Spring Rain

Spring Rain

A Poem by Poetic Beauty

The melodic sound of rain
Softly pelting the earth below
Soothing the chaotic soul
An anxious thought vanished

A tranquil sound vibrating
Nourishing trees and plants alike
A transformation glistening
Liquid peace covering the grass

Cool misty droplets are formed
Floating down from the gray clouds
As the night slowly settles in
Shifting the daylight murky sky

So petite in size and shape
Yet so essential to the world
Without it life would perish
Nothing left but dry parched land

© 2021 Poetic Beauty

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all true. i love the rain and anything to do with nature. this is a terrific description of rain along with everything it gives and asks nothing in return. is interesting how when we get too much of it or not enough of it, it causes everything and everyone to get out of whack. terrific write ... :)

favorite -
Liquid peace covering the grass

Posted 2 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Poetic Beauty

2 Years Ago

I love many things about nature. The rain the sun the night plants and so on


I really like the universal quality within this - rain is more than just rain, life depends on it, the soul at times also - such a deep and poignant insight held with a softness in this piece, so lovely :)

Posted 3 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Poetic Beauty

3 Years Ago

I love nature and I love to listen to and watch the rain.
Really wonderful poem. Describes the importance of something so small as a rain drop, yet so important and vital for our existence. Lovely sound and nature imagery throughout the poem.

Posted 3 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Poetic Beauty

3 Years Ago

I was sitting on the porch watching it rain and this is the poem that came about
Yes, there is something different about spring rain. It's as though you can feel it bringing forth new life. You've created effective imagery to capture this process as it occurs.

Posted 3 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Poetic Beauty

3 Years Ago

Thank you I was watching it rain while sitting outside. It was a peaceful moment.
Rain is essential, like a heartbeat, to our existence. Not only does it nourish the earth, but it nourishes our spirit as well. I like the theme and structure of this poem. Nice imagery as well.
Thanks for sharing.
Best, B.

Posted 3 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Poetic Beauty

3 Years Ago

I was sitting on the porch while it was raining yesterday and that is what sparked this poem. It was.. read more
This is a refreshing & exquisite rendition of a rain song & dance! Here in central California, we've had only 10" of rain in a year, most a piddly mist that doesn't make a sound on my roof. I am so hungry for all the sensory you serve up, after such rain deprivation. I swear, every six months or so when we get a decent rain, I'm so hungry for the sound of drops on my roof, I'll stop everything & just listen the whole time becuz it never lasts long anymore! Love your poem & thank you for immersing me in a long-missed delight (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie

Posted 3 Years Ago

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Poetic Beauty

3 Years Ago

I live in Illinois so in the spring and early summer it rains a lot
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Love the sound of rain on a tin snack.
It reminds me of my childhood days
canoodling in an old tin hut at the edge
of the playing fields cos when it it rained
it was an excuse to stay in there, a while.

And rain sound drowns out the sound of life
bringing peace for a short while.

A decent theme to work with decently worked.

Regards from Rew.

Posted 3 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Poetic Beauty

3 Years Ago

I’m glad this gave you find memories to think about
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I like rainy season, I think it's the season of revival. The thirsty earth eagerly await for a downpour, and the branches of trees dances with its rhythmic tune. I like your misty droplet line.... To me it's very romantic. You have done a wonderful justice to the rain in this beautiful poem

Posted 3 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Poetic Beauty

3 Years Ago

I love rainy days as much as I love sunny days.
If only everyone could appreciate the rain so much, and by everyone I mean me.
I love the gentle pitter patter on the windows, coffee in hand and watching nature's rhythm, but on the other hand it rains here 242 days of the year, 2 days out of every three and not always in the gentlest of ways. Sometimes it's like living with tinnitus, or an over exuberant drummer, but where would we be without it, eh?
A lovely write that almost made me miss the fact it isn't raining here, yet ☔😊☔

Posted 3 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Poetic Beauty

3 Years Ago

I was sitting out on the porch watching it rain. It’s a gentle rain here and the sounds softly mel.. read more
dearest Beauty... it is a beautiful sound when rain is
falling on leaves and flowers, as well as, the thirsty earth...
the blades of grass and dandelions and wee wild violets
lift their faces to be refreshed. If it were not for all the Rain...
we would not have wee buds on our Maple trees...
and now each leaf is almost mature with their perfect "veins"
to provide shade for the Nests to be built for Birds this
Spring and Summer. I love to watch the Birds flutter and bathe
in the puddles from the Rain. tenderly, Pat

Posted 3 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Patricia Wedel

3 Years Ago

When I was young, I dreamed of sleeping under a Tin Roof and listening to the Rain with a melancholy.. read more
Poetic Beauty

3 Years Ago

The sound a tin roof is awesome but we don’t have one
Patricia Wedel

3 Years Ago

You are young... plenty of Time!! Do you like the Song... “Raindrops are falling on my Head”. ?.. read more

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19 Reviews
Added on April 29, 2021
Last Updated on April 29, 2021
Tags: Nature, rain, peace, sound


Poetic Beauty
Poetic Beauty

corn country, IL

First off I'm on here to post my writing to have an outlet for my emotions. You will find a variety of poems. If you like take a moment and stroll through this poets mind. Secondly be kind to each .. more..


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