A galaxy and a blue flip-flop keychain

A galaxy and a blue flip-flop keychain

A Story by Emily Dickinson Jr.

A keychain causes death, a key chain causes frenzy, A keychain can not be destoyed not forever becuase you can't keep a good key-chain down.








       Black, oblivion surrounds a scene.  The endless, stark expanse of space surrounds us and little else.  I say little else for there is something here.  There are stars far off even if we can't see many.  Of course, there's also the small matter of lasers and two armadas shooting down one another.  One set of spaceships were triangular and the enemy were a sort of rounded type tube ship.  They both were small but they both were lethal.  If you could see who was in the ships and had no idea of the chaos outside, these two enemies would be no different.  Inside each of these ships were Legarithans from the Vexunthan planetary system.

             They were all the same shade of brown, and each massive compared to their little vessels.  All had three eyes and all had four fingers.  They were all simple Legarithans so why did they shoot to kill one another?  They wanted something and each believed the other had it.  None would believe the others ignorance and, both sides suspected trickery where none existed.  They shot off beams and lasers of many kinds and there were many small explosions. 

            One young Legarithan used a weapon none of the others would dare.  She pushed the big red button.  She would die; she knew this.  The button would blow her up but she would take the enemy with her.  That was the plan and she wanted it that way.  More than anything she wanted to go down a hero to be remembered as the one to end this civil war between her kind.  As she pressed the button and it blinked once, twice, thrice, a boom resonated throughout every galaxy.  An explosion rocked the whole Vexunthan system.  As the dust rose and spread each creature of every quadrant felt a pang in there heart.  This pang was the pang of an entire species dying. 

            As the dust settled a little blue orbed could be seen flying away from the cloud, ejected by the force of the blast.  This was the object the creatures had been seeking.  Who really had this little blue object has been lost to the history books of the galaxy.  What is known however is that where this little blue object goes terror follows. 

            Through the great expanse of space the blur orb flies from galaxy to galaxy it flies without once stopping.  It passes grand planet after grand planet never once slowing on its journey until one day thousands of years after the end of the Legarithan's civil war it slows and eventually crashes to a large asteroid only a single quadrant away from the original battle field.  Down, down, down into the soil of the asteroid it was buried.  It glowed faintly not that anyone was there to see it. 

            With flowers in both arms a young girl walked through the meadow by her home.  She lived comfortably with her family and the Saehi Asteroid; it was a humble farming asteroid.  Her family the Croons lived here.  She was Mei Croon.  Today however she was not planting for profit but for pleasure.  When full grown the flowers would bloom white with rainbow specks and from their blossoms would sprout rainbows when in their prime.  She dug in a small mound of earth on the eastern side of the meadow to plant her lovely flowers.  She tried to anyways.  She dug but before long she hit something hard something unforgiving.  Pushing the soil aside she sees a glimpse of vivid blue.  She brushed all the dirt away and saw clearly the object so many desire.  It is a blue plastic sandal, a key-chain, and broken at that.  That is what it appears to be but Mei knew much better than that, everyone with any education knew better than that though on this farming asteroid that wasn't many.  It was the traeum.  The traeum was a kind of hard drive.  It contained within each cell of its plastic all the knowledge and secrets of humanity.  It was coveted by all and because of this it cause mayhem.  Now it had come to Mei's asteroid.  The only thing Mei knew at this point was ‘no one must know of what I have found, of what I have seen, of what I do know now.".  So, with that thought in mind she went on life normally harvesting crops as if nothing had changed.  However, something had changed; there was no mistaking that.

            The day was long and Mei was exhausted.  Sweat was rolling down her skin and darkening her clothes.  The she heard something "Mei! Mei, come here!”  It was her mom.  She did as she was told and went up to her. “Sweetheart, a town meeting has been called.  They say it's urgent.  Also, it involves your brother."  With a look of alarm on her face she quickly walked to town with her mom.  On the way she asked "Derek?  What did he do to get the whole town involved?”” Not now, you'll find out soon."

            Soon they arrived to see hundreds of families all gathered.  It looked as if every person on the asteroid had come.  A rotund man stepped up and addressed the people “My dear citizens, for so long our humble asteroid has gone unknown and underestimated.  Today, this all changes because of one young man.  Step forward, Dereck Coon!"  The crown parted and there was her brother standing in his standard overalls yet on his face rested a smirk.  He seemed very much pleased with himself.  "Dereck show the people what you have found.  Show them what will change their lives."  Just as he was told to Dereck reached down into his overalls and pulled something all, blue, and sandal-shaped.  It was the Traeum.  He thrust it high into the air as one would a sword of glory.  Mei reached down into her pocket. It was gone.  'Damn it!  It must have fallen out while I was working.  What will you do next, dear brother of mine?  That smirk leads me to think nothing good.'

