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Acushla Chapter 1

Acushla Chapter 1

A Chapter by Emily Rose L.


That’s what he felt like right now. Bone dry sand that has never once even seen a drop of water. He could almost feel the grains replacing his skin.
No one even knew the meaning of the word compared to the need for water he felt at that moment. He could hear a ragged animal gasping for breath, desperate and dieing.
It’s me.
What’s my name?

His body refused to listen to him as he desperately tried to move or even just open his eyes. He felt as though there was no world around him, just his thoughts and this horrible thirst.
What is happening to me?

He felt the slightest sensation of moving, like he was flying. Maybe he did turn into sand and a gust of wind was moving him. Maybe he was simply dead. Could this be how it feels to die? He could have never believe that such thirst comes with dieing.

My name is Charlie.



Charlie’s eyes snapped open at the feeling of a cup being pressed to his lips and the liquid that smoothly ran down his throat. Not knowing what the said liquid was he went to push it away but his actions were weak from desire to just keep drinking. It was as though he hadn’t had a drink in years and someone just slapped a glass of ice cold water in front of him. His eyes slid closed again as he gulped it down.
“Hey Stal, come in here! He’s awake and finally drinking!”
At the sound of a voice Charlie startled and choked on…well whatever it was he had been drinking and was thrown into a violent coughing fit. When he looked at his hands his eyes widened at the scarlet red that covered his palms. He stared at what he assumed to be blood in shock as some of it trickled down the corner of his mouth. Charlie shook his head to clear his thoughts. After all, why would anyone make him drink blood?
“Calm down, Elliette. You scared the kid.”
Charlie opened his eyes once more at the sound of another voice. This one was deeper and obviously a male with a slight Irish accent. Charlie looked up and was met by a smile from a woman who must have been the owner of the first voice. She was sitting in front of him holding a cup that she must have made him drink from and looked around the age of 20. The woman had black curly hair and eyes that had dashes of grey and brown, along with a pale complexion. Charlie was sure many considered her very beautiful.
“Oh, you just have to see his eyes! They are so blue.” She said as if she was examining him. Charlie’s head snapped in the direction the sound of footsteps was coming from and the man who must have been the owner of the male voice appeared. He also was pale with black hair but his eyes were grey with very small specks of green. His hair was straight and his bangs look as if they were about to cover his eyes yet they just weren’t quite long enough yet. He looked to be around 18 years old. He had one earring on his left ear and two on his right that each had a very small green gem and he wore a leather jacket even though it seemed perfectly warm where they were.
Wherever that is.

“Look the kid is scared to death., just back up and give him some space. You are giving me a headache already.” He said sighing.
“Oh stop being a sourpuss already! You are the one who decided to save the kid, be more excited!” The woman said standing up to walk over to the man. Now that they were standing next to each other he realized how tall the guy was. The man simply glared at her before turning his frosty gaze to him.
Charlie’s breath hitched as the man started walking towards him and sat in the chair that was once occupied by the woman. The man stared at him as though he was in deep thought. After what seemed like a lifetime, the man suddenly lifted his hand to Charlie’s face. Charlie closed his eyes in sudden fear of what the strange man might do.
“He’s a messy eater.” Charlie’s eyes snapped back open at the feel of the man wiping the drink off the side of his mouth with his thumb. Charlie sat their gapping for a moment at the man and the red liquid on his thumb.

“W-what is that?” Charlie’s voice cracked as he attempted to talk.
“And he speaks.” The man said.
“Oh quit it Stal, he is probably scared out of his wits!” The woman scolded before looking at Charlie. “I’m sorry Sweetie, but you’ll have to save that question for later. My name is Elliette but feel free to call me Ellie and this ray of sunshine here-” she said with a hint of sarcasm, “Is Stallion. Just call him Stal, whether he likes it or not.”
Charlie was surprised by how cheerful Elliette was compared to Stallion. Stal seemed to be in a constant bad mood.
“Are you going to tell us your name or what, kid?” Stal said seemingly annoyed by the fact Charlie hadn’t said anything.
“Hm?” Stal hadn’t expected him to respond, they were strangers after all.
“My n-name. It’s Charlie.” Stal looked thoughtful for a moment after Charlie said his name.
“Don’t forget it.” He suddenly muttered.
“Forget wh-what?” Charlie cocked his head to the side in confusion.

“Your name, Charlie.” Ellie said. Charlie almost forgot she was there. “Make sure you do not forget your name.”

“Why would I forget my name?” This place was getting weirder and weirder to the point where Charlie was sure he was dreaming. He frowned when they did not respond to his question, it seemed as though they would answer none of them.
“Now Charlie,” Ellie’s voice startled Charlie out of his stupor, “Can you remember anything from before you woke up here?”

Charlie’s eyebrows furrowed in concentration. Now that he thought about it he really couldn’t remember…well…anything really. He could remember who he was, his age, his old hobbies, and things of that nature, but he could not put faces to anyone that might show up in these memories. Though, it was rare someone did. Charlie simply shook his head deep in thought.

“Told you,” Stal said, “He woke up to late to remember that stuff.”
“Well, maybe he could have at least remembered who his attacker was!” Ellie defended herself. Stal simply rolled his eyes.
“Attacker?” Charlie exclaimed in shock. What had happened to him?
“Stop rolling your eyes at me Stal! This is not a joke! We could all get into some serious trouble!” Ellie scolded Stal having not heard Charlie.
“Trouble?” He was beginning to feel even more frightened than he already was.
“Of course I am aware! I’m the one who risked his neck to save the kid!”
“Well since you went through so much to save him you should be a bit more concerned for his well being!”
“Of course I- I barely know the kid! Why should I care!?!”
“Oh, so you do care.”
“Shut up!”
“Could someone tell me what is going on!” Charlie finally snapped. The bickering between Stal and Ellie ceased and they looked at Charlie in surprise.
“Kid has a backbone.” Stal smirked. Charlie was simply glaring at both of them at this point.
“Stop being so rude, Stal. He is right, he does deserve an explanation.” Ellie scolded Stal yet again. It seems as though that is a usual routine for them. “Now ask away, sweetie.”
“W-well, what was that stuff you made me drink?” Charlie’s previous confidence almost completely drained away. Ellie looked uncertainly at Stal unsure of if she should answer that question.
“He needs to find out at some point.” Was all he said.
“It was…um, well…it was blood, Charlie.” Ellie’s voice was barely above a whisper.

“I’m sorry I must have heard you wrong,” Charlie said wide eyed. “Could you repeat that.”
“She said it was blood.” Stal repeated much loader for Charlie to here.
“What do you mean bl-blood!?” Charlie was frantic now. Stal rolled his eyes as though telling Charlie this was nothing.
“You’re a vampire, kid.”

© 2011 Emily Rose L.

Author's Note

Emily Rose L.
I know the first chapter is short but they should get longer!

My Review

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WOW! I felt like i could read on and on. That was great!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on November 14, 2011
Last Updated on November 14, 2011
Tags: vampire, gay, british, irish, romance


Emily Rose L.
Emily Rose L.

Ocean County, NJ

i am 16 years old and the oldest out of my siblings (3 little brothers). I Have been writing fanfiction and now i have dicided to try and graduate onto making my own stories. Though i love writing and.. more..
