March Madness

March Madness

A Story by Quinn W

This is a summary of the month of March for me.

-The specific parts I will be writing about are: Yoga & Meditation, Writing & Editing, Reading, Veganism, and Anxiety. These will be labeled so you can read the sections you want and skip the others.
Yoga & Meditation
I have been practicing yoga almost every day this month. Yoga is something I thought would bore me but it is so interesting. It's fun, harder than you think, and the history is pretty cool too. Just doing yoga this month has made me noticeably more flexible and toned. It will definitely be something I continue doing. While I do yoga, I try to meditate. Meditation has supposedly helped people with anxiety but it's done nothing for me and I'm pretty open to learning about alternative methods and stuff. I also find it extremely boring and monotonous. I keep trying but I'm not too sure if I'll continue meditating.
Writing & Editing
I feel like I've said this a lot but it's true and kind of sad. I have not been writing as much as I used to. I just don't feel as inspired to write fiction as I am to express myself through almost blog entries like these. It's weird. I have been writing more poetry though, which is something I've wanted to try out for awhile. Editing, on the other hand, whoah. I have been busting it out this month. I think I have edited more this month than any other month. FYI: I edit stories for other people a lot and provide advice in a way. I've been editing almost every day and it's been great because my main focus has been on becoming an editor one day, not a writer or poet. It's fun to dabble in writing and think it's important for an editor to write as well, so they can have the experience to relate with authors they are editing for. I think I will try to be more focused on writing in April.
So, I obviously read the writing on this website, including the ones I get read requests for. Or, at least I try to. It's always so interesting to see everyone's creativity here.I also love reading about their actual lives, whether through poems or journal/blog entries. As for books, I have been reading more nonfiction. I also just picked up a book of a collection of poetry called 'Milk and Honey'. I'm so excited to read it after I finish the book I am reading. Nonfiction can be so enlightening and I love it.
Yay, my favorite part of this post! I have been vegan for two months now and I FEEL AMAZING. I have never felt healthier and more proud of myself. So many people have doubted my ability to be vegan and I have proved them wrong and helped the innocent animals being slaughtered everyday. I feel so great knowing that I am not contributing to the eggs, meat, and dairy industries. I also feel great because I'm so healthy! I physically feel awesome! I have so much energy, I'm never bloated (even on my lady days), I sleep so much better, and my self-esteem has skyrocketed. I have also effected my family members. My father, who was very overweight, has adopted some of my vegan recipes and has almost stopped eating meat! He's lost about twenty pounds (and still has about fifty to go) and I am so proud of him.
I am assuming most of you know that I have an anxiety disorder. When I first diagnosed, the beginning of this school year, I couldn't leave my house. That's the reason I started online school and have been focusing so much on mental health. I still have my bad days but, with medication and understanding, I have accomplished something I never thought I would be able to do again: I WENT TO THE MALL. Yeah, that big building full of stores and a bajillion people, I WENT TO IT AND STAYED THERE FOR ABOUT TWO HOURS! I had a little anxiety attack in the car, there were tears, but I made it in and actually enjoyed some of it. My heart was pumping so hard in the beginning from fear but, by the end, it was pumping with pure pride. I was so happy that I had accomplished that. 
All in all, this month has been the best I've had this school year. This year has crippled me and beat me with a stick but this month has been an absolute blessing. I just hope I can have more like this.

© 2017 Quinn W

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Quinn, I've missed reading you very much. Sorry I've been gone from this website for a few months. I'm trying to get caught up on dozens of read requests now. There are so many ways that you remind me of my younger self. I used to do journal writing for many years & I often would do an accounting of the ways in which I was always trying to improve myself in some of the same ways that you are describing here. So similar, it blows my mind. I'm proud of you for having goals & paying attention to how you're doing in your progress. I love the way you share the little accomplishments of your life by showing us your true inner joy about things. The "mall" share is very touching. I'm so proud of you. By the way, when I try to meditate, I usually fall asleep! *wink! wink!* (((HUGS)))

Posted 7 Years Ago

I'm glad that everything's been better for you this month, Quinn. It's good to see you've been thankful for your progress thus far.

Posted 7 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on March 29, 2017
Last Updated on March 29, 2017


Quinn W
Quinn W


I have always enjoyed reading. It has taught me many things others just can't explain to you. It has also fueled my love of writing. I love writing short stories, they're my creative outlet, Mom would.. more..

Worthy Worthy

A Poem by Quinn W