            Out of the crowd several gasps were heard interspersed.  Most on the asteroid were ignorant but there were still several like Mei who weren't.  The speaker went on, "I see that several of you recognize this object.  For those of you that don't, it is called a Traeum.  It contains the information of the universe, it contains great secrets.  With this knowledge our small existence shall be expanded and never again overlooked!  Do it Dereck, do it now!"  From Mei's brother came a screech a howl a roar of inhumanity and it echoed off into the great expanse.  Mei was shaken to her core 'I have never once been so afraid of my own brother'.  Our leader spoke again "That call will bring a rare species of creature and from it our researchers will yield wonderful medical discoveries.  We learned this from the Traeum and have concluded that this is the easiest and fastest way for us to become acknowledged.  Mae stepped forward to the crowd and spoke "Leader, brother, the traeum gives knowledge in its purest form but it knows nothing of risk nor of danger.  Think on what may come along with this creature.  We could very well be killed in this attempt."  Superior smirks were their response to her.  “Nothing will happen, you silly girl, just you wait."  Mae would not hear of it; she was insistent that they at least arm themselves.  Her brother gave in.  “Leader there is no doubt she is wrong but there is no harm in placating her, surely?  Have the people bring a few guns and be done with it."  The leader agreed.  The people didn't seem to hear any of what Mae said and were in clusters laughing, joking and celebrating there good fortune.  They had brought a few weapons on the leaders command but were really just using them as staffs to lean on.  She wasn't surprised; people rarely did pay her any mind.

Hours went by and soon Mae had a feeling creep up her spine and spread across her shoulder blades.  She stared into space in fear-laced anticipation.  Soon a soft sound was heard it was a sort of croon.  In the distance something was seen.  It wasn't pretty.  It was large and grey with many limbs.  Its eyes spoke of madness and as it came closer a rancid smell spread.  Before she could notify any other it was here and it didn't slow on land; if anything it gained speed.  It began to destroy.  Blood rained down from limbs being torn brutally from corpses and from teeth ripping from cold skin to cold skin.  Dereck and the leader had been the first to fall.  They died with hands a stretch and greed shining from their now lifeless eyes.  She didn’t have time to mourn, and she knew at that speed she couldn't save anyone, not even her mother, though she dearly wanted to.  She grabbed the Traeum from her brother's stiff hand and ran to where it all began.  She hid in the fertile mounds of the meadow.  Her body shaked and silent tears fell down her full cheeks.  She could not make a sound she knew this so not a squeak escaped her lips.  She held in her whails for her life.  She stayed there shaking in silent tears for hours.  Soon they left her but still she hid for days.  She watched day change to night and repeat the cycle until she finally felt it was safe to leave.

            The walk into town was a slow journey, it seemed to last forever and drag on, even though the walk was actually very brief.  All that remained were skulls and other bones.  She ran frantically and checked each house.  Each was empty.  She was the only one alive and that thought brought on a scary thought ' Now that it has killed my town what is to stop it from going after the others?'  Mae didn't have many friends but she did have one, a very dear one, which lived an asteroid over.  Her name was Sarah and both Mae and Sarah wore friendship charm bracelets. 

            With that in mind Mae took her mother’s spacecraft and went to the Neu Asteroid.  It was very quite.  She walked into town to see if she could find Sarah.  It was too late.  Blood was splashed onto the buildings and flesh littered the ground.  She heard a sort of rasp, a sort of gurgle and spun around quickly.  It was a body, a live one.  It was smashed and tangled in a clothing line.  Its hair was dark and blood matted and its skin a deathly pallor.  Its limbs were hanging limply and its left limb is what really grabbed her attention.  Dangling from its left wrist was a bracelet, a charm bracelet.  Mae had an identical one on her left wrist, as well.  It was Sarah, it had to be.  This girl however looked nothing like her Sarah; her friend always so lively.  "Sarah, is that you?  You’re going to be alright aren't you?"  The body raised its head and smiled, a tragic smiled.  "Of course, I am Mae, don't be a Silly-Billy."  She rasped out and chuckled weakly.  Suddenly her eye went wide and looked much too large for her head and gasped out “run-” and before anything else could be said a tentacle was speared through her head and nothing more was said.  Mae didn't stop and stare she just ran.  She ran straight to Sarah's house.  She didn't look back but if she did she would have seen the beast just a step behind her the whole way there.  As it was she could only here the great "Thump, swish" of its great tentacled limbs against the ground echoing behind her. 

