Introductions and Descriptions

Introductions and Descriptions

A Chapter by robertlgsmith1



I write this with the intention of opening a little window in a precious time I am having with my Son at the moment. My amazing wife has headed back into the workplace and I am now on full time Daddy Day-care, until I find another job. This won’t be too long we hope, but whilst this time does last I am trying to make the most of it. I guess the best way to judge that is whether or not this little diary I keep is interesting or not. I hope it manages to be ok. One reason I am pretty confident about this being interesting is that the real star of the piece will be my boy Reuben, born on the 15th of September 2014. He’s been pretty interesting since day one to be honest and there is always a story for him, even on that first day he was actually born too big to fit in the standard NHS cots you get given. He was just smashing against the sides and we were walking around the hospital looking like Anna had just popped out a toddler. Well she hadn’t popped out a toddler but she had popped out the most wonderful little chap who I hope you all get to understand a little more now.



To really be able to picture this story well I think you need the correct image of Reuben in your head, and also of me to. So let’s start with Reuben. Without doubt his stand out feature is his glorious blonde hair, it’s the colour you associate with surfers in California and it is curly to so that adds to the adorable factor. It is not neat curls though, its messy curls, the kind that look like he’s just woke up form a heavy night and not bothered brushing his hair. He’s got quite a stocky shape for a toddler, as in he has some decent shoulders on him. His arms and legs are also pretty well toned, particularly his legs. He would actually be the image of an athlete if it wasn’t for the fact he has a belly that kind of looks like he has swallowed a globe, whole. Reuben is usually dressed in bright colours as we like showing him off and nearly always has a co-ordinated outfit. He is usually seen with his favourite toy Mr Owl under his right arm, luckily the lad doesn’t suffer from BO yet so Mr Owl doesn’t mind too much.


To describe myself I’ll use a term my best man used to my wedding “Matt Damon, after a stroke”

© 2016 robertlgsmith1

Author's Note

To be continued

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Added on May 23, 2016
Last Updated on May 23, 2016
Tags: parenting, playgroup, father



Surrey, United Kingdom

Just a 33 year old guy who enjoys getting my thoughts down on paper. more..

Playgroup Playgroup

A Chapter by robertlgsmith1