playing dollhouse

playing dollhouse

A Poem by Kara Emily Krantz

she loves him
like a child
loves a

wants to hug off
all his buttons
and smooth away
his seams.
to wash him
with her hands
and dry him
with her breath.

she wants to love him
and love him
'til there's

she wants
to dress him
when he's dry.
hold him
while she
grow old
with him laying
by her

she loves him
like a child.
with innocence
and grace.
from a deep,

she loves him
like a child.
which makes her
young and

for she was
that dolls



© 2008 Kara Emily Krantz

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Oh my Kara you never cease to amaze me... quite the twist with this one too which made me have to re-read it and now even more powerful, the innocents of first love is the greatest as you go in feeling total free of borders built by scars of betrayal... once again no one can describe it quite like you, that was a brilliant analogy of the situation. BRAVO my sparkling diamond!!

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


AWWW man..the ending was KILLER! I pictured Velveteen Rabbit, but the ending...whew! Heartstrings....PLUCKED ...thud _Leah

Posted 17 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.

This is really one of your best poems. The last stanza and its abrupt change really conveys the feeling they leave behind when they just snap out of our lives. Excellent poem Karabella, superb ending.

Posted 17 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.

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you're good...I'll give you that. Welcome to the site...

Posted 17 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.


Posted 17 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.

I just read this, and all I can say is....Wow! I am very moved by this piece.

Posted 17 Years Ago

2 of 3 people found this review constructive.

This isn't so much innocence lost as innocence ripped away. Sadly, we all have to go through it... which is what keeps poets in material.

Posted 17 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.

I like the description, the flow, the concept... there was just one bit i wouldn't have -

"she loves him
like a child.
which makes her
young and

everything else in the poem before this shows us this. there doesn't seem to be a need to state it outright when the rest of the poem has already projected it more forcefully than the mere explanation could ever do.

i do love it, though. :)

Posted 17 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.

awww the ending really just made my lips purse. This poem is so rich with feeling and I am a big fan of using the child to see into the adult. I love the metaphor of the doll and the sparse and spaced lines. Great one Kara. I will come back for more!

Posted 17 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.

ohhh, what an innocence lost kinda piece.

i really liked this...great imagery!


Posted 17 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.

omg, this was so beautiful. I really loved this.

Posted 17 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.

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43 Reviews
Shelved in 4 Libraries
Added on February 5, 2008
Last Updated on April 3, 2008


Kara Emily Krantz
Kara Emily Krantz, MA

I am resolved to never be content with the lives of "quiet desperation" which so many of us lead, to continuously challenge myself, and forever walk in Beauty. I like pandas. I like writing poe.. more..


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