in the blackout

in the blackout

A Poem by Scott Virtes

Strange things happen when the power goes out.


In the blackout

by s.c.virtes

in the mad moments
of a power-out clockflash
a stare fell on myself
and saw a blank space --
the light returned and brought me back
from the wild void of detachment;
far off the sky crumbled
and pieces fell to the earth;
things rooted to the ground
resisted the pull of aeons;
something newer and nearer collapsed
and darkness poured out from within,
while somewhere in the blackout world
the wind caught me and carried me home.

= written 7/86, published in New Word #2 (1986), Dark Windows #5 (10/07)

© 2008 Scott Virtes

My Review

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Seems like an out of body experience...with may be a UFO...that did this event and in the end...they take you home...a dark write...but I'm just doing my best to translate this one...

Posted 10 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on February 11, 2008


Scott Virtes
Scott Virtes

Escondido, CA

Quick bio: I've had about 400 stories & poems published since 1986. He had a story in Analog (July/Aug 2007) recently, and has had works in Space & Time, Ideomancer, Star*Line, Cafe Irreal, Planet, a.. more..
