The River

The River

A Poem by Scott H.

There is record, catastrophic flooding in my area of New York. So I wrote this.


“The River”

The rain marched through

In soldiered ranks

The river rising up its banks

It crossed the field

It took the flank

The river rising up its bank

Just as a wound

Fills up with blood

The river has become a flood

The town now lost

Beneath the mud

The river has become a flood

The levees break

The walls capsize

The river will not be denied

No matter which

Device is tried

The river will not be denied

In aftermath

We shake and shiver

You do not win against the river

Remember this

For now and ever

You do not win against the river

© 2011 Scott H.

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Wow this is incredible!!! Everything rhymes and makes sense, and the rhythm is flawless!!!!! Fantastic job! Definitely one of my favorites! :) :)

Posted 9 Years Ago

Reread this and still it is well written, kudos again.

Posted 9 Years Ago

Great write. I have a poem with the same title, go fig.

Posted 10 Years Ago

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Shelved in 1 Library
Added on September 10, 2011
Last Updated on September 10, 2011


Scott H.
Scott H.

Bath, NY

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