Akumu (Nightmare)

Akumu (Nightmare)

A Screenplay by R. G. Nestle

Psychological, sci-fi thriller.




ANJI YAMAGUCHI's room is dark with the blinds and curtains closed.  The room is nearly devoid of furniture except a single sized bed, a dresser, a partially closed closet door, and an old chest at the foot of the almost obsessively neat bed.

Anji sits on the worn chest; an equally worn, portable stereo sits next to her.  She stares, unblinking, at the floor where it meets the wall.


The NEIGHBOR BOY is creeping around the nearly sealed window, trying to get a look at the 16 year-old he obsesses over.  He glances at the empty driveway and then turns his attention back to the window.  He finds a small space in the curtains and blinds that allows him to see into the room.  The Neighbor Boy GASPS happily.


Anji is exactly where she was before, still staring lifelessly at the floor.


The Neighbor Boy trips on something in the garden in which he stands and his attempt to steady himself causes him to RATTLE the window.  He holds motionless for a moment.


Anji hears the noise, but only slightly turns her eyes up to the window, seeing a faint shadow in the blinds crack.  She looks back down to the floor.  She reaches her left hand to the stereo, pressing the "play" button and returns to her original pose.  MUSIC blares from the radio (Nondescript rock music.)


The Neighbor Boy's head perks up.  He peeks in one more time.

NEIGHBOR BOY: You want me to come in, don't you?

The Neighbor Boy takes a last look back at driveway and moves to his right, toward the back door in the full fenced back yard.


The Neighbor Boy checks the door, finding it open.  He quietly lets himself in.


The Neighbor Boy walks down a dark hallway and stops at Anji's door.  He puts his hand cautiously on the handle and slowly lets himself in.


Anji is still frozen in place.  The Neighbor Boy peeks into the room through the partially opened door and enters the room.  He winces at the cacophonous music that attacks his senses.


Anji slowly looks over at his and then back to neutral.  The Neighbor Boy approaches her, almost having to force himself to advance through the veil of music.  He stands next to her and pushes her hair so that it rests behind her ear.  He looks nervous, but has no intention of stopping at this point.

NEIGHBOR BOY: Anji-kun, turn the music down.  It hurts my ears! 

Anji, still disconnected, unexpectedly responds.  Again, with only her hand moving, she turns the volume down, slowly.  A light begins to ripple in the room, like a reflection from a light on a pool.  The Neighbor Boy sees the light on Anji's face first.  He looks around to see where the light is coming from and is shocked to see a floating ball of liquid like bluish quicksilver.  The light grows as the music continues to diminish.

NEIGHBOR BOY: What-what is it, Anji?

The Neighbor Boy backs away from the approaching "dream pool," but is stopped dead by a WOMAN's hand that reaches from the light.  The hand grabs him by his hair and pulls him toward the dream pool.  The woman's other arm reaches out of the dream pool and takes him by the right wrist.

When the woman pulls, the Neighbor Boy is turned around with his back to the dream pool and his front toward Anji.  The Neighbor Boy cannot turn his head because it is held fixed by the first hand.  He keeps trying to look behind himself to see what is attacking him; his eyes darting left, right, and up to no avail.

Anji continues to turn the volume down.  The Neighbor Boy is pulled into the dream pool by the woman's hands which appear to "climb" his body as if it were a ladder, but it is he who moves into the pool instead of being the woman who climbing out.

Anji only winces at the boy's more piteous screams of terror; otherwise she doesn't move her body.  She quickly turns the volume the rest of the way down and the hands yank the rest of the Neighbor Boy into the dream pool which disappears with a POP.  Anji sits with her hand on the radio for a moment, staring.  She then goes back to neutral.

AI climbs out of the dream pool, stands before Anji, whose eyes widen gently-and then approaches her.  Her movements are stiff and dreamlike.  She holds her hands out toward Anji as if she is about to strangle her, but as her hands near Anji's neck, the hands separate and Ai goes down to a clumsy hug, laying her head on Anji's right shoulder as she sits next to her.

Black tears fall down Ai's face as she sits with closed eyes.  Anji continues to stare.



Anji and Ai stand at the bottom of the front porch steps.  Anji looks up at the house, emotionless, her eyes dead.  Ai stands with drooped shoulders, head hung and stereo in her right hand.  She breathes heavily with her agitation.

