Beacuse theres not a "Random Rant" catagory in Type :D

Beacuse theres not a "Random Rant" catagory in Type :D

A Poem by Arianna

i got bored... its a a a... yeah youll see


i know its not all gonna be okay.

i know that sometimes its gonna hurt.

 that sometimes your gonna cry.

i know that sometimes we'll fight and wonder id its worth it at all.

 i know there will be break downs freak outs and screaming matches.

i know evryones not always honest.

 and i know i sometimes take this hoesty thing too far.

 i know i get confused and i cant make up my mind.

i know im stubborn an irritating.




i know im a b***h,

 i tell it like it is and people dont like it.

i know break ups arnt the end of the world.

 i also know they still hurt.

 i know that falling in love is most likely falling in like.

 i know that 1+1 dosnt always =2

i know that sometimes the laws of physics dont apply

 i know that perfection is overrated.

i know that trying to please evryone is impossable.

 i know that being myself is better than being someone else.

i know i should stop trying to hard.

and that i should start.

i know that i should be able to say whatever i want to whenever i want to .

 i also know that i cant.

 i know that constotutional rights dont apply to high school kids.

i know that crying is okay. 

 that friends dont always last as long as we want them to.

i know my writing is messy.

that my hair is too short.

i know im pobobly going to get ink poisening.

i know im not smart or popular.

i know im not what evryone wants.

i know when i talk people get mad.

i know who iam.

 i know where im going.

 i know a lot of things.

 but even more than that.

 i know i dont know evrything.

© 2010 Arianna

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Amazing poem

Posted 11 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on November 6, 2010
Last Updated on November 6, 2010




Hi there, So I know I have a really horrible tendency to drop off the face of the earth. No promises I wont do it again. I do that. But my husband and I are writing a book and we would love some i.. more..

Prolouge Prolouge

A Chapter by Arianna