Hey!! I Love You. Just in Case You Didn't Know...

Hey!! I Love You. Just in Case You Didn't Know...

A Poem by Samantha Grace

Yeah... if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.


What could I ever be without you?


That’s what I think, nothing

I never knew what it was like to live

Merely existing in the Darkness

Oblivious to Light,

Before I met you

Even now, I can’t speak your name

It being too good for me

I don’t deserve your last name

This is why, no matter what

This Light and this Darkness bring us,

I can’t leave your side. 

If you’re right, if you’re wrong

It’s not a thing sublime,

I’m yours forever, and you’re forever mine

Corny and whimsical, tried and true

You’re my love, my life - my heart

Belongs for eternity to you

Darling, I love you

Not a word can measure to the


Emotions, untidy and unkempt

Only raw and bruised,

That I hold in my weary heart for you.

Baby, I love you,

I’d give every breath for you

We’re glued at the soul, not one thing known to any man, creature, or God could ever break

This bind of love that wraps us into one

Flaming sphere of


Pure and Whole.




© 2009 Samantha Grace

Author's Note

Samantha Grace
Yep, I got sucked in. I have no excuses. :) Any critique welcome! (And appreciated!!)

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Added on February 15, 2009
Last Updated on February 28, 2009


Samantha Grace
Samantha Grace

Simpsonville, SC

I'm Samantha. I'm 18. I don't remember not writing or reading. I have a little boy born 9/13/2007 [Shawn]. He is my heart, my life, my everything. I'm engaged to his dad [Dustin]. I also love art, mus.. more..
