Souls Like Me

Souls Like Me

A Poem by Allison

How many times must we see

The tortured souls of those, like me?

We burned and screamed in painful fear,

But there was no one left to hear.

How much we wished there was a life

That wasn't stuck beneath the knife.

No room to wave, no air to breath;

For all we knew all life had ceased.

Our lifeless bodies will soon go numb,

Caused by no one there to come.

Limp and small we saw the end

With no one tear or pain to send.

To those who had been standing by

Who watched their once loved innnocence die,

Oh will you ever truly see

The tortured souls of those, like me?









In memorial of those who perished in the Holocaust.

© 2010 Allison

Author's Note

Every one of us humans on this planet Earth should be educated about the horros of the Holocaust. Take the time today to read up on the events that took place in the years 1933, when Adolf Hitler took power, to 1945, when the nightmarish era finally ended.
To every Jewish Man, Woman, and Child whose life was taken during the Holocaust, your place was taken unlawfully, and for that you are honored for peoples ability to thrive in todays era. Every one of you was loved, and it is on the Jewish Holiday Yom Hashoah that you are remembered by many around the world. You did not die in vain.

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light a candle, the holocaust will never be forgotten, struggle befall my bravely ancestors

Thanks for share, bless

Posted 10 Years Ago

This has deep meaning and intent... the rhyme scheme kept the verse restrictive... but as a reader the flow was not hindered... the body of this speaks out and you convey the agony in the lines as if you are there present to witness the whole ensemble take place...

Posted 10 Years Ago

a lot of heart being put into it... it seems that the writer was actually a part of that era and witnessed all the bloodshed by herself..its raw, powerful and the imagery is exceptional...and i am sure that writes like these will keep those who were killed alive in our memories.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Wow this is so raw and ever so powerful.
This is amazing, I love this write, it speaks of truth.
Outstanding job......

Posted 13 Years Ago

Powerful and moving words.
Thank you for sharing your work here. Oh yes, I also enjoyed the meter and rhyme as well-- it brings alot of substance to the poem. Well done.


Posted 13 Years Ago

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An honestly harsh poem full of raw intensity and graphic imagery. But also a beautiful poem. Good job!

Posted 13 Years Ago

Very deep and meaningful. Very emotional and touching.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Very touching - I liked the bit about life being "stuck beneath the life", I think it reflects pretty well what it was like being a Jew at the time.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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8 Reviews
Added on October 27, 2010
Last Updated on November 4, 2010
Tags: Holocaust, Jewish, Souls, Me, Souls Like Me, Like Me, Jew, Semitism, Adolf Hitler, Hitler, Nazi, Concentration Camps, Gas Chambers, Death, Murder




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A Poem by Allison

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A Poem by Allison