Chante : Writing

Life by the Drop.

Life by the Drop.

A Poem by Chante

Like a parachute, you saidyou’d catch me when I fell.“Never mind the plummet, it’s all part of the fun.”But when your distract..
Off Kilter

Off Kilter

A Poem by Chante

“Blow my brains out”Is a sentence strange of soundWhen muttered by children.Sweet angelic worship To the God they love so much.And before ..
Conjecture and Refutation

Conjecture and Refutation

A Poem by Chante

Like it or not we’re gonna find you, eat you up. Sad truth doesn’t make it any less true. Let’s dance. Dan..
Forbidden Fruit

Forbidden Fruit

A Poem by Chante

I did not taste of deadly fruit; Each grape to grace my lips was sweet, As was each ripened berry. So why do brambles scratch my feet? Why must th..


A Poem by Chante

Remember when I told you I would explain everything? Well the sun got caught in my eyes And it was far too bright to make clear in words. Then the..
A Place for Thoughts With no Home�

A Place for Thoughts With no Home�

A Poem by Chante

I often write notes to myself on a daily basis; sentences that catch my fancy, ironic statements, the like. Well today I was working away on my comput..
The Witches Song

The Witches Song

A Story by Chante

It was as if I could never hold her tight enough. Like I could use all the physical strength at my disposal and she would still be at high risk o..


A Story by Chante

“Get out.” He doesn’t seem to understand. I reach into my pocket and pull out a semi automatic. His hands take to the air in a wild ..