the clamor's DIS-Information of our daily lives, that we can't see, but what ever could it be? The simple answer is this: Something which surpasses the threat of Corporationalism, which does suggest that the Dicless Tater Virus has mutated-evoled into an even more dangerous threat. But, what is Corporationalism anyways, in order that we may comprehend exactly what could be worse?

Corporatonalism (Noun) is an economic and political theory advocating the rights and power of Corporation(s) over the individual, people, governments, locally, regionally, nationally and internationally. Its main characteristic are that it is fiercely opposed to "red tape", which can be anything from bank reform, union membership and health insurance reform to extra safety costs, the big corporations see government as a potential hindrance to their activities. Its main goal is to make the largest profit for its shareholders, for the least amount of costs. It is derived by the earlier concept of Corporatism.

Currently Corporatism is being replaced by a new, highly government- and regulation-resistant strain of “corporationalism”. Corporatism has been known by many words in the past such as Corporate Capitalism Imperialism, Colonialization, Fascism.” The Urban Dictionary

And so, we do see above that Mr. Dick Tater, before and after his/it's beheading, does display all the facet's attributes of Fascism (I theoretically suggest Feudalism as well), but the Dickless Tater Virus has become more dangerous that any World War II's concept of the threat of Fascism. In fact, while we and the world have rested upon our laurels, foolishly believing the threat to the world which Fascism presented had been eradicated and eliminated, that very real threat remained in quite similitude of hibernation's incubation of spreading its -- Dickless Tater Virus -- tentacles of attaining infectious expansion, infiltration, and control to every vital organ of sovereignty in every land and nation upon this Earth. And now, the Corporationalism caterpillar is openly emerging from it's snoozing cocoon, having morphed into the next Dickless Tater Virus mutation: Corporatocracy. What is Corporatocracy? Corporatocracy is:

A system or society in which corporations have economic, political, and often judicial control.” Vocabulary.com

When corporations control the society or the system it is called as Corporatocracy.” Oxford Dictionary

A society which is dominated by politically and economically large corporations.” Cambridge Dictionary

A government form in which the large corporations hold power.” Merriam Webster Dictionary

So, here it is folks: While we and the world have been sleeping, the innocent little 'Corporation” that I have word-play presented as the Dickless Tater Virus has literally been mutating overtime, gaining momentum of attaining strength through strategic position of wealth, influence, and power. We no longer own our own country. Our government no longer controls the future and destiny of America. And this infiltration's invasion of America by Corporatocray, which is undeniably in full control of our nation, may well be irreversible, as the age of sovereign nations may have arrived at an end, and the age of sovereign Corporations may have just begun.

Does there exist evidential proof that our nation has been infiltrated-invaded by Corporatocracy? Allow me to put it this way, and see if you glean any obvious evidence from that which I shall share: The fact is, Corporatocray -- the Dick-less Tater Virus -- is rampant worldwide, has infected America, and, like all viruses, does not just infect and victimize particular peoples, cultures, races ... Or, just particular political parties, because both the Republican and Democratic Parties are fully infected and influenced by the sway and wield of power of Corporations (now legally become “a person” -- possessing the rights of a person -- by the Supreme Court) in lobbying our Congress, and making Supreme Court sanctioned monetary donations. Get the drift: Corporatocracy owns and controls Congress and our Judicial System, lock, stock, and barrel. As for the Executive Branch? You can bet your sweet arse, Corporatocracy owns that as well.

The proper terminology for the infiltration-invasion's travesty which has befallen our nation is known as Corporate Capture of Government:

Corporate capture” is a phenomenon where private industry uses its political influence to take control of the decision-making apparatus of the state, such as regulatory agencies, law enforcement entities, and legislatures. When corporations draft legislation privately with lawmakers that they have significant influence over, this results in laws and policies that benefit corporations, while often harming the environment, low-income people, and communities of color ...” Center For Constitutional Rights.org

With all of the above sadly shared, come November, vote for the Candidate of your choice, for vote you must, or America most certainly loses. There is no doubt that Corporatocracy decides the outcome, but try we shall, and try we must, for we have no other choice, and we cannot give up. It is my assessment that no matter who is elected as President, not matter which or what Party that President represents, the new President will hold office by the express will, whim, and fancy of Corporatocracy's influence, power, and control of pulling the puppet strings of whomever resides in the White House Oval office: As per my poem, The Power Behind The Thrones.

Is there an answer, a solution, a fix, a way to reverse the damage already done to our nation, done to the entire world becoming the owned property and citizens of Corporatocracy that may soon render planet Earth an all too surreal Dystopian world? I have no clue. But we must try.

In closing, I do know this much: Somehow of someway, the “Corporation” that has become Corporatocracy must be eradicated by disbanding, outlawing, and banning its/their very ability to exist. Why so? The future of America, the world, and the Human Race is at stake. Attempting to reign in, control, regulate such a ravenously insidious entity will never see change. Only that act of nation's governments standing up and openly declaring all concepts of the “Corporation” illegal will ever serve as hope of saving our future. Can we count on Politicians opposing big money from Big Tech's Big Corporations which comprise Corporatocracy? Our nation's Congressmen, as well our Supreme Court Justice's have already revealed themselves as collaborating traitors to all that America was founded upon. But, someone must stand up and try. Otherwise, the future is most certainly bleak for us all, for America, and nations and peoples of Humanity worldwide.

(Written April 14th, 2024)

© 2024 Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham

Author's Note

Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham

1 Corporatacracy — Definition and meaning by sources:

Vocabulary.com: a system or society in which corporations have economic, political, and often judicial control. https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/corporatocracy

Governmentvs (https://www.governmentvs.com/en/what-is-corporatocracy/model-69-0 ) gives the following respected source information:

Oxford Dictionary: When corporations control the society or the system it is called as Corporatocracy.

Cambridge Dictionary: A society which is dominated by politically and economically large corporations.

Merriam Webster Dictionary: A government form in which the large corporations hold power.

2 Author, Ronald W. Hull — https://www.authorsden.com/visit/author.asp?AuthorID=3918 & Ron's Place: https://ronhullauthor.com/

3 Corporationalism — The Urban Dictionary: Corporatonalism (Noun) is an economic and political theory advocating the rights and power of Corporation(s) over the individual, people, governments, locally, regionally, nationally and internationally. Its main characteristic are that it is fiercely opposed to "red tape", which can be anything from bank reform, union membership and health insurance reform to extra safety costs, the big corporations see government as a potential hindrance to their activities. Its main goal is to make the largest profit for its shareholders, for the least amount of costs. It is derived by the earlier concept of Corporatism.
Currently Corporatism is being replaced by a new, highly government- and regulation-resistant strain of “corporationalism”. Corporatism has been known by many words in the past such as Corporate Capitalism Imperialism, Colonialization, Fascism. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Corporationalism

4 Corporate Capture — “Corporate capture” is a phenomenon where private industry uses its political influence to take control of the decision-making apparatus of the state, such as regulatory agencies, law enforcement entities, and legislatures. When corporations draft legislation privately with lawmakers that they have significant influence over, this results in laws and policies that benefit corporations, while often harming the environment, low-income people, and communities of color...” Center For Constitutional Rights.org https://ccrjustice.org/Corporate-Capture

5 The Power Behind The Thrones by Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham: https://allpoetry.com/poem/16045738-The-Power-Behind-The-Thrones-by-CoxFlynndeGraham

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Added on April 16, 2024
Last Updated on April 20, 2024
Tags: World-Affairs, Cureent-Affairs, Corporatism, Fascism, Humanity, America, 2024-Presidential-Election, Corporatocracy


Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham
Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham

Smalltown, TX

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