Rage Inspiration

Rage Inspiration

A Poem by Huggy Bear

It goes to show there is beauty in destruction You just have to see it for yourself

Rage is bonded with a desire
A desire for destruction
It is all I can think of

In my shed are old fireworks
They may be dangerous
It will serve there purpose
I take all I can carry
I place them in the middle of a field
I take my lighter
I begin to turn it on

Suddenly a large flame is produce
I smile with sick intentions
As I begin to walk away from the pile
I throw the lighter with force

The fireworks ignited
I turn to see powerful colors light the night sky
The explosions resonated within my body
As I watched I realized

Rage became a source of inspiration
The fireworks became my outlet
It goes to show there is beauty in destruction
You just have to see it for yourself

© 2010 Huggy Bear

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You sadist….!!!
There is no beauty in destruction….
I disagree with you….
But I liked your writing…
And the imagery of firework….
Excellent poem…..
But write about creation only…
Leave the thoughts of destruction…ok?

Posted 14 Years Ago

Wonderful poem. Which is obvious! :)

Posted 14 Years Ago

I love the last stanza in this poem. the flow is mostly smooth and you have chosen wonderful words for this poem. Great write.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Rage became a source of inspiration
The fireworks became my outlet
It goes to show there is beauty in destruction
You just have to see it for yourself

I enjoyed this stanza, this is wonderful

Posted 14 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on July 8, 2010
Last Updated on July 8, 2010
Tags: Desire, Rage, Firework, destruction, bonded
Previous Versions


Huggy Bear
Huggy Bear

Astoria, NY

- I have such an innocence and purity that not a lot of people have - Have a heart that most people can only fake - My heart has led me to some dark regions of life. - My heart has also led me to s.. more..


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