AI: Why are we here, Anji?  I don't like this place.  It makes me hate.

ANJI: Something calls me here.  I feel as if I am being drawn by someone strong.

Ai slightly tilts her head up and looks at Anji with anger in her eyes.  Anji tentatively puts a foot up on the first step.

ANJI: …as strong as you, Ai.

Ai SEETHES through her clenched teeth.  Anji takes another step.

ANJI: Maybe he can help us.

AI: We don't need help!  Come away from the house!

Anji steps to the porch, her gaze focused on the front door which stands ajar, a pale blue glow emanates from the crack.  Ai steps forward one step.

AI: Come away!

Anji pushes the CREAKY door open slowly, looking into the darkness.  She steps in.  Ai is at her side (scare audience, Anji unfazed).

AI: Anji! I don't like it here.  We go, now!

Anji steps past her, eyes transfixed on the gloom.  She now shows deepening interest in the presence she feels.

ANJI: I'm sure someone's here.

Ai nervously jerks her head in the direction Anji is looking.

ANJI: Don't you feel him?

AI: No!

ANJI: Do you think this dreamer can make us whole again, Ai?

AI: Anji!  Please!  Come away.  We feel as if we will die in this place!  He will kill us all.

The sound of a CREAKING door SLAMMING comes from upstairs.  Both girls' eyes look up.  Ai frowns as Anji smiles, a grotesque caricature of drama masks.  The floor CREAKS with someone's footsteps.  Ai puts her scared, angry face up to Anji's ear and growls:

AI: Anji,don't wake the dreamer!

ANJI: If I don't, how can I ever fully leave this world?

Ai caresses the side of Anji's face.  She has a look of fear and urgency on her own face.

AI: Please, Anji.  Can we go home?  I love you.  I don't want to loose you.

Anji looks at Ai compassionately.

ANJI: I love you, too, Ai.  You're part of me.  We will always be together.  Heal the fracture.  One made one again.

Ai looks at Anji in utter fury.  As Anji tries to climb the stares, Ai grabs her by the hair and pulls her back forcefully with a scream.



Anji begins the scene moving from a sitting position into a horizontal one as if the fall from the stairs has ended in the bed.  She screams through the motion and lies with her eyes wide open, first looking at the ceiling and then all around the room as if she has been taken by surprise by the change of venue.

She again stares at the ceiling and begins to cry.  Darkness closes in…



John sits holding his knees against his chest and his head down.  Anji and Ai, who is holding stereo in her right hand, stand several paces away in the dark fog that lives in this place.  Their backs are turned toward John and seem to be unaware of him.  John looks up, confused.

JONATHAN: What's going on?  Where am I?

Anji slowly turns around until she faces him.  She is surprised to hear his voice in this place of silent madness.

ANJI: You can see me…

JONATHAN: Uh, yeah.

Anji runs over to John and holds him tightly as one would a long lost love.  She kisses him hard on the mouth and then buries her face against his neck.

ANJI: I thought I was going to die here!

Ai slowly turns two look at the two in their embrace.  Anger and disgust paint her expression.  She sneers her eyes glow dully.  She marches up to Anji and grabs the back of her head, pulling her to the ground.




Anji turns on the water and tests it to make sure it's warm enough.  She removes her dress and steps into the shower, pulling the curtain closed.

In the shower she begins washing her hair, wetting it so it hangs down across her back.  She is seen from close up and her arms hang to her side for a moment then she reaches her left hand up to her hair again.

As the camera angle dollys out to a medium close shot, we see that the hand is not that of Anji, but of Ai, who stands naked behind Anji.  Her demeanor is helpful, but her presence is ominous.

AI: I'm sorry for taking you away from your dreams.  But the dreamer is not your friend.

Ai discontinues touching Anji's hair and puts her arms around her; setting her head on Anji's left shoulder.

ANJI: I know he can help us.  His power is strong and bright.  I even know his name: Jonathan.

Ai lifts her head slightly with the mention of the name.  She darts her eyes back and forth as if afraid that Jonathan will appear if his name is mentioned.

AI: Yes.  We know his name, too.

Anji rests her head on Ai's head as she sets it on her shoulder again.

ANJI: I love him.

Ai stands bolt upright with anger in her expression.  She forces Anji to turn around and face her.  Ai grabs Anji's neck and begins choking her.

