So Near

So Near

A Poem by R. L. Igmen

something i wrote in my high school.. about the effect of a budding puppy love.

How I hate myself
when You're around,
thinking you are so near to me.
It makes my heart beat
rapidly and fast--
don't you ever think about it?
Even though I fathom
You already knew It,
from the very start--
my only hope is,
that my Heart will stop
 loving someone like You--
yes, someone like You!

© 2010 R. L. Igmen

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Wow, I actually really connected with this poem as I'm feeling quite the same as this right now. But I guess everyone goes through it at some stage in there life, if not many a time.
I really liked this, it seemed almost like song lyrics. Like it could be sung, it was cool.

Posted 13 Years Ago

oh i know how this feels i had a crush when i was about 16teen and 18teen years old he liked me but i was'nt like the poplar S***s in high School lol and never was going to be beautiful but could'nt handle his attitude lol even though he was nice to me the Jock in school lol. i love this we all go through this great write thank you for sharing

Posted 14 Years Ago

This poem confused me I won't lie.
Is this about someone who hates them-self for loving someone they really shouldn't?
That is what I get form it.
The part that was confusing was when you say How I hate myself when you're around(so they are there with them) thinking you are near. is that a metaphor for the person in love thinking they are loved but truly aren't?
Maybe I'm reading too much into this.
It's late. lol
Nice poem though

Posted 14 Years Ago

How interesting this piece is. It just seems to scream at you - in a musical and vocal since. Very well done piece. The scheme is very different than I have seen. I enjoyed it. :)

Posted 14 Years Ago

it happens with everyone once a while... you love someone who doesn't feel the same... Great write!!!

Posted 14 Years Ago

I can definetly relate! I think we've all had a crush for (or have loved) someone who hadn't had those same feeling for us. And you're exactly right, in those situations we do tend to get angry with ourselves and angry with them. A very good poem about young love and what it means to be turned away.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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7 Reviews
Added on January 4, 2010
Last Updated on January 4, 2010


R. L. Igmen
R. L. Igmen

Manila, Philippines

I started writing prose and poems in my early highschool days. and fortunate enough to be a writer/illustrator in our school newspaper that time. I get my inspiration from music, but most of the t.. more..

H. D. H. D.

A Poem by R. L. Igmen

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