If I were...

If I were...

A Poem by Saint No-One

I wish I were a cartographer,
So I could map the lines of your body,
Each scar, each line in your silken palms,
The laugh lines when you smile wide and crinkle your eyes,
And each silvery blue vein,
Like rivers in the amazon, or rivulets of water,
Racing down kitchen windows in the rain.

I wish I were a mathematician,
So I could chart the slope of two perfect breasts,
Tender pink lips that kiss my cheek and whisper
"I love you,"  
Or beautiful rosy cheeks that I have made tears roll down,
Far too many times.

I wish I were a great explorer,
So I could delve into the forest behind your radiant eyes,
Climb through the underbrush of your memories,
Record the strange, foreign beasts that are your dreams,
And climb into the pupil dark caves
That hide your soul.

I am none of these things,
Yet I want all this and more.

I am a simple man, in love
And I will map my love for you in the depths of my own soul,
Memorize each curve in the nerves of my palms
From repeat visitation,
And open to you the ocean behind my eyes,
The ocean of my soul,
Let it crash upon the shores of your forest,
And at once, feel complete. 

© 2013 Saint No-One

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Really lovely piece. Strong feelings expressed through beautiful analogies :)

Posted 9 Years Ago

beautiful love, thank you so much for sharing it

Posted 10 Years Ago

"And each silvery blue vein,
Like rivers in the amazon, or rivulets of water,
Racing down kitchen windows in the rain."

Awesome comparison right there. Great work, keep it up.

P.S. Although I think you could make do without,

I am none of these things,
Yet I want all this and more.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Saint No-One

10 Years Ago

Really? Why is that?

10 Years Ago

It seems to break the rhythm for me, just stuck there between the last two stanzas, maybe try to inc.. read more

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3 Reviews
Added on December 19, 2013
Last Updated on December 19, 2013
Tags: love, romance, beauty, possibility, map, match, slope, chart, explore, soul


Saint No-One
Saint No-One

Madera, CA

I am an artist, but my mind doesn't work the way I want it to. One day I'll be, washing myself with handsoap in a public bathroom, thinking how did I get here? Where the hell am I? more..

Maps Maps

A Poem by Saint No-One