AI: You can't love him!  He wants to kill us!

ANJI: (choking) No!  He won't hurt me!

Ai loosens her grip and looks Anji in the eye.

AI: I didn't say he would hurt you, fool!

Anji is confused.

AI: You stay away from him, or there will be pain, child.

Ai lets go of Anji's neck.

ANJI: But…

Ai is gone and Anji slips down in the shower until she is huddled in the corner shivering, the water still hitting her face, hiding her tears.




Anji and Ai are in the ancient house, devoid of furnishings and other signs of comfort.  Light is almost nonexistent and Anji doesn't want to open her eyes to the darkness.  Ai stands in the far corner of the room pounding her head against the spot where the walls come together.  Anji opens her bloodshot eyes to the emptiness and takes in the loneliness of the room.

ANJI: We're here again.

Ai continues beating her head against the wall and blood begins running from her forehead.

AI: Why?  Why?  Why?  Why?  Why?

ANJI: Why do you hate this place so, Ai?

There is the sound of FOOTSTEPS from upstairs.

AI: (seething) He's here.

Ai SHRIEKS in blind rage.

AI: Why do you bring us here, Anji?

She marches over to Anji and slaps her hard across the face, sending Anji to her knees.  Anji collapses to the floor and begins to cry.

ANJI: Please!  Not again!

AI: Not again? (slap) Not again?! (kick) Not again?!!

Ai swings at Anji with a closed fist, but Anji intercepts Ai's wrist, halting the blow.  She stands, keeping Ai's wrist in her grip and looking into Ai's face.

ANJI: Stop!

Anji pushes Ai's arm away and Ai stumbles off balance, falling against a wall.  Anji retreats to the opposite wall, cowering and covering her face with her forearms.

Anji and Ai fight.  Cross cuts between this and Anji's body moving and twitching in her bed as she dreams of the fight.  At one point, Anji's shirt is ripped open and she is shocked.  Her demeanor changes as she begins to act more like Ai.  The fight climaxes with Anji getting the upper hand, using Ai's own portable stereo against her.  From her victory, Anji now has a crazed look in her eyes.  She hears the SOUND of movement upstairs again and she heads for the stairway.


John falls to his knees and then flat on the floor.  He crawls wearily from a previous confrontation.  He is now trying to escape the house.  He pulls himself to the stairs at the end of the hall.

John looks down the stairs and sees Anji climbing the up with madness in her eyes.  Her shirt is flayed open and her eyes are locked on John's eyes.  She climbs the stairs quickly as if she is going to attack John.

ANJI: Please, Jonathan!  I need your help!  You're the only one that can…

John scrambles back away from the top stair as Anji comes over it and tackles him.  She pins him to the wall and presses her forehead against John's.  Her blood drips onto his face.

ANJI: Take me away!  Please!  Now!

JONATHAN: What are you talking about?

ANJI: Take me from here, before the Cluster locks my soul away forever!  You're the only one who can save me, Jonathan!

John struggles against her inhuman strength.

JONATHAN: I can't even get out of this house, how am I supposed to help you?

Anji lifts her head away from John's and looks into John's eyes.  She is terrified at his words.

Anji's begins to cry, backing away from Jonathan until she almost falls down the stairs.  She stands and, after a moment of staring at Jonathan, runs away down into the darkness.



Anji wakes with a gasp, her eyes wide.  Ai stands in the corner, her head hung low, she is unmoving.  She is out of focus and almost unseen.  Anji puts her head back on her pillow and puts another pillow on top of her head so that her face is barely visible between the two.  Ai moves over to Anji in the bed.

Anji opens her eyes and sees Ai's face inches from her own.  (Scare audience.)

AI: You little w***e!

Anji SCREAMS as she tumbles out of bed on the opposite side that Ai is on.

AI: I don't know how you bested me, but you are not dreaming anymore!

ANJI: Why are you afraid of the dreamer?

Ai begins walking around the bed.

AI: You don't understand anything, child!  If you wake the dreamer, you will kill us all!

Ai now stands above Anji.  She straddles her and lowers herself on to Anji's stomach.  Anji lies prone on the floor, her arms crossed against her chest with her wrists protecting her throat and her chin held tight against her chest.

Ai puts a hand on either side of Anji's head and bends down so her forehead is against Anji's.

AI: If you will not serve your purpose, you are of no use to us.

