Screaming silence

Screaming silence

A Poem by Faffy

The world Whispering, silently 
To the girl on the cliff
her legs rocking back and forth 
Humming, ever so quietly 

You see her eyes...
Through the veil of her hair
her tears seep through 
The cracks in her guise
she continues to scream

She sits on the ledge
dangling her legs over the side 
Gradually bathing in the past
Flowing over the edge
And over again

she screams silently 
At the world 
That teems with noise 

Calling for guidance
Just a faint hum haunts the air 
Among violent vibrations 
And silence

her voice grows numb 
As nights go by and days grow dim
stars are struck dumb
her veins contact and slim 

she continues to scream 
Hoping, one day 
Someone will hear
her quiet little cry 
Out of the shadows
And the dark 

Too scared, to trust 
Of being misunderstood 
Too scared to stop screaming.
too scared of the past  

she tries to breathe,
And she counts to ten 
her body falls 

Hear the worlds whisper
From that girl on the cliff 
As the world Begins to move and shake
Feel the hum 
Once again.....

© 2017 Faffy

Author's Note

let me know what you think =)

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Featured Review

This is an extremely eloquent, poignant poem you have here. the fluidity, rhyme, with the vivid imagery you depicted in this piece, is so beautifully captivating. Very touching, the beauty of your words...lingers in your heart, haunting it. wonderful write, Dear Poet :)

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

thank you ever so much barrie =)
ms. barrie

11 Years Ago

you're very welcome, R :) - keeping on writing! xoxox


Incredible i enjoyed reading it

Posted 8 Years Ago

That is a very nice poem...Great work indeed...The title itself is very intersting...SCREAMING on writing and thanks for sharing...

Posted 8 Years Ago

The flow of this is perfect, the way the stanzas roll into each other allows for easy reading :) Love the imagery, vivid and intelligently used. keep up the good work

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

thank you so much! =)
Sam Gregory

8 Years Ago

Anytime :)
I'm not a poet so I can not comment on structure.

As a reader I was really moved by this piece. There are some wonderful images. Anyone who has felt world ending despair will recognise themselves standing on the edge of oblivion.

Well done

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

Thank you Leon for your kinds words :)

Wow, this is very well written and so deep. Loved reading it :)

Posted 9 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it :)

Jesus, I read this again, months later, and it hit me again. It's truly beautiful, Roshan

Posted 10 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

A year is a long time indeed, but thank you for your kinds words Aleysha! I haven't seem much of you.. read more
Loved it a powerful write well done!

Posted 10 Years Ago

this is amazing, love the imagery

Posted 11 Years Ago

This was wonderful! I'm having a difficult time focusing right now, or I'd supply a little more and tell you exactly why this is so great, but for now I'll just settle with a well done! Definitely added this to my favorites, thank you for sharing this stirring piece of work :)

Posted 11 Years Ago

Powerful stuff, lines, word choice, build up and suspense. Almost like telling a tale.

Posted 11 Years Ago

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36 Reviews
Shelved in 6 Libraries
Added on December 2, 2012
Last Updated on September 7, 2017



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