

A Poem by imagwriteine

I was once blind,

Hot-headed, longing for one,

Who can lend own’s shoulder,

And on grasslands, run.

But I was fooled by the coating,

Which drawn my heart like a magnet,

Into believing, and trusting,

A stranger which all I hadn’t known.


We used to exchange bows,

Gestures, smiles,

What happened?


We used to have small chats,

Laugh, play and rant,

What about these too?


How could you coax me into trusting?

Giving my heart and faith,

But into the gutter they all went,

When you reversed what I know as truth.


Time is like water,

It peels away the surface,

And reveals the insides of rock and stones,

What’s within the sugarcoat.


I should’ve known,

After all I have not been first,

Nor will I be the last,

To be discarded, thrown.

After you have had enough,

Regardless of my heart, roughed,

Even a gesture seems so hard now,

A smile seems to be a toil.


My hands fall as the autumn leaves sway and swirl,

Dried up, yellow they are like my heart.

I am fed up, why not give up?

It is hopeless, and I believed.



© 2014 imagwriteine

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ahhh yes ... the pain of a relationship no more ...

your words are well travelled and etched in the forever changing sand of time that everyone gets caught up in at some time or other ... and in the caught-up-ed-ness we cannot see the light we forget to observe that it is all but a passing moment and our onlyhope may be that in the future we may be able to look back over our shoulder and realise that we have gained wisdom through experience and perhaps, just perhaps, if we are strong enough travel down a different path for the next adventure on the intrepid journey called life ...

very well done xx

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


9 Years Ago

wow thanks for you lovely review :D


ahhh yes ... the pain of a relationship no more ...

your words are well travelled and etched in the forever changing sand of time that everyone gets caught up in at some time or other ... and in the caught-up-ed-ness we cannot see the light we forget to observe that it is all but a passing moment and our onlyhope may be that in the future we may be able to look back over our shoulder and realise that we have gained wisdom through experience and perhaps, just perhaps, if we are strong enough travel down a different path for the next adventure on the intrepid journey called life ...

very well done xx

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


9 Years Ago

wow thanks for you lovely review :D

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1 Review
Added on November 11, 2014
Last Updated on November 11, 2014
Tags: poem, modern



Hong Kong

a rookie (student to be precise) who likes imaginative writings and meaningful poems, reviews on my work would be nice, thx :) more..

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by imagwriteine

Chapter 2 Chapter 2

A Chapter by imagwriteine

Chapter 3 Chapter 3

A Chapter by imagwriteine