ANJI: What are you talking about?

AI: You love the dreamer?  Then you can take control of his heart!  Make him do what we want!

ANJI: I won't!

AI: Then I will.

A dream pool opens beneath the two and they fall into the floor.


Ai holds Anji by her upper arms, from behind.  Anji struggles to no avail.  Ai forces Anji to the ground.  Chains surround Anji like octopus tentacles.

AI: Here you stay.  I will deal with the dreamer.

Anji falls to a fetal position.

ANJI: (whimpering) Please, don't hurt him!  He doesn't even know why he's here.

AI: I will make sure that he never learns.  It's the only way we will be safe.

Ai begins to walk away.

AI: It is the only way we can ever fully enter the waking world.

Anji begins to cry.

ANJI: Who are "we?!"

Ai's face takes on an amused look and walks back to Anji.

AI: We are the Cluster.  We are the god of this world!

Ai bends down to look at Anji.  Ai's face becomes manic as she says:

AI: We are the wall and the locked gate, longing to open.  We are the progenitor of nightmares!



This is the second floor of an old, concrete building that has been partially demolished.  A claw foot bathtub sits in the middle of the room.  One wall is open to the night.  The figure of a small GIRL is unnoticed in the distance, against a wall.

Jonathan stands over the bathtub, looking somberly at its contents.  Inside is JENNIFER DESANTIS' body, completely submerged in water and is fully clothed.  She is dead.

Jonathan takes a deep breath, continuing to look into Jennifer's pale face.  Ai walks quietly up to him.

AI: Who was she, dreamer?

Jonathan is nonplussed and continues to look at Jennifer.

JONATHAN: Her name is Jennifer.

Ai puts her hand gently on Jonathan's shoulder.

AI: But who was she, dreamer?

JONATHAN: She's my soul mate.  My wife.

Jonathan walks to the open wall and looks out into the darkness.

AI: How did she die?

Jonathan shakes his head.

JONATHAN: I never know.

AI: What?

JONATHAN: I never find out.  I've had this dream so many times, but I never learn how she comes to this.

AI: You know you're dreaming?

JONATHAN: Always.  But you're different.

Jonathan turns his head to look at her, disinterestedly.

JONATHAN: I've seen you some place before.  Why are you here?

Ai smiles slyly and steps toward him.

AI: To help you forget the pain of losing Jennifer.

Ai coyly wraps her arms around Jonathan's neck and stands with her body against Jonathan's.  He looks at her almost emotionlessly.

JONATHAN: No one can do that.

Ai brings her face close to Jonathan's preparing to kiss him.

AI: I can do anything.  All you have to do is want it, dreamer.

She kisses him firmly and passionately.  He kisses back for a moment, but pulls away.

JONATHAN: I can't.

AI: Why?  This is only a dream.

JONATHAN: I know, but something's different about you.  Something feels (beat) wrong.

He turns to her.

JONATHAN: You feel wrong.

Jennifer appears behind Jonathan and holds him lovingly.

JENNIFER: You're just sad, Honey.  It's time to let me go and move on.

Jonathan is clearly startled.  He turns and kisses her.  When he pulls back he sees Anji in his arms.

ANJI: Someone else needs you, dreamer.

Anji appears behind Jonathan while it appears that he is still holding her.

ANJI: I need you, dreamer.  You are the only one that can save me.

Jonathan looks back to the woman he holds and sees that it is Ai.

AI: Your joining will link us forever, dreamer.  You will save her and be happy, even without your sweet Jennifer.

Jonathan is suspicious.  He pulls away from Ai's grasp and walks back to the bathtub.  Jennifer still lies there.

JONATHAN: What's happening, Jennifer?  Why are we here?

Jennifer's eyes suddenly open.

JENNIFER: (under water) I don't need you anymore, Jonathan.  Leave me!

Jonathan turns to look at Anji and Ai, but only Ai is left.

AI: Dreamer, will you be Anji's savior?

Jonathan turns and slowly walks away into the darkness.



Jonathan slowly walks through the borderlands.  Ai runs up to him and starts walking next to him.

AI: Dreamer…

Jonathan continues unaltering.

JONATHAN: I'm going home.

AI: How?  You are the dreamer, but you are also the dream.  You can't go home.

JONATHAN: I'll find a way.  All I have to do is cross the Borderlands and step into the waking world.

