In Answer

In Answer

A Poem by Einstein Noodle

Buy Painting Gossip Artwork No 8253 by Indian Artist Basukinath Dasgupta

In Answer
words like blistering spikes
speaking in foreign tones 
and thumping on pulpwood

Prying ears quiver to hear
mocking quaking aspen

helpless, they  hit the mark of hurting me
i wish i had quickened wit and delivery 

to say all the things i think of 



© 2024 Einstein Noodle

Author's Note

Einstein Noodle

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Ouch Mr E. I felt some thorns digging in to soft flesh here. Words can hurt. So annoying when you can’t fire back with a volley. Later you start to think of all the things you could have said. So relatable. Sending you all good wishes across the pond:)


Posted 4 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Einstein Noodle

4 Months Ago

you read me loud and clear Chris! thanks so much for your time and reviewing ... top o' the mahrnin'.. read more


I felt compelled to stop by here again & give your muse a nudge .. & guess wot, it still gets both 👍👍's up from me .. just sayin on behalf of me n a friend .. Neville

Posted 16 Hours Ago

Thinking back and overthinking,hmmm. This one resonates with me.

Posted 3 Weeks Ago

Einstein Noodle

3 Weeks Ago

so nice to meet you Senu! thank you for taking time to read and share your thoughts with me... it's .. read more
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My old mum used to say to me when my attempts at wit failed miserably, "if wit was s**t you'd be constipated"...bless her:))
I've ever been blesed/cursed with the ability to respond lightening quick to whatever offered up to me:)
Hope you are well E

Posted 1 Month Ago

Einstein Noodle

1 Month Ago

sounds like you practiced at home in your young years .. Ma gave the best encouragement by being hon.. read more
Dear E. The only thing I can understand from this lovely poem is that the quaking and falling of trees is very disturbing to you, perhaps just missing hitting you by an inch….and one feels helpless when this happen because no one could have prevented it…. It’s frightening and sad at the same time….perhaps because we love nature and losing part of it is like losing a human life…and the fall so fast, we are frozen in place….
Thank you for sharing
Warmly, B🌷

Posted 1 Month Ago

Einstein Noodle

1 Month Ago

i love your honest review dear friend :) the trees are metaphors in this one .. it's about the power.. read more
Betty Hermelee

1 Month Ago

You're very welcome E.
Warmly, B

You and me both sir .. you and me both .. I reckon it's an age thing .. I'm just not as quick as I used to be .. either with my pen, tongue or when running away .. a real touch of sapiential insight and knowing shown here and bravely I must add .. gets both 👍up from me .. Neville

Posted 1 Month Ago

Einstein Noodle

1 Month Ago

thanks Neville! the running away thing gets me most of all ... or rather just running :)

1 Month Ago

my pleasure always, and remember, that miserable thing crawling just behind you and smiling,.. read more
Oh no. Emotion is not much of salve for the tongue. Barbed are the sharp-witted in such cases. That said if you had said all you felt, we would not have been blessed with this write. A pleasure to read you.

Posted 3 Months Ago

Einstein Noodle

3 Months Ago

thank you Pryde ... always ... you are a wonderful encouragement for me ... i think the good Lord pr.. read more
I feel this poem Einstein it reaches deep. Never glib of tongue as I grow older I find that it takes longer for things to sink in and I often wish that what I thought to say latter I had thought of at the time. Put in such poetic imagery it was most fun to read.

Posted 3 Months Ago

Einstein Noodle

3 Months Ago

you feel me Soren ... thanks so much!!! :)
Sticks & stones may break bones but words
hurtful words can break the spirit, & one
oftentimes, cannot respond quickly enough
with a clever retort, untill much later
I like the way you wrote this Mr.E ..
.....nicely rendered...

Posted 4 Months Ago

Einstein Noodle

4 Months Ago

thanks Fran ... yes .. months later i am all kinds of smart ;))))))))))))))))))))))
The drum beats of an arguement. Exactly right and superb.

Posted 4 Months Ago

Einstein Noodle

4 Months Ago

thank you Ken! i feel gratified you had ears to hear me ;) love and joy my friend!
well said. the sting of wounding words. after a time we think of a comeback although if wishes were horses, beggars would ride.

Posted 4 Months Ago

Einstein Noodle

4 Months Ago

please please please ... help my saddle up :)))))))) thanks Pete ... for reading, understanding and .. read more

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25 Reviews
Added on March 7, 2024
Last Updated on March 7, 2024


Einstein Noodle
Einstein Noodle

Pork Rind, AK

This morning as I began to log in to WC, it occurred to me what an inspiring and comfortable place this has become for me. There are so many talented people sharing, encouraging, teaching and learni.. more..


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