

A Poem by samurai212

An addiction is building,
The torment of not seeing you,
The pain of not hearing you,
I am becoming love sick,
You are my addiction,

I close my eyes and see you,
Among a crowd of people I hear your voice,
Every second I can't speak to you,
My heart slowly withers away,
You are my addiction.

You have a better buzz then heroine,
You are more addicting then cocaine,
You are becoming my drug,
And I want to get high off your fragrence,
You are my addiction.

My barriers cave in two at a time,
Trying to stop myself,
From falling head over heels,
My heart is yours because,
You are my addiction.

You seem like an angel,
Sent down from the skys above,
To save me from my torment,
Same me from this hell,
You are my drug,
Your smell makes you irresistable,
And with in days,
You become an addiction.

© 2011 samurai212

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Wow! I'm speechless! This was beautiful! Dark! And I totally understand how you feel! The way you expressed this was simply breathtaking! I too agree that putting in "You are my addiction" Made it all that more understanding! Well done on your part!

Well done,

Posted 13 Years Ago

I love the repeat of "You are my addiction." it really adds something great to this piece. I love this.

Posted 13 Years Ago

I've always been a big believer that you can't judge writing because it comes from such a place that would break if offended. And this.... It's like that place opened up and sang a song, that you were just a pencil or fingers to record it. The best pieces are the ones that seem to have written themselves, well done.

Posted 13 Years Ago

This is a piece that MUST be put to music I insist upon it - in fact I might try scribbling a few notes down for it on the viola, should I have permission, though it will do your work no justice.

My fawning aside let me say that this is a piece of gritty elegance, despite its use of a coarser word from world so gritty and down (I am referring to 'addiction') your own lyricism and obvious sincerity lift it up, and dust it off, making it somehow elegant. A very Eliza Doolittle transformation!

This piece I am going to be mumbling over and over again for sometime, to myself no doubt - which will do wonders for my burgeoning 'mad hatter' perception at Uni! I jest. Seriously though this one will stick with me.

Thank you, I shall be scouring more of your works (watch out for more of my inane and old fashioned prattle), sincerely,


P.S. I do apologise for my humour and writing, I have shall we say an idiosyncratic style? Too generous?? Well maybe so, ha!

Posted 13 Years Ago

"You are my drug,
Your smell makes you irresistable,
And with in days,
You become an addiction."
This seems a bit redundant, seeing as there was a whole stanza outlining her addictive properties earlier in the poem.
Other than that, well written.
The emotion is tangible.

Posted 13 Years Ago

wow... i really wish this was written for me... its really good, i love it! keep up the good work.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Loved it! I love how you compare love of another to an addiction! It fits so well!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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27 Reviews
Shelved in 8 Libraries
Added on March 24, 2011
Last Updated on March 24, 2011



Ontario, Canada

(I am off until september. I will talk to everyone then. I love you all more..

New World New World

A Poem by samurai212

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