Liquid Freedom

Liquid Freedom

A Poem by Huggy Bear

Freedom that is produced through movement

I can feel it
Cool to the touch
It slips thorough my grasp
I can't catch it
It moves with quicken pace
Its movements are like ebbs and flows of an ocean
I am mesmerized by its liquid movement
Relaxation and peace wash over me like a warm blanket
The world is blurred by its intoxicating presence
I reach out cautiously to capture this siren-like essence
I finally became free of this prison that is reality.


© 2010 Huggy Bear

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I love how you creatively used liquid movement for the poetic and lyrical challenge group. I was not expecting it to end like that and that was a terrific way to end this piece. Nicely done.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on August 31, 2010
Last Updated on August 31, 2010


Huggy Bear
Huggy Bear

Astoria, NY

- I have such an innocence and purity that not a lot of people have - Have a heart that most people can only fake - My heart has led me to some dark regions of life. - My heart has also led me to s.. more..
