A letter To GOD....

A letter To GOD....

A Poem by Saumya

this is a letter to GOD, on behalf of all human beings to show our love and concern for him..and ask some important question regarding the life today

O God, you are the one,
closest to our hearts...!!
our Angel in pain, and
redeemer in life's game;
without whom, living this life, for us,
is in vain..!!

You, are the one,
who knows, everything about us,
therefore, in real,
you only, are our best friend.
The one, who carefully listens to us,
and, puts us away, from, Life's TENSIONS,
by showering, rays of innocence, and diligence..!

O  GOD, my friend,
everyone  changes with the trend;
but you are the one, always with us, like
a great friend..!!

I ask, you answer;
i pray, you cherish;
i am defeated, you console me,
i am hopeless, you give me hope,
i am rejected, you give me the ways,
how my real talents can be showcased..
All of which, that, only a best friend,
and parents,
in this world, do for their children,
and friend..
therefore, you are a fine blend ,of
parents and friends;
whom, these  mere words, can't afford to define,
as,YOU and your powers are immense.....!!!

But, my dear friend, i write this letter to you today,
to ask ,some common questions, which is perturbing
human beings today;
they are the ones, whose answers seems,
so, my friend, i hope, you can surely answer
these, then.....

why are the poor, being rejected, and the
rich upgraded......??????
why are the girls, in our society, physically
defeated, and ill-treated by men......?????
why can't children, care , for their
older parents..???
Why is corruption, in this world
so prevalent..???
Will peace, come to this world  again.??

and most importantly.................

Will the world, really end....!!?

O God, these are some questions, which
make, we humans, disillusioned;
Therefore, answering these for you is really important;
because, we consider you as our dearest friend,
so, i know, you will definitely  calm our curiosity,
by answering these questions..

At last, I'd like to thank you ,my friend,
for, patiently, listening to the pathetic condition '
of we humans,
who are really disturbed, by these dreadful conditions,
and hope, that you will shortly
answer these question..

To conclude this, I'd say, that,
o God, we human beings really adore you,
urge you to take care, wish you a calm goodbye,
and heartly wish, that, may your glory always, gleam
in heaven...!!
        thannking you,

yours lovingly daughter and friend,

© 2013 Saumya

Author's Note

i hope you would really love and enjoy, reading this
pleeeeeeeeeeeassssssee do rate and comment..!!

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Featured Review

this is lovely and sweet. i think we all need to step back and appreciate the blessings that we have even when we question them or are unsure. my only criticism recurring in your work is that your punctuation is distracting. you don't need to use so many !!!!!! or ?????? one will usually suffice, maybe two to get a point across. otherwise- your messages are incredibly positive and your outlook on life is so refreshing. great work!

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


I love love love this. I think it's very sweet

"I ask, you answer;
i pray, you cherish;
i am defeated, you console me,
i am hopeless, you give me hope,
i am rejected, you give me the ways,"

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

thank you so so so much dear:)
Another beautifully written poem!
Well done and God bless xxx :)

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

thank you Nina:)
I enjoyed the honesty of this. We must beseech God daily about the things that trouble us. He is a just and forgiving God and all things have purpose. I enjoyed how you give yourself over to his understanding in this poem wile still asking the important questions. God will not suffer us to be fools. He wants us to seek him and ask him for guidance. He always gives enlightenment to those who seek him honestly.

Posted 10 Years Ago

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I enjoy the mix of worship and supplication.

Posted 10 Years Ago

From the title, I knew I would love this! You spoke from the heart. Not only your heart, but the hearts of many people today including mine. Some people question God on why things are the way they are. You expressed these wonders so well in your writing. Great Job!!

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

thank you soo much dear:)
why are the poor, being rejected, and the
rich upgraded......??????
It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. The true treasure is that which thieves cannot break in and steal, nor is it subject to rust or corruption.
why are the girls, in our society, physically
defeated, and ill-treated by men......?????
Why do women have so little respect for themselves? Why do they make themselves sexual targets? Why do they murder their children in abortion clinics? When women stop acting like trash, perhaps men will stop treating them like trash.
why can't children, care , for their
older parents..???
Why isn't our society teaching our children about their responsibility to others? What kind of examples are being set for them by the media?
Why is corruption, in this world
so prevalent..???
Because at this time, as we know, the Lord of this World is Satan, who once offered "all the kingdoms of the world" to the Son of God, if only He would fall down and worship him. Too many today are doing just that...worshiping him...and they don't even know it.
Will peace, come to this world again...???
Not until the Lord returns.

and most importantly.................

Will the world, really end....!!?
Yes, in time. Everything comes to an end, eventually.
But this is nothing to fear, for we have been promised eternity...

Posted 10 Years Ago

God is not a concept...but a reality, a real person on whom we can always depend...Your poem affirms this truth.....Thanks for posting it...God bless...

Posted 10 Years Ago

Maybe we can never know God or if God exists. I don't think so, as such.
I know this...every time I see another human do for another for only altruistic reasons, puts someone else's needs above their own, in that person I see God.

Posted 10 Years Ago

"i pray, you cherish" i like your perspective on prayer!

Posted 10 Years Ago

Very true questions indeed. Nicely structured and with a good flow and rhyme.

Posted 10 Years Ago

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49 Reviews
Added on May 13, 2013
Last Updated on May 15, 2013




Hi all:) this is me....Saumya well, i don't have much to tell you all about me.. but yes to start with, I love writing & painting.(you can find some of my paintings in the "my photos" section of.. more..

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A Poem by Saumya

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