            When reaching the house she slammed the door closed and bolted it shut tight.  The door trembled and loud bangs came from the other end.  Mae ran to the other side of the room.  Tentacles were slipping under the door and leaking from the sides.  Soon it exploded in splinters while she cowered in the corner.  The beast came closer and she looked at it in hysteria and the madness of a person looking death in the face.  She took out from her pocket a square metal machine.  On this machine was a button a big red button.  She smile at the monster and told it "You killed everyone but it stops here; I’ll take you with me and end this mass of murder just like the Legarithens finished their civil war."  She kept to her word cleanly and without further adieu pressed the big, red button.  Anyone outside the house would see wind being pushed harshly out the windows and doors.  They would have seen the wood splinter and explode.  They would have soon died to as the explosion spread to the rest of the asteroid and cremated the fallen villagers. 

            All that was left was dust but if you had seen Mei's body before the temperature reached the level needed to change its state you would have seen melted blue wax upon her belly.  That was the fate of Mae and the traeum is what anyone who had seen what happened this day would think.  This would be thought rightly for the traeum was mere dust in the wind for a million years.  That is, until one day on earth a baby was born.  That baby would grow to be a genius; the smartest being on Earth and even though they didn't know it the galaxy.  Because, this baby was born with a sandal in her tummy.  On her fifteenth birthday after blowing out the candle on her cake she would look up to the sky smiling.  She would see several dark circles in the sky and she wouldn't have any idea why.

© 2013 Emily Dickinson Jr.

Author's Note

Emily Dickinson Jr.
I had another asignment for my english class. We got to pick anobject out of a bag without looking i picked out a blue flip-flop keychain. It was only suppose to be two and a half pages long but I get a little carried away so it's a bit longer than that lol.

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It can be quite difficult to create a good story about a random object but this story is quote interesting so well done!

Posted 11 Years Ago

This is fun, but it stopped just as the new story started! I'd love to see just what happens next...

Posted 11 Years Ago

Emily Dickinson Jr.

11 Years Ago

I cnt help it I love me a good cliff hanger as long as I'm not the one reading it lmfao
Not bad. Interesting storyline. To create a story around a random object is very difficult, but you pulled it off. There are, however, some grammatical and structural issues. Send me a private message if you want to know what they are. I'm a professional writer and don't believe in being harsh, especially in public. I don't mind giving you some pointers, if you want them.

Posted 11 Years Ago

nice narrating i could have never written so much without losing the intrest of me and the reader. again great job

Posted 12 Years Ago

i love the way you narrate. i like this :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

Emily Dickinson Jr.

12 Years Ago

aww thanx bd! I'm so glad you enjoyed it :-)
I love the randomness of the title, it really drew me to the story. Anyway a very creative piece! Well done

Posted 12 Years Ago

Emily Dickinson Jr.

12 Years Ago

thanx so much! i was rly going for that :-) I was hoping ppl wud look at it go "huh,what?" and che.. read more
Wow this is so fresh and unique and creepy and sad and wonderful and silly and different and...I'm running out of adjectives because I'm an illiterate hobo and don't know enough to describe this! Love it! You remind me of my friend. She has the same gift for coming up with unique names that seem to fit the characters wonderfully. Great - wait, no - EXCELLENT job!!!!

Posted 12 Years Ago

Emily Dickinson Jr.

12 Years Ago

lol thanx so much I'm really glad you like it! :-)
While I was reading this I kept having flashbacks of The Hitchhikers' Guide to the Galaxy and this Futurama episode where Bender becomes a planet as he is floating throughspace. This made me laugh and smile at the humor. The only problem I had with it, was simple. Did you mean for to be funny, at times it feels it could have its serious moments?

Posted 12 Years Ago

Emily Dickinson Jr.

12 Years Ago

It was written seriously but I tend to inject hints of my humor into it so I guess its a mix? like.. read more
Joey Johnson

12 Years Ago

Well I liked it and it worked well so good job.
Emily Dickinson Jr.

12 Years Ago

lol thanx :-)

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8 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on November 29, 2012
Last Updated on March 3, 2013


Emily Dickinson Jr.
Emily Dickinson Jr.


Im just a highschool girl. Writing is my hobby and I think Im fairly good at it but I leave you to be the judge of that. :-) my best short stories are: http://www.writerscafe.org/writing/poisinros.. more..


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