At the Movies

At the Movies

A Poem by Einstein Noodle

;{ all takes appreciated ... non edited ;}

pompous stars impossible to 

tales telling in the shooting are

not what you are

how you twinkle!

amusingly the Persaides
make you spectacular, spectacular

lofty lefty

violence the gist

you the




© 2016 Einstein Noodle

Author's Note

Einstein Noodle

My Review

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Featured Review

Self made celebrities decide they will tell us who should run the country and how. Then they accept millions of dollars to star in movies advocating the exact opposite views. There is no meteor shower making them great....they have self imposed power. Wonderful write....the varied margins are so effective. Great work, E. Lydi**

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Einstein Noodle

7 Years Ago

thank you Lydia!! exactly the things i wanted to get across and peace girl! :)


ditto what Jacob said really. Movie stardom just does not seem the same anymore. Show business is business first

Posted 7 Years Ago

Einstein Noodle

7 Years Ago

yes!!! Errol Flynn and the pirates! :)
Dr. Wood ?

7 Years Ago

AH SATURDAY MORNING CINEMA, Flash Gordon versus the Emperor Ming
Einstein Noodle

7 Years Ago

ahahaha you are moving so fast my head is spinning now :}
Self made celebrities decide they will tell us who should run the country and how. Then they accept millions of dollars to star in movies advocating the exact opposite views. There is no meteor shower making them great....they have self imposed power. Wonderful write....the varied margins are so effective. Great work, E. Lydi**

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Einstein Noodle

7 Years Ago

thank you Lydia!! exactly the things i wanted to get across and peace girl! :)
Does seem a bit hypocritical. I had not really thought of that before. I would like to be a movie star and only star in romance movies beside the handsomest men. I'm probably better suited for comedy though. Because sometimes my life is a joke. Always a thought provoking piece from you Mr. E.

Posted 7 Years Ago

Einstein Noodle

7 Years Ago

your no "joke" to me my friend! in reality, men are falling at your feet...aren't they?! i worship y.. read more
I enjoyed this so much, and so true. "Pompous Stars Impossible to reach". We get sucked into their lives so easily because fall in love with their characters, but we can never reach that status, and should we even want too.

However, i love a good movie, but I enjoy old movies so much better.

Posted 7 Years Ago

Einstein Noodle

7 Years Ago

i do too ..and like you more so the old ones ..actors on stage are doing their job ..but it seems th.. read more
a sweet tribute to your role models,i believe most are over rated and as jacob said ,self elevated,,but you have some down to earth,been married for years,raise children,and don`t take their selves so serious

Posted 7 Years Ago

Einstein Noodle

7 Years Ago

there are a few Wordman; I do agree, but not many. One knows who they are because they stay out of t.. read more
I got the meteor shower reference (still have a cricked neck from watching the last one - what was it the Leonides??) - they are but sparks in the grand scheme of things and yet there influences can permeate generations so they should better weigh up their soundbites and err more on the side of societal responsiblity than what will get them the most likes lol
I 'like' this E.
Your social conscience is showing - and it is good.

Posted 7 Years Ago

Einstein Noodle

7 Years Ago

thanks man! i missed that last shower .. knowledge of it was a day late for me :( thank you for your.. read more
Tony Jordan

7 Years Ago

It's hit and miss re the weather with these things anyway mate. we got partly cloudy so not best sit.. read more
Hello, Einstein! :)
I see a mirror here, politicians who speak of protecting the people, yet in their work promote gun violence. I enjoy violent films. When I was a boy, I'd imitate them in play. If I'd had access to a gun, I might have killed someone. Violence excites me. I'm more interested in the opinions of my neighbors than those of entertainers. I'm not very interested in my neighbors' opinions. Haha
I'd like to see guns banned in my country.

Posted 7 Years Ago

Einstein Noodle

7 Years Ago

ps. most by felons using those firearms...having them very illegally .. i have owned and operated al.. read more

7 Years Ago

Yes, Einstein! :)
I have trouble seeing things from varied perspectives. And, I cant see how.. read more
Einstein Noodle

7 Years Ago

if you come Northwest through the Ozarks, let me know! we'll put the coffee on the fire. ;)
Are you referring to the Perseides son's and daughters of Perseus and Andromeda? Or the Perseids meteor shower? Or perhaps that worthless hero in League of Legends? Hmm, I suppose these super stars must think they're gods & goddesses when put next to us regular folk, and to see a meteor fall is certainly a show, and "useless heroes" is a pretty good summary of how I feel about those Hollywood types. Always so lofty with their hypocritical jabbering. Maybe if they used their powers for ACTUAL good instead of poppycock they would get more respect from the likes of me. But what do I know?

Posted 7 Years Ago

Einstein Noodle

7 Years Ago

hear hear D! the tale of the perseides is made up of the stars "refuse" so to speak ;) its spectacul.. read more
Ya, I find the whole new breed of political activist/environmental crusading Hollywood actors hard to swallow. Size 12 (normal) women crusading for fat acceptance and then dropping to a size 2 on the cover of some magazine -- Leo flying around the world telling us about our carbon footprints -- his home the size of three or four full size family homes. Make your name toting guns and blowing up things, and then rally for gun control. Yup. Shiny. Plastic. Unreal.

Posted 7 Years Ago

Einstein Noodle

7 Years Ago

i am sure happy you came and read/reviewed this on ...its your spirit i feel in your comments that w.. read more
Lyn Anderson

7 Years Ago

I was thinking of a new shade. Bright pink, perhaps. :)
I love musicals, live and celluloid.. However, these days, as someone who sees most movies when they're old.. and i mean old.. they outplay their performers. - the so.called stars.The actors are pawns enclosed in albeit clever stuff but -

Recently however, I actually sat in a movie studio! What i saw was life, played predominantly by amateurs; had a hell of a lot of ad libbing; no music (thank the gods). But i wept at its reality.. as did my companions. Ok. Few people pay to see life in the raw for entertainment. What that particular audience had seen was real. At the end, as the lights went up, the audience stood and applauded. The name of the movie was 'I, Daniel Blake.' Not a star as such start to finish.

Perhaps movie goers need their would -be stars wrapped in gloss and dross.. dont know. But for many, truth makes the heart live on.. the rest is forgotten. As are so many personalities who eventually and unlike Dickens, Moliere, and the like - will fade... oops.. I talk to much. Would never have made silent movies.

So what was the theme of your inspiring poem, written by a mind that's far, far clearer than mine!! You're a star in your own write, mister.

Posted 7 Years Ago

Einstein Noodle

7 Years Ago

nooooooo don't goo !!! ;)'s movies and scripts are re-works with added "special" effect.. read more

7 Years Ago

I guessed as much!
Einstein Noodle

7 Years Ago

:) ..................

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28 Reviews
Added on December 24, 2016
Last Updated on December 24, 2016


Einstein Noodle
Einstein Noodle

Pork Rind, AK

This morning as I began to log in to WC, it occurred to me what an inspiring and comfortable place this has become for me. There are so many talented people sharing, encouraging, teaching and learni.. more..


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