

A Poem by Emily Dickinson Jr.

This is a poem about the many prophets and messiahs of history give it a read :-)


Slow as hope

As long as pain


Awaits a yearning

yet to be seen


Of truths

Never meant to be seen


The fates have argued

And they still do


Of what to tell

And who to tell it to


To this day the numbered few

Have warned us greatly

What to do


But we don't follow

We don't give


And so we fall

Deeply into sin

© 2012 Emily Dickinson Jr.

My Review

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This spoke to me on many levels. It made me think of my parents warning me about behavior issues and flaws they saw in my character as a very young man, beseeching me to turn away from some of the activities I participated in. But, did I listen? Nope, I had to learn my life's lessons "the hard way".
It speaks on a national level as well. We have been warned for decades by those "numbered few" you mentioned in your piece to be a moral and caring society, to always put the cares of others ahead of our own, refrain from immorality, vanity, etc. Have we listened? I don't know, but take a look around and see if you think so.
Very thought provoking work...

Posted 11 Years Ago

Emily Dickinson Jr.

11 Years Ago

thanx! thats exactly what I like my poems to do. I very rarely have an exact point or target, I lik.. read more
Dean Kuch®

11 Years Ago

My pleasure entirely...

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1 Review
Added on July 30, 2012
Last Updated on November 30, 2012


Emily Dickinson Jr.
Emily Dickinson Jr.


Im just a highschool girl. Writing is my hobby and I think Im fairly good at it but I leave you to be the judge of that. :-) my best short stories are: more..