Ai stops and looks evilly happy.  She lowers her head and looks up at Jonathan as he walks away.

AI: No human leaves the borderlands once they enter, dreamer.  I couldn't have chosen a better fate.



Jonathan walks out of the woods and into the crowd of ancient gravestones.

As the camera pans across the graveyard, there can be seen two figures.  The first is of Anji.  Her appearance is solid, but the second, Ai, is more ethereal, disappearing and reappearing like a neon light flickering.

Jonathan looks down at the tombstone at her feet which says, "Anji Yamaguchi" and "1991-2007." Jonathan looks up to her.  Ai stands behind her, head hanging low.  Ai carries a large butcher's knife that has blood dripping from it.  Anji's neck is bleeding from ear to ear.  Behind them, unseen by anyone is the faint form of a YOUNG GIRL in the distant shadows.

ANJI: If you can't take me away from this nightmare, it's the only way to free me.  You must be strong enough to kill me.

Jonathan walks over to her.  Ai is not present anymore and Anji's throat is no longer cut.  Anji holds the knife up in front of her face as Jonathan stands close in front of her.  She looks longingly at the knife.

ANJI: I now know that they need me to get to you, Jonathan.  I will never be free of that Cluster of lost souls unless you can kill me  (beat) Now!

Jonathan looks at the knife and then looks deep into Anji's eyes.  He tenderly cradles the side of her head with his right hand and takes the knife away with the other.

Jonathan holds her closely and puts his head against Anji's.  He closes his eyes tightly.



Jonathan is walking.  He shortly sees a FIGURE ahead.  The figure stands motionless.  It appears to be an 11 year-old girl with her head turned to the left so that it looks like her long black hair hangs all around her head.

Jonathan walks up to her slowly.

JONATHAN: Hey, what are you doing here, kiddo?

The girl jerks violently, keeping her head turned from Jonathan.

GIRL: Daddy?  Daddy, is that you?

Jonathan approaches her cautiously.

JONATHAN: No, I'm sorry.  I'm not your daddy.  Are you lost?

Jonathan reaches across her body, taking hold of her left arm and turning her to face him.

JONATHAN: Hey, are you okay?

The girl whips her head around and she looks directly into Jonathan's eyes as if she is looking into his soul.

GIRL: You don't belong here, daddy.  Not yet.

Jonathan stumbles back several feet, falling to the ground.  The girl walks in a frightful, dream-like manner toward Jonathan.  Her body shakes and blurs as she walks.

As the girl approaches, Jonathan is held transfixed by her etherealness.  As she gets within reach of Jonathan, he begins to scramble away, but the girl is on her hands and knees in the blink of an eye, looking into Jonathan's eyes.


The girl puts her knee into Jonathan's stomach, pinning him to the ground.  She stares into his eyes.  She takes his face, one hand on each cheek, and holds him immobile.

JONATHAN: What are you?

GIRL: I'm your daughter, silly daddy.

She leans forward, still with no emotion on her face, eyes looking through Jonathan, not at him, and kisses him on the lips as a daughter might.  Jonathan tightly closes his eyes as if expecting a physical pain, but opens them when no pain is received.  The girl pulls her face away, still looking through Jonathan instead of at him.

GIRL: Daddy! (beat) I've been looking for you.  You got away from me in the concrete tomb and I thought I’d lost you by the grave stones.  Daddy, where are you going?

JONATHAN: But, I'm… I don't have a daughter.  Who are you?

The girl grabs Jonathan around his neck in a bear hug.  She slowly begins to merge into Jonathan as he watches in horror.  When the merge is complete, Jonathan stumbles backwards, regaining his feet, and continues on his way,scared and running.



© 2010 R. G. Nestle

Author's Note

R. G. Nestle
This is not the final form of this piece. If you have some suggestions, please let me know. Thanks, all!

My Review

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this one definitely gathers momentum as it progresses, I think you have the template for a real tense, chilling screenplay here. The narrative descriptions are vivid and will translate or should translate well, I am curious to see how the characters will interact and develop in this piece

Posted 16 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on February 12, 2008
Last Updated on January 27, 2010


R. G. Nestle
R. G. Nestle

Lowell, WA

Born and raised in the Great Pacific Northwest, Roy Nestle has been an artist and writer since his youth. First published in school newspapers and vanity press, he went on to write several publication.. more..

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