CJ : Writing

Love's Hold

Love\'s Hold

A Poem by CJ

Love's Hold Every time I look at you It puts a smile on my face My heart begins to beat and race Love needs no reason and love needs no rhyme All..
Unconditional Love

Unconditional Love

A Poem by CJ

Unconditional Love A love so deep Ours to share and ours to keep A distant ray of sun was what I saw at first I wanted to take a drink of your b..
A Silent Love

A Silent Love

A Poem by CJ

A Silent Love It is not enough To leave this tearing pain Your eyes burn right through The depths of my soul Do not think I can leave with y..
A Part of Me

A Part of Me

A Poem by CJ

My heart is a bottomless pit The games you play Still confuse me to this day As I try to fill the abyss that is my heart With emotions both good..


A Poem by CJ

Don't conform to a corrupt society Never fall in line with the other drones Think outside the guarded walls of your mind Know you are never alone ..
Lonely Street Stories

Lonely Street Stories

A Poem by CJ

Suppressed by the overbearing hand Waiting to be taken to the promise land I don't care if my ride is on a bullet With my name on it Im screamin t..
A Slow Dance With The World

A Slow Dance With The World

A Poem by CJ

As the colors start to fade As the trees cast a shade I fear for myself My world is crumbling Right before my eyes Everything turns to black an..
Only God Can Judge

Only God Can Judge

A Poem by CJ

Only God Can Judge A lonely night A lonely heart These thoughts fill my head All those things you said Words fly at me like bullets The shrapn..
A Garden Massacre

A Garden Massacre

A Poem by CJ

A Garden Massacre Roses are bloody Violets are suffocating Sugar is not as sweet And you know it too Bees sting the body And suck out your nec..
Dead Weight

Dead Weight

A Poem by CJ

Dead Weight The teardrops fall upon your cold outter shell But yet on the inside You are warm and soft No one can see the beauty inside of you..

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